Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1498: Big demon (4)

Chapter 1498 Big Demon (4)

When this was said, Jiang Shangyu was a little bit stunned.

"What do you say? The Shadow Lord is back?" Jiang Shangyu is full of surprises. He must know how many years the Shadow Lord has disappeared. There are many forces on the Central Plains who think that the Shadow Lord has quietly died...

"This is true. The elders of my family have seen the shadow of the Lord in the eternal dynasty. Now the forces of the Shadow Temple are here, and see that the eight kings have arrived today, that black bone. In the sedan, it is very likely that it is the shadow of the Lord." The elders of the ancient family.

Before the Eternal Dynasty, they were going to find the troubles of spirituality, but they did not want to be separated by the shadow of the Holy Lord. This did not succeed, and thus knew the news of the return of the Holy Lord.

Jiang Shangyu's eyes are quite dignified. The **** family did not get the news of the return of the Holy Lord. At this moment, the ancients of the Hess will never open their mouths.

Jiang Shangyu’s gaze once again looked at the black bone car above the void.

It’s hard to be done. In the black bone car, is it really a shadow Lord?

Although the Shadow Lord has disappeared for a long time, she used to be the first person in the Central Plains. In the rumor, she even handed over a big demon in the Central Plains. Although she was not divided, she was present today. They may still have greater confidence.

Jiang Shangyu and the elders of the ancient family of the ancient family secretly talked about whether to go to the shadow temple to talk about the joint work, and the dialogue between them is the word of Ye Qingying who is standing in the corner. I heard it.

Shadow Lord?

Ye Qingyi was really dumbfounded at this moment.

If the situation is not allowed, she really wants to let the ancient Gu and Gu Shangyu die.

The "Shadow Lord" that the ancient family met was here!

Where are they going to look for?

Although Ye Qingying thought this way, she took a piece of facial tissue and put it on her face.

Not to mention the side, just present today, there are many of her "old acquaintances", whether it is the Shadow Temple, or the Tsing Yi woman, to her face, but "the memory is still fresh."

They may not have noticed her when they fled, but if they saw their faces, it would be interesting.

When it is time to use the big demon to shoot, the Tsing Yi woman and the Eight Great Kings can kill her.

Ye Qingxuan has not forgotten that the Eight Great Kings have always had strong doubts about their identity as the shadow of the Lord.

After a while, Jiang Shangyu and the elders of the ancient family of Gu Shi made a decision. The two men screamed with the sound of the big demon, and they directly found the place where the shadow temple was.

Ye Qingyi did not know what Jiang Shangyu had said to the Shadow Temple, but it seemed that there was cooperation.

The people joined forces at this moment, and the big demon was getting closer and closer to the crowd, but for a moment, the place where the big demon had passed was a **** place, and the thick **** smell filled the air, accompanied by the big The demon's snoring, everything in front of him is like a human purgatory.

The forces that have been fighting in the past are now joining forces to fight a life.

All the people killed and killed all the way, it is that the demon kings have also tried their best.


In the face of the big demon, the synergy of the people is so pale and powerless.

More and more people have fallen, and countless demons have been engulfed by the tongue of the big demon.

(End of this chapter)

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