Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4767: The power of the emperor

Luo Chen moved forward step by step. Compared with the momentum of all the kings gathered together, that wisp of the Emperor's power seemed a little weak and insignificant!

However, this ray of the Emperor's power is always there and has never dissipated!

Always stay with him, even if he changes his body, you will still be with him in his soul!

Life requires a supporter and a partner, otherwise how can one face a lonely life?

People are born lonely. Although they have parents and relatives, in the final analysis, people are actually lonely. They come into this world alone and leave alone in the end!

If you have a partner and strength who will accompany you no matter where you are, life or death, that is a blessing in life!

And this companion, although it cannot speak or even read its thoughts, is just a force.

This power is no longer a foreign object, but has become a part of Luo Chen.

A smile flashed across the corner of Luo Chen's mouth. He used the power of the Human Emperor, the power of the Queen, the power of the top creatures of the Hao family, many powers...

However, at the last level, here, the power he will use will only be his most reliable power!

The power of the Emperor!

That faint light is still so weak at this moment!

Luo Chen spoke softly with a smile on his face.

"Old man, are you ready?"

"Today, I want the world to see how powerful you are!"

As Luo Chen's words came to light, boom!

The next moment, that faint light suddenly changed, boiling, and churning.

Magnificent power exploded at this moment!

The Emperor's power has never fallen off the chain. Even if Luo Chen himself fell off the chain in his previous life, the Emperor's power has never fallen off!

Moreover, Luo Chen had long understood that in his previous life, he had not truly mastered the power of the Emperor.

Because the power of the Tai Huang can only be completely integrated with the power of the Tai Huang after death, and can the power of the Tai Huang be truly mastered.

There was a flaw in the Taihuang Sutra in his previous life. Luo Chen always thought that this flaw was really flawed.

Until, in this life, he gradually understood that the Taihuang Sutra might not have any flaws.

That flaw isn't really a flaw.

The real flaw is that he has not integrated with the power of the Emperor!

The Taihuang Sutra is just a seed. How you let the seed grow and how far it grows depends on you!

At this moment, a more vast and magnificent beam of brilliant golden light rose into the sky, rising from the last level of the City of Kings at this moment!

Breaking through the sky, piercing through the heavenly punishment, just in an instant, and even piercing through the world of Daoxuan realm outside.

The Daoxuan realm has become numb. He has changed the world and is indestructible, but he is always broken by Luo Chen.

However, this time, it was truly shattered, and the golden beam of light penetrated!

The vast momentum is even worse than the power of the Human Emperor just now!

Thick golden light beams illuminate the sky, piercing through everything, domineering and fierce.

With a bang, the City of Kings is splitting apart, and it seems a bit unbearable!

At this moment, the expression of the Golden King, who was sitting on the towering tree, suddenly changed!


"This is?"

"Is this his own power?"

At the same time, at this moment, the ghost gate to the outside world was closed, and the ancient emperor Yuanhuang was still shocked and confused just now.

The ancestor obviously has the power of the emperor, why not use it?

What power could be more terrifying than the power of the Human Emperor?

And at this moment, he saw the answer!

A golden beam of light rose up, the only light between heaven and earth.

It is also the most terrifying aura in the world!

This aura swept across all directions, and in the eternity of time, there were many people and many geniuses.

Including but not limited to Renhuang and others.

However, in this eternal history, there is a unique force that is so bright and powerful.

It was born in the twilight of time.

Xuan Yi's talent was abolished, and as soon as he was born, he became an ordinary person who was not good and could hardly practice.

It is very difficult for an ordinary person to change his destiny against the will of heaven and find his way among thousands of geniuses!

No one can help him!

Xuan Yueqing can't do it either, because his talent was destroyed by Xuan Yueqing himself!

He was completely crippled, and he was allowed to become an ordinary person in compliance with his last wish.

Therefore, in that desperate situation, you have to go against the will and break the rules.

Just like Luo Chen, he is just an ordinary person.

To transform an ordinary person!

So, how powerful and dazzling does this power need to be?

Looking at the history, there are almost no people who can do this!

Because it is already difficult to turn decay into magic, and it is even harder to finally reach the top.

Eternal, among those top players, which one is the most talented?

Only, the Emperor is not!

Only Luo Chen is not!

There is no talent, no unparalleled power, just the accumulation of little things day and night, and just ordinary perseverance and ordinary things like you and me!

Among all living beings, from the lowest level, from the dust, the most shining star condensed!

How powerful will this power be?

At this moment, Luo Chen lit up not only the City of Kings and the Universe of Death, but also the eternity of time!

This power sweeps across the heavens!

Luo Chen raised his feet, and instantly there was a boiling river of time under his feet, filled with golden light.

The kings of the City of Kings were forcefully pulled into the river of time by the power of the Emperor.

Luo Chen took another step and fell, with a loud bang and golden light flashing all around!

The Qi machine was fierce and powerful, and in the brilliant golden light, countless forces split apart from Luo Chen's feet and splashed away, like splashes of water.

Each ray of power is extremely surging and shoots away!

So what if we fight to cross the ninth floor?

Luo Chen's ten thousand powers exploded, causing the faces of all the kings to change instantly!

The kings may attack or block!

However, the next moment, they flew out in blood!

This power is so terrifying!

The power of the Emperor, the stronger the heart, the stronger the power!

All things are idealistic!

There is a false hollow between heaven and earth!

If it is like this sky and this earth, they are not heaven or earth in essence, but they are just named and defined by people.

So what is heaven and what is earth?

Everything in the world is like this!

It is said to be materialistic, but even if it is science, isn’t it essentially another form of idealism?

Gravity exists, but ask a horse or a cow what gravity is, and what will they say?

The word gravity is still given by humans.

Heaven and earth are heaven and earth. People have given science, theology, and all the names to heaven and earth. This is falseness, and this is the heart!

And this is the essence of the power of the Emperor. All things are born from the heart, arise from the heart, and perish from the heart!

With just one thought, all things come into being!

When a thought moves, the heaven and earth move!

This power is above all powers!

Just one blow, knocking away all kings and exploding the world!

Heaven and earth fell silent, and all kings fell silent. Luo Chen's mastery of the Emperor's power has been completed!

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