Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 2850: Come to dream

Chapter 2850 Dreaming


This is the most amazing thing since ancient times. It is like an activity of consciousness.

But dreams often have some signs, signs, and even foreseeing the future!

This makes dreams look less like individual conscious activities.

And the psychologist Jung once proposed that dreams are collective subconsciousness!

No matter how many interpretations there are about dreams, dreams are always mysterious, and their veil has never been truly revealed.

However, the dream, in the hands of some powerful beings, is a never-ending weapon!

For example, the famous Wei Zheng in the Tang Dynasty!

He is a master at making use of dreams. At the beginning, the Dragon King of Jinghe privately modified the rainfall points and violated the sky, and he would be killed!

The Dragon King went to beg Li Shimin, and Li Shimin deliberately dragged Wei Zheng, and then played chess with Wei Zheng.

The result was down, down, and Wei Zheng fell asleep.

At that time, Li Shimin thought to himself, this is stable, and Wei Zheng is asleep, how can he kill the Dragon King?

As a result, Wei Zheng killed the Dragon King in his dream!

And Zhuang Zhou’s Mengdie, Die Meng Zhuang Zhou, this itself is a philosophy or thinking about Tao!

The dream itself is extremely mysterious and powerful!

At this moment, the elder brother and the prince slept soundly, especially the two of them were short of breath, as if they had encountered some danger in their dreams.

If two people are only dreaming by themselves, then Luo Chen won't pay attention to it.

But the two of them were obviously pulled in deliberately, deliberately into their dreams.

Luo Chen guessed that this handwriting was at least a means above taboo.

"I have to go there in person!" Luo Chen said solemnly.

"Teacher, I don't know what is going on at the moment. Would it be bad if I rushed forward?"

"If it's just taboo and others, it's okay to say, there is a way, but I am worried that this is not the ghost of taboo!"

"And maybe this is for me. If someone is kidnapped, it depends on whether I go to save it!" Luo Chen said.

At this moment in the dream, the prince and the big brother have already stayed together.

But they are being hunted down!

The elder brother was injured, and the prince was sluggish.

The prince didn't remember anything, only remembered to look at the statue, and when he looked at himself, he came to a grassland!

Then somehow he was hunted down!

Those passions that chased him moved the world, it was terrifying, and it was not a single person, but a team of people!

Those people are riding the beasts and passing by from high above. Every beast has an ancient power!

The aura of those beasts was like a big sun, and this was just a beast under the seat.

What's even more terrifying and exaggerated is that those people sitting on the beasts, those people and immortals, seem to have a posture that makes heaven and earth surrender.

It is too strong, there seems to be inexhaustible power in the body, the ancient power is vented, and the prince and the big brother always feel suppressed here.

Especially the fairy law, it seems that it is naturally suppressed, and compared with these people, the fairy law seems to be more superficial!

"This is definitely not our era!" The crown prince could not hit the Hot Wheels anymore, so he turned off the fire!

"Hurry up and find a way to escape!" Senior Brother is also very anxious.

Because he had just come in and had a fight with the man who was chasing the prince, but he was besieged and almost killed by the opponent!

The two people are really in a crisis of life and death here!

"How did I get sent to this place?"

"It's not a pass, you are asleep, I'm here to find you!"

"I'm asleep?" The prince was shocked.

"Meaning this is my dream?"

"Not necessarily, I don't know whose dream this is!" Senior Brother said.

But at this moment, a figure flew out!

That is the truth of Ba Tihong!

"Why is Lao Hong here too?" Tyrant body Hong really seemed to be beaten **** at this moment, with a **** big hole in his chest!

He is also being hunted down!

And the person who wounded him relied not on spells, but on the flesh!

Hong Zhenxiang was also stunned, because he is a domineering body, at this moment, he actually failed in the physical competition!

Being crushed and beaten with pure flesh!

Hong Zhenxiang was irritated at the moment, but in this team, those riding the beasts were really too powerful.

They are wearing iron armor, ancient and unimaginable.

Three people were chased frantically, and they were about to be killed when they saw it!

At this moment, the void opened up, and suddenly in a mountain, a person waved at them, and then quickly led them to another place!

"Come on!"

Including Hong Zhenxiang, the others ran over in an instant, and when they ran closer, they immediately saw the person clearly.

"Little disciple grandson, how are you!" The prince beckoned.

God show!

Shenxiu is here too!

Obviously he was even more advanced than the prince.

"What's the situation now?" The prince, Shenxiu and the others quickly entered, and then were directly sent away.

Several people hid in a cave.

"The situation is that we may be teleported to an unknown world in a dream way!" Shenxiu was rather calm.

But he also has injuries!

And the injury is not light!

But he has grasped the opportunity and has a teleportation array.

"Send me here, there must be a purpose!" Shenxiu sighed.

"I saw the taboo!"

"Who are they looking for!" Shenxiu said.

"What's the meaning?"

"What are you looking for?" the prince asked.

"They are looking for someone, and they seem to have the same goal as those who chase you down!"

"They were also teleported in?"

"What kind of ghost dream is this?" The prince squeezed his face.

"Who are they looking for?" Hong Zhenxiang asked.

"I don't know!" Shenxiu shook her head.

"I just came in too, but I saw them." Shenxiu explained.

"Old Hong, how did you come in?"

"Demolition of the temple!" Hong Zhenxiang's face was black.

Someone built a temple of war in Nandazhou, and Hong Zhenxiang was naturally a little dissatisfied.

After all, the Overlord’s corpse was being guarded when he died, and in the end he didn't get this treatment, but Wang Changjing got this treatment.

This is indeed annoying, but Hong Zhenxiang can't be as clear as the prince, so it is estimated that he is doing his hands and feet behind his back.

"True temperament!" The prince gave a thumbs up.

After all, there were people who demolished the temple just like him, and then they were also recruited!

"Xiu'er, how about you?" the prince asked.

Because Shenxiu can never demolish the temple, right?

Shenxiu did not answer, but was silent, because some things were indeed inconvenient to talk to the prince.

Their position can be said to be hostile, but at this time, they can't be hostile for the time being!

"Everyone is almost brought in, what about the task?" The prince was a little unwilling to give up, and squeezed his face again!

But it's meaningless, the pain on the face doesn't seem like a dream at all.

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