Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 922: Different before and after

Luo Chen's voice spread across the fields, running through the sky!

The world moves with every thought!

The mantra crushes the Quartet!

These ten words exploded in the sky like thunder!

Everyone's eyes were dark, and Dr. Ability's ears and nose ooze blood!

This was shocked by Luo Chen's mantra!

Just a word, there is such a prestige.

Luo Chen looked around in a suspenseful manner, and then calmly spoke.

"After today, I don't want to hear someone say that Huaxia magic is not good!"

After saying this, Luo Chen walked out until Luo Chen's back disappeared. All the talents seemed to wake up from a dream, and the imprisoning power on his body disappeared!

But many people present still dare not move!

Especially those practitioners!

They never thought that a simple basic spell would be so powerful!

Doctor Abilities gave a wry smile, after all, he underestimated this Huaxia spell.

Luo Chen was right. Before he asked himself to study for a hundred years, he was already proficient in the so-called Huaxia spells, but compared to the abilities, he also discovered that those so-called Huaxia spells, especially some basic spells, were simply useless!

But until today I saw Luo Chen's hold technique!

He just knew that he really hadn't even reached the entry level!

It's not that the magic is not good, it's that they are not good, and they didn't even touch the threshold of entry.

At the same time, Dr. Abilities was even more shocked, although they all underestimated this hold technique.

But Luo Chen's ability to use this simple fixation technique to the point of turning decay into magic is enough to prove that Luo Chen's magic skills would have long been unimaginable!

Thinking of Luo Chen's sentence yesterday that you are not qualified to teach me, and he actually rebutted it, he didn't take it seriously, thinking it was Luo Chen's arrogance, the face of Dr. Ability blushed!

Especially when he used a spell in front of Luo Chen yesterday, Dr. Ability was even more regretful and ashamed!

Isn't this playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong?

I am afraid that this behavior has already been laughed to death by the other party.

Cast a spell in front of Luo Chen?

Dr. Abilities can't wait to slap himself twice!

However, Li Guanzhe and Dr. Abilities have different opinions!

After a long time, Li Guanzhe sneered.

"Huh, it's a casual cultivator, you can only practice these basic skills to the point that ordinary people can't reach."

In Li Guanzhe's view, although he is slightly older than Luo Chen, he is of the same generation after all, so he will naturally have a heart of comparison!

Moreover, his magical attainments were his area of ​​expertise. Now that he has been compared in his area of ​​expertise, he naturally feels uncomfortable!

And in his opinion, it is precisely because Luo Chen is a casual cultivator that he can only study and practice these basic spells.

After all, the advanced techniques and decent sects will not be allowed to spread, and they will not be able to learn it if they want to learn it!

Instead, Elder Don looked at Dr. Ability and spoke loudly.

"Dear Doctor, does this prove that I am in the Chinese Dharma Realm"

"Hmph, you guys are also embarrassed."

"Who just kept saying that his behavior can only represent his personal behavior, and can't represent your Chinese cultivation world?" Dr. Ability returned to his senses and mocked.

As soon as these words were spoken, the faces of Old Tang and others blushed.

Indeed, when Luo Chen was about to play just now, they wanted to separate the relationship, but they kept saying that Luo Chen could not represent the Chinese Dharma Realm.

At this moment Luo Chen won, and their meaning became that Luo Chen could represent China's realm of cultivation.

"No matter, the Zhang family should stay in the Foreign Human Association." Dr. Ability has a broad mind. This is academic exchange, and he will not deliberately embarrass these people.

And even though he doesn't like these Chinese practitioners, at least it depends on Luo Chen's face!

After Dr. Ability left, Zhang Qi walked up to Tan Guanlan.

"Mr. Tan, although our Zhang family has survived this crisis, there will inevitably be other crises in the future. If you stay in my Zhang family, I'm afraid it will delay you. Let's go wherever you go." Zhang Qi looked at it gently. Tan Guanlan.

Although Zhang Qi's attitude was mild, his meaning was not obvious. This was to drive Tan Guanlan away.

"What do you mean?" Tan Guanlan was stunned when he heard it. He was worshipped by the Zhang family. The Zhang family not only eats and drinks for him, but also gives him a lot of money to buy resources every year!

Although he came from a respectable family, he can't go back now. If he leaves the Zhang family, he has nowhere to go.

"It doesn't mean anything, just what it means." Zhang Qi still smiled and said.

In fact, Zhang Qi could not wait to go up and slap Tan Guanlan and others.

There was obviously a big Buddha sitting beside him, but Tan Guanlan wanted to curry favor with that Li Guanzhe!

For this, he almost offended Luo Chen!

If it weren't for Luo Chen to turn the tide in the end, how old would the Huaxia Cultivation Realm and his Zhang family have lost today?

"By the way, senior, we still have urgent matters to deal with. You can take a taxi and go back." Zhang Qi glanced at Li Guanzhe and said.

Take a taxi back?

It's not far from Hotz School, and it's a bit embarrassing.

His senior status and legendary heir status of Li Guanzhe were there. These people were all his juniors. When he came, he picked them up personally, but at this moment, let him go back by himself?

Is Lee Guanzhe going to be reduced to a taxi?

Just as Li Guanzhe was about to speak, Zhang Qi ran out to chase Luo Chen.

"The surname Luo!" Li Guanzhe secretly said bitterly.

"This, Little Master?" Tan Guanlan asked in amazement.

"It's okay, let him jump for a few days, then I will teach him to be a man." Li Guanzhe sneered, as long as he summons the hero, he will be dealt with today's embarrassment!

Before he came out this time, his father had already given him a pill, and since he was a child, he was selected to cultivate his identity for the hegemony competition, and he worked **** his soul!

Summoning the top five heroes is already something that must be won. Neil Leno is only summoning the seventeenth hero, so he has that status. Is his top five worse?

Zhang Qi and others caught up with Luo Chen and personally sent Luo Chen back, and then thanked Luo Chen for a while.

Even Dr. Abilities wanted to have a deep friendship with Luo Chen, but it was a pity that Luo Chen didn't pay attention to him.

In the end, Dr. Ability simply called Professor Yasuo directly.

"My friend, what's the background of the person you introduced yesterday?" Dr. Ability opened his mouth and asked.

He is not a short-sighted person like Li Guanzhe. After all, his knowledge and experience are there, and he has indeed taught King Arthur and the King of Inferiors. He must be able to see something through today's events.

"Why?" "Why suddenly became interested? Didn't you still look down on others like that yesterday?" Yasuo teased.

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