The Shen family, possessing nearly half of the resources of the Funeral Star, is truly rich.

At this time, even after a catastrophe, there is still an orderly counterattack.

After the Battle of Self-Proclaimed God, this power has risen rapidly and has divided up many treasures in the secular dynasty. There are rumors that the reason why the treasure of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Chuang Wang Li Zicheng cannot be found is that it has been swept by the Shen family.

The same is like the gold mine of the Dutch and the treasures of Louis XIII. There are almost too many to mention.

However, the Shen family has always been very low-key, and the strength that is now displayed is extremely astonishing.

The fighting power of that golden statue was too amazing. With three heads and six arms, it made people suspect that the statue and Mount Xumi had a great legend, because only the line of Mount Xumi had such a vision of three heads and six arms since ancient times.

"Shen Jia has hidden so deeply, does this golden idol actually have the power of a true monarch?"

Although the major forces suddenly attacked the Shen family in shock, they also shocked the Shen family's strength.

"How about a horror game?" someone responded.

"It's no wonder that the Shen family has always been dismissive of us." At this time, Ren Ruoyuan was sweating coldly on his forehead.

Before that, no matter whether he, the Casting Villa, or even Lu Tongtian felt that there was no god, they might have been the top figures at the time.

After all, at that time, the true monarchs of the major forces were facing old age and would not come out hastily.

But thinking about it now, it is actually extremely scary, because Shen Jiaran hides such a terrible war machine, and it is as terrible as a true monarch.

The golden idol is extremely dazzling, flowing with golden golden luster, not to mention dazzling and dazzling, there is also a natural pressure.

And his body is extremely tall, standing up like a mountain.

How can ordinary gold withstand the random blow of its true monarch?

After all, how terrifying is the real monarch's blow?

If you don't control your strength, I'm afraid that a single blow will sink the entire Central Continent.

But the defensive power of this golden idol is amazing. It is obviously gold, but it is as hard as immortal gold.

And at this moment, a white-haired old man in the Shen family looked all around, and when he raised his hand, more than a hundred saint soldiers appeared in the sky.

This battle is too big, it's hard to find the Saint Soldiers, and even one of the more than one hundred Saint Soldiers won't be able to get them out.

A holy soldier is naturally difficult to resist the true monarch, but under the superposition of more than a hundred pieces of power, it can also cause a lot of pressure.

But what really shocked was the wealth of the Shen family.

Because next, more than a hundred holy soldiers was just the beginning, hundreds of holy soldiers were received, and even more than a thousand holy soldiers swept the world in the end.

The heavens and the earth are colorful and brilliant, and the sage soldiers exploded as if they didn't need money!

"How terrible is this Shen family's background?"

More than a thousand sage soldiers said that they would explode, and that they would be destroyed. How terrible is this?

This kind of attack as if madly smashing the foundation, even the true monarch had to frown.

But the true monarch is the true monarch, close to the pinnacle of humanity in the true sense, the sky is shaking, the blue sky is shaking, and the world is boiling, just like the world is destroyed.

Wang Huatian of Kunlun squeezed the treasure seal in his hand, and with unmatched force, he slammed the power of more than 1,000 saint soldiers exploded.

Covering the sky with one hand, covering the sky and the earth, **** brilliance rushed towards the night, and his fist seal was like a fairy seal rune.

Wow, in Scarlet Guanghua, all the power of the explosion was wiped out.

On the side of the golden idol, the dark **** knight unfolded its wings, like two pitch-black sky swords, with sharp sharp edges and pressing cold air, tearing the sky apart.

His wings flowed with a degenerate dark force, and his breath rose from the ground. As his wings were retracted, the thick black power pulled the golden **** statue.

"How can the background of the Shen family be conceivable?" At this time, the white-haired old man in the Shen family was still looking at each other with a sneer.

He raised his hand and sprinkled it, and the sky full of seeds flew horizontally and took root. After the seeds fell to the ground, they grew rapidly, and towering vines were born in an instant.

This vine is not a tree, but pure metal.

Metal vines climbed the ground, rushed up, and grew to the height of the sky in just an instant, and broke through the shackles, soared above the sky, and went straight to the sky.

"This is the magic vine?"

"During the Great Flood, didn't Zhuan Xu completely cut it clean?"

"Why is there this thing?" Ren Ruoyuan said in horror.

"The Shen family's background is indeed very profound. Even during the Great Flood and World War I, they were already quite large." Chixiazi explained to the side.

Demon Vine, this is the seed of the Heavenly God Tree, if it can be cultivated successfully, it can grow into a Heavenly God Tree.

"It's just a pity that the environment of the world doesn't allow it, and the gods are sealed, otherwise this magic vine may be able to attract the gods back." Chixiazi sighed again.

There has always been such a legend in the ancient times, and no matter where it is, there are almost all such trees. Dongying has the saying that the hibiscus tree, and the ancient race of Shenzhou also has the hibiscus tree. statement.

In China, there is Jianmu, and Northern Europe has the World Tree.

Even among the ancient cultural relics unearthed in Sanxingdui, there are bronze trees imitating sacred trees!

But now this magic vine once again appeared in the world, alarming the world.

But at this time, a huge thunder and lightning pierced through the sky and the earth, with a bang!

This thunder and lightning is really too big, a huge thunder and lightning like Kunlun runs through the world, the breath is too strong, and the magic vine is instantly wiped out.

The place where the Shen family was located turned into scorched earth in an instant, and there was a figure in the thunder and lightning, surrounded by nine gods and thunder, with power like the sky.

Another terrifying true monarch has taken action, the thunder king of Olympus!

Overwhelmingly overwhelming, the huge thunder and lightning made the golden idol become scarlet in an instant.

"The Thunder Lord is said to have been to Jupiter." At this time, Chixiazi frowned slightly.

The thunder and lightning on Jupiter is too much and too frequent.

The thunder and lightning monarch uses Jupiter's thunder and lightning as the dojo, and it is simply appalling to practice thunder and lightning.

At this moment, he took a shot and instantly turned the tide of the battle.

And the white-haired old man of the Shen family was instantly scorched.

Although the golden idol is terrifying, it is always a weapon of war without the mind. The most important thing is that at this time, the sun jumped suddenly.

It was a real jump, and then an endless terrifying brilliance was drawn in, and a young man who looked like a **** king shot domineeringly.

"The genius of Wang Jiaxue, Wang Ao?" Ren Ruoyuan's face suddenly sank after hearing this. "No, it's his younger brother, Gun!"

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