Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 2825: Full of flaws

Jiantu raised the fishing rod before the **** dog could react.

The direct fishing rod smashed down instantly, like a beam of light that shook the sky, and that smash was extremely transparent.


The dog shed tears instantly.

But this is actually normal, because Jiantu is too pure.

Killing a dog is killing a dog, so I don't think too much about it.

The dog twitched on the ground and wailed on the ground.

But Jiantu didn't stop, time after time.

Then as the last wailing fell, the dog died!

too easy.

It's so simple that no one can believe it.

But Jiantu looked at the dog, the dead dog.

Jiantu gradually felt a trace of sadness.

An uncomfortable feeling came to my heart.

He looked at his hand, then at Luo Chen.

"Why should I listen to you and kill it?" Jiantu asked at this moment.

And Luo Chen smiled.

"now it's right!"

"Killing a dog is killing a dog. How can there be so many and why?" Luo Chen replied.

But these words made Jiantu very angry, and a wave of anger hit his forehead, and a furious mood was brewing on his face.

"I'll ask you again, why should I listen to you and kill it?"

"Then why do you want to listen to Undead Mountain and kill Xianwu?" Luo Chen asked back.

These words left Jiantu speechless, and the corpse of the **** dog was lying on the ground.

If others kill it, the **** dog will definitely resist.

But the sword slaughtered it, it would not resist.

"Then this?" Jiantu looked at his dog, there was still heat in his body, but he was indeed dead.

"You killed my dog?" Jiantu raised his head and looked at Luo Chen in astonishment.

"Didn't you kill it?" Luo Chen said with a smile.

"But you told me to kill!" Jiantu asked.

"Yeah, I told you to kill."

"Why do you want me to kill my dog?"

"Then why are you killing Xianwu?" Luo Chen continued to ask.

This cannot be answered!

But Jiantu was still uncomfortable, and there was still a feeling of anger.

"Then why should I be furious?" Jiantu asked.

"Because of right or wrong!" Luo Chen said with a smile.

"What is right or wrong?"

"It's right or wrong now." Luo Chen continued to smile.

"I just want to kill you now!"

"Who told you to kill me?" Luo Chen continued to ask.


"I told me to kill you!"

"Didn't you tell you to kill your dog?"

Jiantu was a little confused.

He was really confused.

He found that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"This normal person is going to be insane!" The prince shook his forehead.

"You told you to kill me?"

"Then you have your own thoughts!" Luo Chen asked rhetorically.

"Then since you have thoughts, why do you listen to others?" Luo Chen continued to ask.

"If you have no thoughts and self-awareness, now, can you kill yourself?" Luo Chen continued to ask.

"You must die!" Jiantu was a little panicked, because his head was a little confused.

And Jiantu at this moment is indeed no longer pure.

Jiantu took out the broken sword!

"Kill me without grinding?"

"Don't want to command me anymore!" Jiantu was furious!

"Then you don't sharpen the sword, this sword can't exert its power, how are you going to kill me?" Luo Chen continued to ask.

This made Jiantu difficult again.


Sharpening the sword is equivalent to listening to Luo Chen's words again and being commanded.

But without sharpening the sword, the sword cannot be sharpened. What if it can't be killed?

"Is this mental torture?" Hong Biao looked at all this with some fear.

"Yes!" The prince also felt a deep chill.

"This is probably a philosophical question!" Wei Ziqing also took it seriously.

"What's the meaning?"

"In fact, many people are like Jiantu, do they really have their own will or are they controlled by others?"

"Jiantu itself should be pure and free, but the teacher used a trap to trap Jiantu in."

"For example, in our world, many people are now struggling to buy a house!"

"Is this really our own decision?"

"Or is it a decision someone deliberately implanted in us?"

"There are too many things like this. Students need academic performance, scores, adults need jobs, and salary levels. We have too many things to do."

"But for the rest of our lives, perhaps we haven't asked, what about ourselves?"

"Our true free will, what do we want to do?" Wei Ziqing saw it very clearly this time.

Because many people thought that when I was young, I would become a scientist, paint and be a musician.

Then what?

What is the fact?

But even scientists and painters, are these really determined by our own free will?

Because in the fairy world, if you ask a child, the child will never tell you that he is to be a scientist!

"I don't understand, it's too complicated. If I continue to think about it, I will be the sword slaughter I am now!" Hong Biao waved his hand.

But Jiantu was really in trouble.

He really has to start thinking about this dilemma.

He became hesitant and contradictory.

On the one hand he didn't want to be influenced by Luo Chen, on the other hand he had to do it.

"You have been controlled by me!" Luo Chen continued to speak with a smile.

"No, how could it be?" Jiantu was still struggling.

"Why are you killing me?"

"Because I killed your dog!"

"That is, because I killed your dog, you changed your decision. You didn't want to kill me at first, but now you want to kill me. Isn't this controlled by me?" How does Luo Chen smile? All feel terrible.

"Do you have your own decision?"

"In your initial decision, did you want to kill me?"


"now what?"

"You want to kill me because I killed you to kill your dog, so this is what I am controlling you!" Luo Chen continued.

"No, it's not!"

"It's not!" Jiantu burst into tears!

The terrible energy aroused on his body.

The great thing about Jiantu is that he is pure.

However, now he is contradictory, is he still pure?

Not pure!

"Once a person starts thinking, he won't be pure anymore!"

"This world is afraid that after today, there will be no more swordsmanship!" Wu Chi couldn't believe it.

Luo Chen's method is indeed a strange trick!

The broken sword in Jiantu's hand stabbed forward in the void, and the broken sword in his hand would have a miraculous effect if it was stabbed in the past.

You can get rid of everything.

But at this moment, the moment he stabbed in the past, he found that his wrist was firmly grasped by Luo Chen.

The intense pain made him frown, but the other hand had already grabbed Luo Chen.

Cang Dang!

Jiantu did not catch Luo Chen in this blow, but caught the Fallen Sun Divine Bow!

Fallen Sun Divine Bow trembled lightly, before Jiantu had retracted his hand, Luo Chen kicked him into his heart, causing him to fly out! Jiantu fell into the river and stood up, but his fishing line suddenly flicked at this moment, and he was going to entangle him!

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