A hundred thousand miles away, at the upper level of this area, Lin Hao's body suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, and endless killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"This is the will to kill?"

Lin Hao saw that this kind of martial arts will, as long as he sees it, can cause him to be wounded in the air. It is an extremely rare will to kill!

The will of martial arts can be divided into good and bad. The will of thunder and lightning, the will of Jin Yao, the will of flame, etc. are only relatively common, while the will of killing is a very rare will of martial arts, and its effect is extremely special.

Once it is released, it will cause confusion, brief loss of consciousness, and severe damage to the sea of ​​consciousness, turning it into a killing machine.

The Blood Demon King, this is to use the will to kill to turn Lin Hao into a blood demon just like him!

"Blood Demon Emperor, stop!" Xuangui ancestor roared at the void.

"Hahaha! Old tortoise, do you know that you are scared? When this kid becomes a gorefiend, he will obey me. Then I can play whatever I want?"

The Blood Demon Emperor made a hoarse and unpleasant voice.

The ancestor Xuangui had a look of despair in his heart. The Hell Furnace had no aura of life and would not cause attacks from other blood demons, but Lin Hao had his consciousness attached to it, and he could see those eyes.

As long as he saw the eyes of the Blood Demon Emperor, no matter where his body was, how far apart, how far away in time and space, he would be eroded by the killing will.

How can a cultivator who transform into a **** beat the cultivator's will to kill in the condensed phase?

Although the Blood Demon Emperor was suppressed by him, the killing will released was less than one-tenth of his full power, and it was not something Lin Hao could contend. Maybe Lin Hao didn't even understand the will of martial arts, how to face the will of killing?

"Old tortoise, when I take control of that little devil, I will kill you first, and then I will go to the Wild Beast Sect myself and kill all the monsters up and down your sect!"

"But don't worry, the Academy Alliance and the Shenzhou Sea forces will also be buried together!" The Blood Demon Emperor smiled treacherously.

The Blood Demon Emperor has no big ambitions, his only goal is to kill!

Gorefiend lives on blood, absorbs the blood of living beings, can make him strong, this is his purpose!

He doesn't care about any human monster, as long as it is alive, it can't be killed by mistake!

"There is also the so-called Panlongzong, I will also go there, maybe I can get a little dragon blood, it is a great tonic! Hahaha!" The Blood Demon Emperor continued to make a bad laugh.

"Asshole, I won't let you succeed!" Xuangui ancestor said angrily.

"Oh! The **** is angry, I won't argue with you first, and I will play with you slowly after I control the kid!"

The Blood Demon King smiled, and Lin Hao's **** eyes in the sea of ​​knowledge released with a monstrous killing intent.

But at this moment, the scene in front of the Blood Demon Emperor suddenly changed.

He saw a battlefield of Shura, full of monster beast corpses, each monster beast at least has a condensed body cultivation base, and even has the power of crossing the catastrophe period.

"Where is this place?" The Blood Demon Emperor exclaimed.

The next moment, he saw a golden eyeball, floating in mid-air, looking straight at him.


The moment the Blood Demon Emperor saw the Golden Eye, he let out a loud scream. In less than a second, the blood-red eyes disappeared from Lin Hao's sea of ​​knowledge.

On the head of Xuangui ancestor, the eyes of the Blood Demon Emperor disappeared instantly, and even the breath was gone, completely disappearing.

"Escaped?" The ancestor Xuangui was taken aback, wondering what had happened, and let the Blood Demon Emperor escape.

Immediately, I saw the Hell Forge in front of me, shaking and leaving here.

The ancestor Xuangui felt a great shock. He knew what the Blood Demon Emperor was. Even if he tried his best, he might not be able to scare him like this. Then what did he see that made him such a virtue?

The ancestor Xuangui gave a long sigh until the Hell Furnace was far away.

"Lin Hao, you have too many secrets, what exactly are you?"

The ancestor Xuangui didn't understand at all, what was in Lin Hao's body that could scare the Blood Demon Emperor into this way.

The unpredictable melting pot clone of ghosts and gods, coupled with all kinds of magical methods, made him a little confused.


Lin Hao swayed for a long distance, finally unable to hold it, fell to the ground, and all three bodies fell into a coma at the same time.

Goldeneye, the stronger the target, the greater the backlash.

Fortunately, the Golden Eye did not completely affect the Blood Demon Emperor, but the Blood Demon Emperor felt something wrong and scared him away, but Lin Hao still suffered a strong backlash.

This coma is half a month.

After half a month, Lin Hao woke up sober, he didn't take the furnace clone back, and directly caused him to explode.

Lin Hao rubbed his head, and after a long while, the line of sight in front of him gradually became clear.

Lin Hao felt a slight tingling in his soul.

"The soul is hurt, it's really troublesome!" Lin Hao smiled helplessly, and he was ready to leave, but suddenly made such a fuss for him.

Fortunately, his current resilience is amazing, and the damage to the Dragon Soul Bible ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not too serious.

"By the way, I also planted a ten-mile medicine garden in Nanban Ancient Land to repair my soul. I happened to go back first and collect the golden eyes of the corpse and snake!" Lin Hao immediately made up his mind.

He looked far away and suddenly discovered that in the gorge in the distance, all the blood demons who had been chased to escape by him had all returned, and more than a thousand had been collected.

"Humph! This time, kill them all!" Lin Hao secretly said.

He condensed a furnace clone and flew over quietly. When he flew over the big pit, he was surprised to find that the killing intent under the pit seemed much thinner.

Lin Hao sneaked into the pit to observe when he was curious. The blood demon who had been guarding here had somehow left. The nearest blood demon was tens of thousands of miles away, and he might not be able to detect it.

"That's right, the main body will be uploaded together, saving trouble!" Lin Hao smiled secretly.

Since the blood demon guarding here is gone, there is no need to worry about being attacked by the blood demon.

Lin Hao did not hesitate, flapped his wings behind him, swept out like a violent wind, and plunged into the canyon ahead.

The blood demons in the canyon immediately smelled Lin Hao's breath, and they all flew up like locusts, rushing towards Lin Hao frantically.


The densely packed, layered red figure, black pressed against a large area, is extremely spectacular.

When they approached Lin Hao, the thunder and lightning will appeared in Lin Hao's eyes. 500 meters near his body, a bright thunder light suddenly burst out, turning into a world of thunder and sweeping the wasteland.

Those blood fiends rushed into the Lei Gang force field without fear of death, and were burned into coke without exception.

Lin Hao controlled his strength and did not burn them to ashes, but threw the blood demon's body into the Hell Furnace to make the best use of it.

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