Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 895: : 1 twists and turns!

"The corpse is like a snake, and the broken body will not die, so I will cut you into pieces. If you don't believe you are not dead! Hahaha!" The ghost king raised his head and laughed.

The corpse becomes a snake, and the body can be reborn even if it is broken into several pieces.

But if it is chopped into meat sauce, there will be no life left!

The audience was silent, and under the dull gaze of everyone, Long You's minced meat was continuously cut until it turned into meat sauce, and then slowly fell, and the blood rain spilled over the ring.

The King of Ghosts was not defeated, he pretended to be the one just now!


Little Poison King Muronghong sighed, shook his head and said, "Long You is still too young. He really thought that the Ghost King would lose, and the Ghost King played well enough. I thought he was defeated, haha."

Murong Hong shook his head like self-deprecating. The ghost king has always been known for being treacherous.

At this moment, there was silence all around, and only the wild laugh of the ghost king was heard in the ring.

Real person Xiefeng sneered, and said: "Although it's a pity, I didn't slowly torture you, but it's not bad to chop it into meat sauce."

The real evil wind raised his hand, intending to announce the end.


Suddenly, Ten Thousand Swords are True Monarch.

"Huh?" Xie Feng looked at it in confusion.

I saw Zhenjun Wanjian pointing to the ring, raising a meaningful smile.

Sudden change in the arena again!

The flesh and blood sprinkled on the ghost king's body turned into tiny black holes, which were attached to the ghost king's body.

These black holes are very small, like bugs sticking to the ghost king, densely covered.

The terrifying devouring power broke out, and the ghost king felt that the true essence and flesh and blood in his body were flying away!

"What the hell, get out of me!" The ghost king roared, his body turbulent, and the illusory soul power gushing out, but it has no effect.

Subsequently, the flesh and blood in other parts of the ring also floated, rushing towards the body of the ghost king, and they attracted together in the blink of an eye, wrapping the ghost king.

The body of the King of Ghosts is covered with a dense black hole. As it is swallowed, the black hole gets bigger and bigger!


A scream came from the ghost king's throat.

The onlookers stared at the ring without blinking their eyes, and their breathing stopped.

What kind of trick is this, it has been chopped up, can you fight back?

Even if the corpse becomes a snake, it is not so scary!

Everyone reacted instantly, this is a magical power!

Lin Hao knew that this was Long You's magical powers, split beads!

Even if it is chopped into meat sauce, the body can be suspended, spliced ​​together, and even release martial arts!

After Xing Lei was solved at that time, Lin Hao gave the split beads to Long You, and now it seems that that move was really right, saving Long You's life invisibly.

"Ah!!! What kind of move is this! Ah!!!"

The ghost king kept screaming, he was a soul skill master, but once trapped by Long You, it would be difficult to get out, and he could only die slowly.

In the sky, the three true monarchs exclaimed.

"This Long You, it turns out that there is such a method, haha! Even I didn't expect it!" Qin Tianhuang smiled.

Zhenjun Xing Tian was stunned for a while, but suddenly his pupils contracted and he lost his voice: "This is Xing Lei's magical power! Splitting beads!"

Xing Lei disappeared three months ago, there has been no news, the soul card has not been broken, and the location is not well positioned, which makes him very confused.

But right now, Long You used magical powers similar to the split beads.

Zhenjun Xing Tian didn't know whether there was a second Split Orb in the world. Even if there was, it was not such a coincidence. It appeared on Long You.

Could it be that Long You snatched Xing Lei's Split Orb?

"This son must be taken away for investigation!" Xing Tianzhenjun's face was gloomy, and he made up his mind.

At this moment, on the ring, Long You's flesh and blood gathered together, re-spliced ​​into a complete body, and slowly emerged.

I saw a big snake tied to the body of the king of ghosts, entwining him tightly.

"Caught by me, do you still want to escape? Go and die!" Long You roared angrily.

He opened his big mouth and swallowed the ghost king into his abdomen.


The ghost king was swallowed alive by Long You, screaming and struggling constantly in his body.

"I abstain, I abstain!"

The Ghost King screamed desperately, but his voice was extremely weak in Long You's stomach.

"Stop it!" True Man Xiefeng planned to stop, but was stopped by True Monarch Wan Jian.

"What are you in a hurry? It's rare to see such a wonderful battle. It's not too late to finish the fight!" Wan Jian Zhenjun laughed.


Suddenly, the ghost king let out a howl, an illusory transparent shadow floating out of Long You's belly, it turned out to be the soul of the ghost king.

The ghost king's body was swallowed clean, and his soul escaped.

"Wait for me, next time I see you, I will kill you!" The ghost king screamed and quickly got into a jar.

Then the jar jumped out of the ring and escaped.

Mortal Xiefeng is almost mad, but when someone is staring at him, he can only grit his teeth and say: "I declare that Long You has won."

After hearing the news, the crowd was almost numb.

It was a wave of unrest. At first they thought that the ghost king would win. As a result, Long You made a strong comeback, and then was overshadowed by the ghost king.

Finally, relying on Long You's supernatural powers, come back again!

Such a splendid and wonderful battle is so enjoyable.

"It's amazing, twists and turns!"

"Long You is amazing! He deserves it!"

The crowd was overwhelmed by Long You.

The ghost kings on the ghost list all lost, lost to Long You, this is a miracle! This black horse is black to the end!

Long You transformed into a human form again, his face was very pale, and he gasped for breath.

This battle was too dangerous. If he hadn't had the Split Bead, or had Lin Hao reminded him off the court, he would have lost!

This is so, he was also pushed to the limit, and in the end he was helpless by the ghost king, a person who was good at spirit abilities, it was too difficult to kill.

In fact, his strength is not weaker than that of the Ghost King, but he just happens to be bad at spirit abilities, and he is restrained to the death.

Long You stepped off the ring, surprisingly, without a hint of pride.

"Lin Hao, thank you very much. I won this time because it was just a fluke." Long You whispered.

"It's okay to understand. Next time you have a better memory and don't be overcast again." Lin Hao said.

"Yes!" Long You said.

"However, your schizophrenia magical powers have been exposed, maybe someone will be against you." Lin Hao said solemnly.

Long You was immediately shocked, and couldn't help raising his head, looking at Zhenjun Xing Tian to the sky.

It just so happened that the other party's gaze also looked directly at him, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Long You was taken aback, turned around hurriedly, and whispered: "I was found?"

"Nine out of ten!" Lin Hao solemnly said, "Next, act by chance."

"Yeah." Long You nodded.

Murong Hong walked over and smiled: "Congratulations, Long You, even the ghost king was defeated by you, so don't you become the first ghost king?"

"Fortunately, Lin Hao was there to remind me just now, otherwise I can't break through the illusion." Long You said.

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