Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 815: : Trouble to find the door

"I am an outer disciple of Spider Hall, and I live in the house on the east side of this courtyard."

The evil young man smiled and said: "First introduce myself, my name is Jun Xiaoya."

"Jun Xiaoya!"

Lin Hao was taken aback, even the last name was the same, which was really funny.

"My name is... Lin Hao."

Lin Hao thought for a while, and still didn't conceal his name. Anyway, there are more people with the same name and surname.

"Well, what about this one?" Jun Xiaoya looked at Long You who was unconscious on the ground.

"He is my friend and his name is Long You." Lin Hao said lightly.

"Well, from now on, we are the same sect brothers. There are competitors everywhere in the spider hall. Only the same yard can we work together. I hope Brother Lin will not dislike it." Jun Xiaoya smiled.

"Hehe, you are a real person of the Second Tribulation, and I can't help much." Lin Hao smiled dryly.

"Haha! Brother Lin can come here, there must be something extraordinary, in terms of cultivation, you can slowly improve." Jun Xiaoya didn't care.

Lin Hao felt that this person was speaking well, so he asked, "By the way, can you tell me about the strength of the members of this spider hall?"

Lin Hao had just arrived and didn't understand anything about Spider Hall. It was always nice to ask someone who came over.

"Okay! Since you are new here, I can give you a rough idea."

With a wave of Jun Xiaoya's hand, he even took out a fan and shook it slowly.

While shaking the fan, he walked to the seat under the pavilion and sat next to Lin Hao.

"First of all, at the bottom of the Spider Hall are the handyman disciples, that is, the real person or those who have not crossed the calamity. There are a lot of them, and the ones with a little status can call them at will."

Hearing this, Lin Haoxin said that the one he killed before was probably the handyman disciple.

"Then, it is the outer disciple, that is, the real person of the Second Tribulation. For example, I am an outer disciple! Of course, my talent is so extraordinary that I have passed the Second Tribulation only half a year after entering the Spider Hall. It is not impossible to go further in the future. ."

"From now on, you will be the inner disciple, the Three Tribulations! The status is high! When we meet the inner disciples, we must call them senior brothers and sisters! And the strongest impermanence among the inner disciples is the senior brother!"

Lin Hao nodded slowly, just in time, he also encountered the evil impermanence.

"As for the rare core disciples and ordinary deacons, they are all four-fold real people. The elders are five-fold real people, and further up, there is the famous Ten Thousand Ghost Sect 108 ghost generals. Our hall master Qianzhu real person is one hundred One of the eight ghost generals, the strength is unknown."

"Of course, the cultivation base is just an important reference. Some people with extraordinary talents, especially those with strong soul power, can become high-level disciples even at a low cultivation base."

Jun Xiaoya smiled and said, "I'm finished, what else can I ask?"

"Nothing." Lin Hao shook his head.

"Okay, Lin Hao, Long You, we know each other today."

Jun Xiaoya waved his fan and smiled.


Suddenly, the gate of the yard was kicked open, and only a beard came in with three accomplices. The aura was so strong that cracks appeared on the floor.

These four people have bad complexions, and depending on their strength, they are all outer disciples.

Jun Xiaoya's face sank, and he spoke to Lin Hao: "I almost forgot, today is the day to collect help."

"Help?" Lin Hao was taken aback.

"Almost everyone in Spider Hall will choose to join a gang to protect themselves. This is the Sirius Gang." Jun Xiaoya spoke to Lin Hao.

In a house to the south, a fat man hurriedly came out. He should be another companion in this yard.

"Jun Xiaoya, Fatty Han, are you ready for this help?" The headed beard swept across Jun Xiaoya and the fat man, coldly.

"Deputy gang leader Jiang Hu is ready!"

Jun Xiaoya and Fatty Han each threw out a storage ring, which was caught by the beard.

He looked around, his eyes suddenly turned, and he looked at Lin Hao and Long You lying on the ground.

"Oh, these two are new here?" Jiang Hu's eyes lit up

Jun Xiaoya smiled awkwardly and said, "Yes."

Having said that, an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

"Haha! Since there are two new arrivals, five hundred is not enough, one thousand!" Jiang Hu sneered.

"What? Why don't you grab a thousand top-grade spirit stones?" Fatty Han was stunned.


As soon as the voice fell, he kicked out.

"Pouch!" Fatty Han sprayed blood, flew out, and hit the distance.

This blow didn't cause much damage to the ground. They were all the real people of Second Tribulation, and they had far better control of power than real ones of One Tribulation. They could use every bit of strength 100%, and all the power was acting on Fatty Han.

This foot directly broke Fatty Han's bones and suffered extremely serious internal injuries.

"I'm just robbing, what's the matter? Since you are a member of my Sirius gang and protected by my gang, there are two more people, and the increase in gang fees should be reasonable."

Jiang Hu put his hands on his chest, step by step, walked to Fatty Han, his eyes fierce.

"Can you pay?" Jiang Hu threatened.

Fatty Han finally took out five hundred best spirit stones and handed them to Jiang Hu.

Jun Xiaoya also took out the Lingshi and handed it over.

After receiving the best spirit stone, Jiang Hu smiled slightly and looked at Lin Hao and said, "Boy, you and this comatose, do you want to join me to help?"

Lin Hao stared at him without blinking.

Murderous intent had already appeared in his heart, but he didn't show it for the time being.

"Lin Hao, quickly agree to him, you will be beaten badly if you don't join!" Jun Xiaoya urged secretly next to him.

Lin Hao knew that he had not succeeded in this situation, and said lightly, "What are the conditions for joining?"

"On the grounds that you are a newcomer, you only need to charge you three thousand best spirit stones for the admission fee, and then pay one thousand gang fees every month. This is the old rule, and everyone does."

"By the way, the price of this coma is the same."

Jiang Hu pointed to Long You on the ground and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Jun Xiaoya's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

A newcomer, where can I get three thousand best spirit stones?

You know, this is almost the entire net worth of an ordinary Erjie real person.

"I don't have that much." Lin Hao spread his hands.

Before Lin Hao left the Heavenly Desolate City Lord's Mansion, Princess Yuwen gave him one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones, and Tingfeng Restaurant spent twenty thousand, leaving 80 thousand, which was more than enough.

However, he will not reveal his wealth, if he gives it out easily, the other party will have an inch.

"Haha! Not so many, won't you find someone to borrow it?"

Jiang Hu pointed at Fatty Han who fell on the ground and vomited blood, looked at Jun Xiaoya, and laughed.

When Jun Xiaoya heard the words, his eyes turned quickly, thinking about how much money he still had.

But after thinking about it, he can only pool two thousand at most, and his heart sinks, even if he borrows it, it is not enough!

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