Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 835: : Death of Evil Impermanence

You know, every Saint-level martial arts can be famous and become the existence of any sect pressure bottom box, let alone the peak of the Saint-level!

The difficulty of cultivation is also climbing straight! With Lin Hao's savvy, it is not easy!

"If you don't practice this trick, you won't get out!"

Lin Hao whispered, entering the cultivation state.


At this moment, the distant Middle-earth God Realm, in a certain different space.

Here, the sky and the earth are vast, birds and flowers are fragrant, and there are lofty mountains everywhere, with many 10,000-meter-high towering trees, which are thousands of meters thick, like a giant tribe.

There are countless huge bird nests built on the big tree. Each bird's nest is the size of a human square and can easily accommodate more than a thousand people.

It can be seen that in one of the highest bird's nests, there is a woman with blue feathers sitting cross-legged. She is icy and clean, and her skin is like water. In her beautiful red and blue eyes, there is a coldness that no one can enter.

She reached the edge of the bird's nest, and in the distance, a bird that looked like a homing pigeon flew over.

"Miss, I found the news about Young Master Lin." Homing Pigeon said with joy.

After hearing the words, the beautiful woman was immediately full of surprises, and excitement appeared in her eyes that had not fluctuated for a long time.

She looked around and said in a low voice: "Axin, come in and say, Don't let outsiders know about Master Lin."

"Don't worry, miss, I promise that I'm the only one who found Young Master Lin!" Homing Pigeon said with a smile.

A house was built in the bird's nest, and the homing pigeon and the ice and snow woman walked in, opening the closed formation.

The carrier pigeon began to tell the news she had received.

After some recounting, the ice and snow woman was fascinated by hearing, she held the minibus in her hands, and said blankly: "Brother Lin, it's been only half a year, you are so strong!"

"Miss, then Lin Hao, is the person you like." Axin asked, tilting his head.

Satsuki lowered her head, her pretty face flushed, and did not answer.

Ashin just chirped and called to show that I understand.

At this time, Xiaoyue suddenly raised her head and said solemnly: "Axin, you can help me with one thing."

"What's the matter, miss the order!" Ashin smiled.

Satsuki took a deep breath and said softly:

"Get rid of the evil impermanence!"


Suddenly, Lin Hao was cultivating, and five hundred days passed.

And his 500,000 best-quality spirit stones were all exhausted.

During the five hundred days of cultivation, he could be regarded as realizing the profoundness of "Wind Thunder Flash". The combination of two martial arts will make the difficulty not just as simple as one plus one, but exponentially increasing.

At the beginning, he created his own "Nine Swords of Annihilation" based on "Nine Swords of Real Thunder". It only took a battle, but it took a full five hundred days to practice "The Flash of Wind and Thunder". Some fur.

It is said that Zhenjun Fenglei cultivated "Wind Thunder Flash" in those days, and it took a hundred years to get started. It took a thousand years to achieve a small achievement, three thousand years to complete, and 30,000 years to complete!

In comparison, Lin Hao practiced with the experience of Immortal Venerable, and it was not bad to feel a little fur in five hundred days.

According to this progress, in three years, you can probably get started.

Five hundred days have passed within the time array, but only fifty days have passed outside, nearly two months.

For these two months, I have been in peace.

"It's time to go out and have a look. By the way, think of other ways to get the best spirit stone, otherwise it won't be enough."

Lin Hao thought to himself that this time the formation is a machine that eats spirit stones, and ordinary people can't afford it.

At present, although his wind and thunder flash has not yet been introduced, it is enough to escape. At least he can guarantee that Bai Wuji can't catch him!

As soon as Lin Hao went out and came to the courtyard, he saw Long You running towards him with excitement.

"Lin Hao, big happy event, big happy event!"

Long You said excitedly while running.

Lin Hao was taken aback, saw Long You rushing to Lin Hao, lowered his voice and said, "Lin Hao, I will tell you a great news!"

"Fart, let go!" Lin Hao looked strange.

Long You smiled mysteriously and lowered his voice: "The evil impermanence that caught you last time is dead! Hahaha!"

"Xie Wuchang is dead?" Lin Hao was taken aback.

He was also worried that Xie Wuchang would not be able to find him, so he told the real person Qianzhu about his news.

If Real Thousand Spiders knew that Lin Hao was Real Lord Hao Lei, he would definitely finish playing.

Who knows, the threat of Evil Impermanence is dead!

This is really great news! In this way, he doesn't have to worry about his own safety at all, he just needs to beware of the White Gang.

However, Lin Hao was still very puzzled, this big disciple of the inner sect, the first genius of the inner sect, would die if he died!

"How did Xie Wuchang die?" Lin Hao wondered.

"I don't know, it seems to be in the process of cultivating, I was suddenly torn to pieces inexplicably, I guess there was a real person of Six Tribulations that traveled through the void and assassinated Evil Impermanence. The Ten Thousand Ghost Sect is thoroughly investigating this matter!" Long You excited Endless.

Lin Hao is weird, a peerless might, what is going to assassinate Xie Wuchang?

He shook his head temporarily can't figure it out, he can only say that he is lucky.

In the yard, Jun Xiaoya and Fatty Han under the pavilion also kept sighing that Xie Wuchang died inexplicably.

This can be said to be the big news of the spider hall recently, and it is even stronger than the gambling between the Sirius Gang and the White Gang! Even the entire Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, the five branch halls, caused quite a stir.

"Brother Lin, Brother Long, this big inner disciple Xie Wuchang is dead, you seem to be very happy?" Jun Xiaoya asked Long You with excitement, and asked strangely.

Long You was taken aback, and quickly explained: "That's because I don't like Xie Yun, so I naturally hate his brother."

"That's it!" Jun Xiaoya smiled.

"Oh! It's just a pity that our inner disciple of the Spider Hall has no successors. I am afraid that the next annual meeting of the Zongmen will be bullied by several other branches." Fatty Han sighed.

Lin Hao was taken aback, smiled and asked, "Why, there is still competition among the five branches of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect?"

"Of course, every year, the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect will gather all the disciples from the five major branches for an annual meeting assessment! In the previous sessions, there were evil clouds at the outer door and evil impermanence at the inner door. . This time the assessment, the evil is gone, the evil cloud has been seriously injured and has not healed, and we have no advantage in the outer door and the inner door.

Jun Xiaoya smiled: "That's not necessarily, our outer disciple, but a genius who is even more enchanting than Xie Yun came out."

Fatty Han was taken aback, and smiled bitterly: "You said Lin Ying and Lin Tian, ​​I don't know if he belongs to our Spider Hall."

Two months ago, the white gang Sirius helped gambling and fighting, he naturally went to see it, and also saw the beauty of Lin Ying and Lin Tian, ​​their talents can definitely crush the evil cloud!

It's just that both of them are invited foreign aid, maybe they are not from the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect at all.

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