The evening of August 2nd.


Inside Tang Qing's villa.

The family happily ate a delicious dinner.

It has been half a month since they came here. During this period, the places around Sanya where they can play basically left their footprints, and then. . . There is no urge to go a second time.

Mainly because I really don't think there is any fun project.

Sea view.

Swimming pool.



Sea fishing.

. . .

These things can be played around the villa, and even the sightseeing helicopter can be transferred at any time.


Since a week ago, they were not even willing to open the door of the villa area. In this newly developed villa area, golf courses, clubs, movie theaters and so on are all available.

Even "Civilization 2: Borderless War" they all contributed a little box office in the movie theater here.

Tang Qing is spending the summer vacation and can play casually, but other people are not necessarily. Because the real estate company has something to do, some relationships need to be cleared up. Three days ago, Zhai Zhihua and Bao Kaiyu both returned to the capital.

And it was so long away from home.

Zheng Lin's family also left, because the old man missed his granddaughter.

Until now.

Only the Chai Ren family stayed here.

Zhan is pregnant, Chai Ren deliberately set aside these two months to accompany her. After that, he will have to run around the world for a few months. When things are done, he will stay with her before giving birth to Zhan at the end of the year.

"Xiao Tang, this time you have made a profit again."

Watching the huge TV news far away, Chai Ren couldn't help but said that on the TV, the CCTV News Channel is reporting the global movie-watching boom of "Civilization 2", which emphasized the future screen trend of 3d.

In short, it is highly praised.

Adhering to the rigor of CCTV, the news does not predict the box office, but that it is likely to be no less than the first "Soul of the Stars."

"You are also a company shareholder, so you still made money."

"But I didn't get a penny." Chai Ren said with a smile.

Tang Qing shrugged and said, "I haven't got the money yet."

"Yes... This time you are not planning to pay dividends?" Chai Ren asked after eating the food.

"Are you short of money?" Tang Qing asked with a smile, raising his head.

"No shortage."

Chai Ren kept shaking his head.

If he is short of money, there are financing channels, and he does not need to rely on Comet Group’s dividends, Comet Group’s investment, he thinks it will be the project with the highest rate of return in his life.

Hearing this, Tang Qing laughed: "That's not it. The box office and peripheral revenue this time, except for the part of the group's operations, I plan to invest all of the hardware on the basis of several companies to build a data center. "

"data center?"

Hear the words.

Chai Ren raised his head.

Others also pricked their ears.

This involves the use of billions of funds, so I don't know what big move Tang Qing is going to do.

Tang Qing nodded and said: "Well, Comet Video has more and more traffic and users every day, and the existing server clusters continue to expand, but the efficiency is still a bit low and passive, so I plan to build two data centers.

One is for Comet Group, and one is for other companies under my umbrella. "

Comet Video is an Internet company and an Internet company whose life is traffic. It has extremely high requirements for service quality, and it is inevitable to have an independent large-scale data center.


Of course it is for the little ones.

"You mean Xiaoxiao?"

Chai Ren responded quickly.

Among Tang Qing's other companies, it is only it that has a demand for this aspect. Speaking of small, Chai Ren also admires Tang Qing very much. A business management software has been abruptly made into its current scale.

Go to the next step.

It is a super large enterprise information resource integration platform. Chai Ren is very optimistic about the small prospects. Once he has this part of the information advantages, they complement each other and can further promote the strategic services of Tianyan.

The Sky Eye in the later period will be unshakable.

"Well, now the number of users of this software of Skyeye has skyrocketed. Although Comet Video does not consume traffic, it will provide more services and functions in the future. A data center needs to be put on the agenda." Tang Qing said.

Thinking of the box office this time, Chai Ren wondered: "But, did Comet Video's data center spend so much money?"

Tang Qing smiled.

"To consider the future, it is mainly computer users now. However, with the rapid increase in internet speed and the popularization of 4G networks, the video traffic on mobile phones will be several or even dozens of times that of computers in the future. We must take this factor into consideration. Build it, just get a big one."

"Is it possible to do this with mobile terminal equipment?" Chai Ren asked again.

Tang Qing explained: "The technical problem has actually been solved. What is to be solved now is the integration and cost problems. First, to achieve commercialization, the price cannot be unacceptable, and the second is the integration of parts and functions.

Even 10 Gigabit switching terminal modules already exist, but the cost is comparable to half a car, and it can only perform well in the laboratory, which is meaningless. The cost of various technologies suitable for commercial use is also rapidly decreasing, and the 4g equipment of mobile terminals is rapidly. "

"Is that why you set up a mobile phone company?" Chai Ren was stunned.

"Almost, see if I can make some SF Express Tang Qing said with a smile.

"I don't understand this, I'll dig honestly." Chai Ren shook his head. Although he also wanted to cooperate with Tang Qing, Tang Qing obviously didn't mean it, he wouldn't mention it, and he couldn't make money.

Pointing to the Comet Group.

His future dividends will be full of mouthfuls. It is not necessary. The average person earns money, in fact, in the final analysis, it is for a sense of security, but Chai Ren is not an ordinary person, relying on his family background.

In this life, he will hardly feel insecure.

. . .

After dinner.

The soldiers began to clean up.

"Shiqi, hurry up, I've been playing for a day, and come over to do my homework." On the sofa, Qin Shiqi had no reason to delay when her aunt saw Momo Haw until the end. Qin Shiqi shivered with a voice.


There is also an end to the escape method that delays time after eating.

"I want to swim."

Seeing Qin Shiyu being pulled out to swim by Tang Nian'er, Qin Shiqi pouted her mouth and looked at her mother with aggrieved expression. Unfortunately, this trick was not very useful to her aunt.

"Swimming for so long during the day, come and do homework." Aunt was not moved at all.

Knowing that she couldn't escape, Qin Shiqi looked down and wanted to find a helper. She turned around, as if no one could help, she kept saying, "Ah, bad mother... I will go to college next year. ."

"You still want to skip the grade." Aunt laughed.

Qin Shiqi, who doesn't like learning, skips grades?

She didn't believe it at all.

Hearing this laughter, Qin Shiqi sat on the sofa reluctantly, flipped through the exercise book, and muttered: "Yes, I want to take my sister to skip grades together. We will be classmates in the same class, and there will be one in the university. class."

"You... What are you thinking about?"

"This is a serious idea."


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