Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 3803: Sakyamuni

With long hair scattered behind his head, the mighty body of the Emperor of Heaven seems to stand upright.

The strong and powerful body is full of strength, and the terrifying immortal energy flows on the surface of the emperor's body!

When the Heavenly Emperor steps out, everything shakes, the brilliance is self-generated, and the magic of immortality comes naturally!

In the oppressive eyes, the Heavenly Emperor shattered the void with a blow, and that palm suppressed it with unparalleled momentum, shattering the darkness and sweeping away the evil!


Xiao'e's child's evil body trembled, and her strong arms blocked the blow. It was very terrifying. It really didn't look like a living being, but it had the characteristics of a living being.

Terrible attacks and killings are endless, impacting the world, its evil power sweeps across, and wants to turn into a long whip to attack.

But at this moment, the Central Heavenly Emperor attacked again, the terrifying power was unparalleled, and the power of the world gathered at the fingertips, as if opening a world of Buddhas, and the Heavenly Emperor was going to be involved!


The Heavenly Emperor smashed it into pieces with a punch, but after all, it was one against two, and Xiao'e had a chance. White soul flags were hung all around, and the soul flags moved with the movement of the Heavenly Emperor.

It almost shattered the three souls and seven souls of the Emperor of Heaven.

It's just that the endless fairy lights flickering between the eyebrows of the Heavenly Emperor are incomparably sacred, and his body has been tempered and tempered so that it will not be corroded by evil!

Sitting cross-legged between the brows was a villain. At this moment, the villain was waving the unrivaled boxing technique. The boxing technique hit wave after wave, heavy after heavy, and unexpectedly smashed the soul banner, and repelled two king-level creatures for a short time.

Xiao'e's child's aura is also rising, becoming more and more terrifying, and the surrounding aura is becoming more and more turbulent, as if it is recovering.

He was born prematurely, otherwise his combat power would not be just like this at this moment.

But at this time, the Central Heavenly Emperor looked indifferent, and looked at the Heavenly Emperor Zhong with a somewhat astonished expression.

"You have been rejected by heaven and earth all this time, no wonder you came to the Fifth Era!" The Central Heavenly Emperor was thoughtful, with a touch of sarcasm.

In the depths of the universe, the two great **** kings are still fighting the Qilin and Qinglong who are infected by the evil spirit.

The breath of the unicorn came rushing forward, its power was vast, as if the demon emperor had been revived.

But it's a pity that it was still not the demon emperor, so the moment it pounced, it was still dodged by the **** king, and it pierced through the abdomen with one blow.

However, although it is not a demon emperor, it has a ray of demon energy after all. Under the horizontal attack of the monster energy, the blood on the shoulders of the **** king sprinkled in the sky. In the universe, the **** king looked indifferent.

He was careless, if not, how could he be injured?

The unicorn came on fire, and the demonic aura crossed the sky. The stars in the universe exploded and were swept away by the demonic aura. They couldn't bear the terrifying demonic aura at all.

This is just a unicorn infected with evil spirit, which shows how difficult it was for the boss and the others in that first battle. However, even so, the God King’s power is endless, and he took the initiative to attack again. After all, he is a king.

Light up the whole universe.

The people in the fairy world trembled, as if they were about to end the world.

The previous Seven Kings War was dragged into a different time and space by Chen. Although there was a lot of noise, people from the fairy world did not face it directly.

However, facing it directly at this moment, they really feel like they are going to die.

This feeling is too terrible.

And the battle on Qinglong's side was also very terrifying, even bloodier!

Because Qinglong's body is extremely cold, it is more infected by demonic energy, and it really has the aura of a demon emperor and a real dragon.

The strong body twisted, full of strength and endless pressure. At this moment, he opened his mouth **** and bit down, and he was able to pose a threat to the king of gods.

This is the horror of top creatures.

After all, it seems that the demon master Kunpeng was only simulated at the beginning, and in the end the simulated boss crushed him, and the Immortal Emperor suppressed him in the coffin.

The Immortal Emperor personally guarded and suppressed it, and now it is just a demonic aura that stirs up the world again, causing Qilin and Qinglong to mutate, and they can even fight against the God King.

It can be seen that the top creatures are terrible, and they are too difficult.

And maybe there will be a way to turn the tables!

The green dragon swooped away with endless power, and the king of gods was repelled this time, with a sullen look on his face.

Then behind him opened thousands of kingdoms of gods, the kingdoms of gods are endless, and each kingdom of gods has thousands of **** powers and vows!

Wishing to add strength to the body, the surrounding heaven and earth are surrounded by endless divine power, and they are surrounded by the green dragon, trying to refine the green dragon in it.

The crown prince and Hong Biao frowned. They hoped that Qilin and Qinglong would win, or that they could hold off the two **** kings for more time.

Because this is considered to be the Immortal Emperor's coming to disrupt the situation, if these two **** kings are free, then Tiandi Zhong will have to face almost four kings.

Fortunately, at this time, Destiny has shrunk back, and there is no action.

But this kind is the most dangerous, because if you don't do it well, you will sneak attack.

That is to say, there were at least five kings present, one of them was hiding, and the Heavenly Emperor had to face four.

"The chances of winning are not great, that child is too weird, he is definitely not an ordinary king-level master!" The prince frowned.

"Father is not here again, it's really difficult this time." The prince was thinking of a solution.

In fact, he has already helped the Heavenly Emperor once, that is, he called the Immortal Emperor.

But obviously, if the Immortal Emperor wanted to suppress the coffin, it would be very difficult for him to take another shot.

At this moment, the crown prince couldn't help but start to worry about the Emperor of Heaven.

At this moment, the Central Heavenly Emperor opened and closed his hands, shaking the universe, as if engulfing an endless universe, his fists shook down.

Layers upon layers of fists kept falling, causing the Emperor of Heaven to be wrapped in them instantly.

At this moment, a rag appeared in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven. The rag looked plain and unpretentious, with no momentum at all.

But the moment the Emperor of Heaven put it on his body, he stood proudly unscathed in the layers of fist marks.

At this moment, the fist print fell like a waterfall, and the Emperor of Heaven was actually immune to damage.

"That's Sakyamuni's stuff!" The prince looked serious.

"I'll help you!" The prince suddenly grabbed Hong Biao and Wang Cheng.

"Give me strength!"

"Little brother, can you resist?" Hong Biao asked worriedly.

"Try it, or you won't win!" the crown prince was heartbroken.

"Activate that cassock!" The prince's heart skipped a beat.

Although I don't know why Sakyamuni's things are in the hands of Emperor Zhong, but I can help at this moment.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to win a one-on-five!

Terrifying power began to pour into the prince's body, impacting the prince's body and soul.

"Hey, it hurts, it hurts, slow down!" The prince's painting style will never be too normal, one moment there is a gesture of explosiveness, but the next moment it is broken because of the pain!

But despite shouting like this, the prince is still absorbing that terrifying power. At this moment, the bell of Mount Sumeru vibrated again, and endless Zen singing sounded!

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