Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1125: Future star!

Gates immediately showed Shi Zhijian his invention.

Shi Zhijian looked at it very seriously, and quickly determined that this world's table system is really useful.

In the last life, Gates sold the system to the school to get the first pot of gold, laying the foundation for the establishment of Microsoft in the future.

Immediately, Shi Zhijian thought about it, smiled and said to Gates: "Dear Bill, I am very interested in your system! In this way, my friend happens to have an investment company and is going to invest in some projects. I think you can try it out. !"

"investment company?"

"Yeah, I'm not a friend, I won't tell you, that investment company is strong and has sufficient funds. If you want, I can help you contact them and get money from them, and then you can start a company according to your own ideals, Continue to study the technology of computers!"

"Really, God!" Gates almost jumped up with joy, "I didn't expect you to have such a friend, boss, but I don't know how much he can invest in me?"

"how much money do you need?"

"At least $30,000 to $50,000."

"No problem, I'll talk to my friend about investing 100,000 in you, is that enough?"

"What?" Gates widened his eyes in surprise. "Can you really invest 100,000 in me and let me study computers?"

"Of course, I am your boss, you are my younger brother, I will help you no matter what!" Shi Zhijian smiled.

"Boss, you are so kind to me!" Gates moved into Shi Zhijian's arms.

Shi Zhijian was a little uncomfortable with his "feeling", "Cough, who made you and me have a fate! By the way, have you thought about the company name?"

"Not yet, your name is Shi Zhijian, my name is Bill Gates, why don't I call Shi-Gates Computer Company?"

"No, it's too vulgar! I think it's called Microsoft!"

"Uh, Microsoft?" Gates raised his head from Shi Zhijian's arms, "Why do I hear this name so familiar?"

"Really? Prove that this name is also related to you!" Shi Zhijian explained shamelessly, "Okay, you have to work hard in the future, you must carry forward the computer business, don't let me underestimate!"

"I will, boss!" Gates once again arched into Shi Zhijian's arms excitedly!

Just at this moment, Earl Jester pushed in the door and was dumbfounded when he saw the scene in front of him, "Uh, I'm sorry, I went to the wrong room!"

Just as he turned around and was about to leave, he looked up at the number of the dormitory and turned back. He probed and said, "Excuse me, is this the 315 dormitory?"

Shi Zhijian hurriedly pushed Gates away from his arms, coughed and said, "Jester, stop pretending, I'm here!"

"God, dear Shi, are you really here?" Jester was surprised by his poor acting skills, but his small eyes could not help but glance at Bill Gates next to him, thinking that Viscount Shi's hobby was too special!

"Don't get me wrong, he's my roommate!" Shi Zhijian hurriedly explained, fearing that Jester would be wrong.

"Oh, roommate! Nice to meet you!" Jester stretched out his hand to Gates with a smile, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly retracted his hand: "I'm sorry, I forgot to wash my hands in the bathroom just now!"

Gates: "Huh?"

Shi Zhijian frowned and asked Jester, "What are you looking for from me?"

"Of course I'm looking for you in a hurry!" Jester said, "Is it convenient here?"

"Just say anything!"

"Did you sing last night?"

"Eh?" Before Shi Zhijian could answer, Gates said, "How do you know? Our boss Shi can sing really well! It's amazing! Now the entire Cambridge campus is his legend!"

Shi Zhijian rolled his eyes and looked at Gates: "Shut up first!"

"Oh, I shut up, you guys talk!" Gates said pretending to sit back in front of his computer, with his back to Shi Zhijian and the others, and continued to talk about the computer on the surface, but secretly pricked up his ears to eavesdrop on what Shi Zhijian and the others were talking about.

"It turns out that everything is true, so great!" Jester was excited. "Viscount Stone...cough, Ajian, you must help me!"

Jester originally wanted to say Viscount Shi, but Shi Zhijian gave him a look. Jester immediately changed his mouth, knowing that Shi Zhijian did not want to reveal his identity.

According to Gates' habit of mouthing, if Shi Zhijian exposes his identity, I am afraid that the entire Cambridge University will soon know that there is a Chinese Viscount in their school, and it will be difficult for Shi Zhijian to be clean.

"Help you, how can you help?"

"You know, I'm in charge of the entertainment company now, but it's not as easy as I thought, so I think if I can sign you as a singer for our company..."

Before Jester could finish speaking, Shi Zhijian smiled: "Do you think this is possible?"

Jester was stunned for a moment. He was so excited before that he almost forgot Shi Zhijian's special identity. How could someone like him show up to be a star?

"Cough, yes, how did I forget this?" Jester grabbed his head with a bitter face, feeling that he was happy for nothing, but immediately his eyes lit up and excitedly said: "Yes! Since you will Sing, then you can write a few more songs, and then I will find someone to sing, and I will make him a big star, what do you think?"

"Uh, this----" Shi Zhijian pinched his chin and pondered for a while, what Jester said was really the solution.

Since Shi Zhijian can't come forward in person, then he will bring one person to be a big star. Shi Zhijian only needs to compose a few more classic golden songs from the last time and space.

"I can help you write a few more songs, but this star... not everyone is lucky!" Shi Zhijian said.

"You can rest assured on this point, I'm still very accurate, and I will find a very outstanding young man to sing in your place. I believe that with the strength of our entertainment company, when the album is released, it will definitely shock England!" Sturt is confident.

"Actually, why do you need to look for it?" Suddenly, Bill Gates, who was sitting in a chair with a computer, slowly stood up from his seat, first sorted out the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then stroked his explosive head. He turned around and said to Jester and Shi Zhijian in a spontaneous gesture of self-recommendation: "The big star candidates are far and near! How about you look at me?"

"Huh?" Shi Zhijian and Jester looked at each other, and then at Gates.

Shi Zhijian stepped forward and directly pressed Gates to sit down, then turned him to the computer and said, "You don't want to be your star dream, but you should do your promising computer career!"

"No, I think I'm pretty good, I can do it!" Gates fought over, "Although I don't look as handsome as you, but the key point is that I have a good temperament! In the United States, many people said that I had a celebrity appearance! , being a star and engaging in a computer career are not in conflict! I can be an amateur star, professional code programming!"

"Have a heart!" Shi Zhijian patted him on the shoulder, pressed him down again, then looked at Gates and said, "Do you really think I don't know why you want to be a star?"

"I'm a star to help you!" Gates said, "You can't misunderstand that I want to pick up girls! Yes, God, I'm so innocent!"

"Since you feel innocent, then you sit well, continue coding, and stop thinking about so many messes!"

"No!" Gates knew there was no drama when he heard this, "Okay, I won't pretend anymore, it's a showdown! Ah Jian, Boss Shi, my dear roommate! I'm ugly, don't you know? When I was in America, no girl liked me, and all the girls I pursued rejected me! So much so that I haven't been in a relationship yet! God, where can I find a poor person like me?"

Shi Zhijian nodded: "Don't worry, you are so talented, as long as you are willing to put all your energy into the computer business, make achievements in this area, and make Microsoft bigger and stronger as we just planned, then don't talk about women in the future, you Whatever you want, it is possible to be the richest man in the world!"

Gates was about to cry, "But I don't want to be the richest man now, I want a woman!"

Jester looked a little embarrassed, shook his head and sighed: "Things are often like this in the world, and in all likelihood they are unsatisfactory! He wants a woman, but I want a star---- these, where can I find them?"

At this moment, a female voice like an oriole croaked softly: "Excuse me, is there anyone?"

Following the voice, "Cambridge Flower" Michelle came in from outside.

The moment he came in, Jester felt that the surroundings were suddenly radiant, Michelle's pretty face, exquisite figure, and that goddess-like temperament instantly killed everything.

Not to mention Bill Gates, he had confessed to Michelle before that he was Michelle's most loyal "dog licker". When he saw Michelle coming in, his eyes widened, and he didn't know what to say. !

It took a long time for Gates to wake up and stammered: "Michelle, God! It's really you! How did you come here, did you come to see me?" Bill Gates was very excited, He even trembled when he spoke.

"No, I'm here to find him!" Michelle smiled and pointed to Shi Zhijian.

"Uh, looking for him?" Gates looked at Shi Zhijian jealously.

"Uh, looking for me?"

Shi Zhijian looked at Michelle in astonishment, not knowing what she had to do with him.

"That's right, I'm here to apologize to you for what happened last night!" Michelle said with a shy expression, "I didn't know Andre would go so far, so I invited you to his party!"

"It's over."

"Yes, yes, neither Ajian nor I hold grudges, hehe!" Gates smirked.

Michelle bit her lip: "Actually, besides an apology, I have another thing to ask for."

"whats the matter?"

"I heard you sing last night on the campus lawn. You sang very well."


"That..." Michelle hesitated, "Can you do me a favor, I know it will be embarrassing, but I really need your help."

"Uh, what help?"

"I'm going to participate in the singing competition held by London TV recently. I really like the song you sang yesterday, can you write it down for me..." Michelle said at the end, her voice softer than a mosquito humming.

She couldn't help it either. After hearing the song sung by Shi Zhijian last night, she was so fascinated that she couldn't even sleep well. The melody of the song was all in her mind.

Michelle is very obsessed with singing, and usually likes to compose some small songs by herself and hum a few words when friends gather.

Recently, she even signed up for the London TV Singing Contest, and she has always been troubled by the competition song. She didn't expect to be deeply obsessed with Shi Zhijian's song "Yesterday Reappears" last night. She insisted on seeing Shi Zhijian, hoping that Shi Zhijian could help her write this song.

Before Shi Zhijian could answer, Jester couldn't bear it any longer!

From the moment Michelle came in, he was completely attracted by Michelle's peerless elegance, and he was astonished!

Highly educated, so beautiful, and likes to sing, this is simply a good material to be a star!

Jester immediately stood up and reached out to Michelle: "Hello, Miss Michelle? Please rest assured, Mr. Shi Zhijian will definitely help you, I can guarantee with my personality! Also, if you like If so, I can ask him to write more songs for you, and then you can take it to the competition, it will definitely be a blockbuster!"

"Uh, who are you?" Michelle was taken aback by Jester's sudden words.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce, my dear Jester! The Earl of the British Empire!"

" Earl?" Michelle and Gates were startled, looking at the slightly greasy Earl in front of them with surprise.

"Don't worry, I will never joke about my identity, I am really the Earl of the British Empire!" Jester smiled, thinking that if I told you that Shi Zhijian was a Viscount, would you be scared to death? After all, such a young Chinese Viscount, even I am jealous!

After Jester finished speaking, he reached out to Michelle again and said, "Hey, the introduction is over, now let's get to know each other again!"

Michelle then hesitated to reach out and said, "Hello, Earl Jester?"

"Of course! Besides, I'm also the president of Shinhwa Entertainment." Jester took a high stance and gently squeezed Michelle's fingertips.

"Lord Earl, look forward to it for a long time!" Gates stepped forward, pushed Michelle aside and shook hands with Jester, "I didn't recognize you just now, but now I'll get to know you again, I'm Bill Gates, from the United States , is an American exchange student!"

Jester shook hands with Gates perfunctorily, then ignored the freckled, afro-headed man, continued to smile and said to Michelle: "Of course, if you want me to help you, you need to take out a little Be sincere."

"What do you want me to... do?" Michelle thought that Jester had bad intentions.

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person you think!" What kind of person is Jester, an old fritter in love, he can understand a woman's mind at a glance, "I said just now, I'm the president of Shinhwa Entertainment, and our company is now in England. Recruiting, and I just found out that Miss Michelle, you are a talented person, so I want to invite you to join our company, and then we will make you a world-class new generation idol!"


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