As soon as the word was killed, it was just a loud shout.

The top ten masters on the entire battlefield trembled at this moment.

Suzaku didn't believe it at first, after all, it was only a mere person, and it was not a terrible god.

It's just a remnant, just a war intent.

But it only discovered something was wrong after it stepped into the battlefield.

Luo Chen's fighting spirit is everywhere here.

This fighting spirit filled the entire battlefield.

No wonder the nine masters have joined forces, and the battle has not ended yet.

This is hard to imagine.

No one can believe it!

Dealing with a person on the seventh floor of Yangshi, nine masters of the Dao and One realm, when the opponent's life is near and still being bombarded by thunder robbery, can't take the opponent?

And none of these nine masters are ordinary people!

If the opponent is also in the realm of Taoism, the nine masters are afraid they would have died long ago!

Suzaku flapped its huge wings, set off a sea of ​​flames, and swept everything.

And Luo Chen's fighting spirit has not diminished!

This terrible battle lasted for nearly three hours!

Three hours later, Luo Chen's body was still not obliterated, although only half of the whole body was left.

But the ten masters are all in shock at this moment.

"too strong!"

"We underestimated him before." Jianzun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth at this moment.

Until now, ten masters on the entire battlefield were more or less injured.

But Luo Chen's fighting spirit is still persisting!

Under this circumstance, facing the frantic bombardment of ten masters, being able to hold on for one second is an incredible thing.

And Luo Wuji persisted for more than three hours, and they hadn't wiped it out!

And Thunder Tribulation did not disperse!

Up to now, holding the country is afraid, and growth is afraid.

Sword Sovereign is fainting, Wan Hua Jue is afraid.

Even Suzaku is regretting it.

Because at this level, the opponent's fighting spirit has not yet been wiped out. How can this not make people feel scared?

"It won't work like this!"

"Where is the army?" Jian Zun shouted violently, unwilling to fight like this.

As soon as he spoke, a hundred thousand sword immortals moved behind him.

These terrifying creatures moved, and even though they were suppressed, they were at least between the three levels of Yangshi's seventh and ninth levels!

This is war, there is no fairness to say!

On the other side, the army in the hands of other people also advanced at this moment!

Drive straight ahead and join the battlefield directly!

"We respect you as a man, but in this battle, you cannot turn things around!"

The army of millions of immortals has attacked, launching the most violent attack!

Luo Chen is just alone!

This body is really ordinary, there is no Tai Huang Jing body, no terrible power.

Only himself, alone!

Facing the vast army of the immortal world, it is not very polite to say that a single spit is enough to drown him!

What's more, there are ten masters who join forces to besiege it?


Mountains, rivers and mountains, between heaven and earth, everything instantly disappears with the attack of a million army.

Lei robbery looted, only targeting Luo Chen alone.

Under the frenzied bombing, it was almost like annihilation!

Seeing all this, everyone felt powerless and sad!

"Heaven will kill me and wait!"

"I'm waiting to follow Mr. Luo!"

Ren Ruoyuan suddenly raised his palm and was about to dictate himself!

He would rather dictate himself than die in the hands of people in the fairy world.

This is a kind of integrity!

But just as his palm was about to fall, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

"What is it?"

"Luo Wuji is still there!"

"Luo Wuji is here, they can't get half a step closer to Xiyang!" Luo Chen's voice shook Cangye, covering all directions of the world!

What about the army of millions of immortals and the top ten masters?

The millions of troops in the fairy world are also at the Yang real level at the beginning. This is the preparation that the various forces in the fairy world have made to attack the funeral star, and they themselves pay enough attention to all this!

Who can stop such an army of millions?

But in the thunder tribulation, Luo Chen could only see the vague human form, he approached the army of a million step by step!

At this moment, his aura is magnificent and fierce!

"But Mr. Luo, you are the only one!"

"You are just alone!" Ren Ruoyuan sighed.

"People?" The word Luo Chen was heard by everyone in the mundane world or the horror game.


"What's the matter?" Luo Chen said suddenly in the thunder robbery.

"Today I, Luo Wuji, will let you see what step a person can do!"

"Also let you see what a person is!"

As Luo Chen's words landed, his aura was a little different.

Every inch of his skin, every cell in his body is glowing!



"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The powerful sound of the heartbeat drowned the thunder, drowned everything!

The sound of heartbeat shook the world like a drum.

"Come on, fight!"

Luo Chen took the initiative to kill the past, facing the thunder robbery, directly regretted the millions of immortal world army.

And at first, the millions of immortal world army would never put Luo Chen in their eyes!

But once you fight, it's not like that at all!

Too strong, too terrible.

It's like watching melons and vegetables, just like cutting grass.

Although the realm is similar, the strength is really terrible.

When Luo Chen fell one by one, people from the fairy world would die, and Luo Chen's killing intent was overwhelming!

And not only fighting against the immortal army, but also actively attacking the top ten masters on the battlefield!

When Jinghong fell, the attack by the **** of the country was extremely terrifying, and the kingdom of Thousand-mile Buddha was extremely heavy!

But it was easily torn apart by Luo Chen!

"Something's wrong!"

"Something is wrong!"

"This is not the combat power that people can display!" Chiguo roared suddenly.

And Jian Zun also discovered this time, because he was severely injured.

Luo Chen's entire body was abruptly torn apart in half, and the blood was swayed wantonly. He was recovering while being shocked.

"It's not right, how could this be?" Wan Huajue also found something wrong at this moment.

Luo Chen's aura was increasing, and this enhancement was of realm and combat power.

Luo Chen's realm is still on the seventh floor of Yangshi!

But the breath at this moment was extremely terrifying, and it even threatened them.

This situation simply cannot happen!

"The pinnacle of humanity!"

"This is the pinnacle of humanity!"

"The true pinnacle of humanity!" The Suzaku who came out of the restricted area suddenly lost his voice.

"But how is it possible?"

"Luo Wuji, how can you break the limit?"

"It's impossible!" Suzaku regretted now.

"You said it, my name is Luo Wuji!"

"What's the limit?" Luo Chen sneered, punched out, and directly tore Suzaku's wings!

"How can you break through and step into the pinnacle of humanity in this situation?" Chi Guoshen will always pay attention.

"Who told you that I only set foot on the peak of humanitarianism now?" "How long have you been fighting, you have never doubted, why can one person be able to fight with you for so long?"

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