Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1127: Shocked 4!

"Ahem, who's this?" Music Director Sessions said, looking at Michelle in a bit of astonishment.

"She's the one I want to sign, Miss Michelle!" Jester introduced with a smug look. "I told you, she is a good seedling to be a star, how is it, what do you think?"

"Cough!" Sessions didn't know what to say.

The others also looked at Michelle in amazement. As creative members, of course they knew how much a girl's appearance would bring to her stardom! Not to mention anything else, Michelle's stunning appearance alone is enough to stun the fans!

But Sessions was reluctant to admit his failure like this. He was an arrogant man. He held his own talents and never looked down on anyone. Besides, in his eyes, Jester was just an old aristocrat who didn't understand the art of music. The prostitute immediately coughed and said, "It is true that this Miss Michelle is outstanding, but the audience and fans are very picky now, they will never have a great interest in a vase, even if there is, it will be short-lived!"

The person next to him echoed: "Yes, it turns out that beauty alone is difficult to get far. Even the Hollywood girl Taylor was questioned in the past for her acting skills, but she achieved great success as she continued to hone her skills, so..."

Another person continued: "So we want to see what hidden skills Miss Michelle has, or talents that we can't see!"

As soon as Jester heard this, he knew that these rebellious subordinates were deliberately looking for trouble, but he wanted to let Michelle perform on the spot but was afraid that she would make a fool of herself, and Jester was inevitably a little uneasy.

Michelle didn't expect that she would be criticized as soon as she came in. What's even more disgusting was that the guy who was wearing a scarf and dressed up in an unusual and literary style even questioned that he was a vase!

Since Michelle could be admitted to Cambridge University, how could she be just a vase? These people are just talking nonsense.

"As a newcomer, I accept everyone's doubts." Michelle said, with a smile on her face, neither humble nor arrogant, "I made an agreement with Mr. Jester that he will send me a gift after signing the contract today. A few new songs as gifts, but I don't know if you are ready, Mr. Jester? If you are ready, then I can perform those new songs live and let everyone comment!"

"That's right, right! There's a new song out today!" Jester was excited, "It's definitely a super-excellent work, a world-shattering work that will surprise you! You'll know what Michelle will sing in a moment. It's called the perfect combination!"

Sessions frowned, thinking that Jester was blowing water again. Besides his great Sessions, who else in the British Empire could create amazing works? Don't forget, he even won the Beatles!

Not to mention other people, the disdain expression has already said everything, and they also think that Jester is blowing water.

Excellent work, amazing work?

Believe in you!

"Then, respected Mr. Jester, and Miss Michelle, where are your so-called new songs? When will you start performing? We will all wait and see here!"

"Yes, we seem to have witnessed some amazing work!"

"There is still such a genius in London that can surpass us, and we would like to see it!"

Jester didn't expect the crowd to react so strongly. Do you really think I can't come up with excellent works to calm them down? Damn Sir Stone, why haven't you come yet?

Jester, very anxious!


": 咻----" A loud whistle sounded from the front desk of Shinhwa Entertainment.

The lady at the front desk hurriedly raised her head and saw a boy with an explosive head looking at her with a smile.

Seeing that the lady at the front desk was beautiful, Bill Gates, who helped Shi Zhijian come to deliver the song, hurriedly arranged his jacket and stroked his hair. Then he put a freckled face on it and said to the lady with a smile: "Hello, beauty! Is this Shinhwa Entertainment?"

The lady at the front desk had a very good attitude. Although she felt that Gates looked airy, she politely replied, "Yes, this is Shinhwa Entertainment. Which one are you looking for?"

"Oh, God, I'm looking for your president!" Gates said with a pretentious gesture.

"President? Mr. Jester?"

"That's right, it's him! It seems that he is still an earl! Very powerful!" Gates said.

When the front desk lady heard this, she looked surprised and dared not underestimate Bill Gates any more. She hurriedly said enthusiastically, "May I ask who you are—" with a very respectful address.

Bill Gates smiled charmingly, "Me? Are you asking my name? God, I don't usually tell people my name easily, because you know, I'm a very special, mysterious person— - But since you're so pretty, I'll reluctantly tell you! You lean over----" Gates hooked the front desk lady mysteriously.

As expected, the lady at the front desk was fooled by Gates' trick, so she hurriedly leaned over----

Bill Gates got closer and took a deep breath. The perfume that permeated from Miss Sister's body smelled very good.

"I'll only tell you about one person. My name is Bill Gates! I'm a genius. I'm an exchange student from the United States to Cambridge, England..."

"Cough, sorry sir! I don't think there is anything mysterious about these..."

"Uh, isn't it? It looks like you've seen a lot of geniuses!" Gates was a little embarrassed.

"Then Mr. Gates, what do you have to do with our President Jester?"

"Oh, I sent him a song! Excellent song work!"

"Okay, I'll report it to you now!" The lady at the front desk pointed to the waiting area next to her, "Please wait here first! If you need me, I can pour you a cup of coffee!"

"Really, then have a cup of coffee! Let me also taste the difference between the coffee of your big company and our school!"


After the front desk lady served Bill Gates and brought him coffee, she hurried over to tell Mr. Jester.

On the way, she met a colleague who was looking for something, so she helped to find it, and it was delayed for a while.

Just for a while, Jester's side was already in a hurry. Sessions and the others obviously wanted to give the president who was born a scoundrel a slap in the face, and kept urging him to hurry up and bring out that **** excellent masterpiece!

When Jester was in a trance, the lady at the front desk finally knocked on the door of the conference room.

"Come in!"

"Mr. Jester, someone came outside and said he was looking for you-----"

When Jester heard this, he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the lady at the front desk: "What did you say, where is he? What is he here for?"

"He was waiting at the front desk, he said what song to send you!"

"God, he's finally here! Hahaha!" Jester raised his head to laugh and said excitedly to the lady at the front desk, "Quick! Quickly invite him in! Yes, let him come here!"

"Eh?" The lady at the front desk was stunned for a moment, wondering why the CEO didn't even ask that person's name? It looks like the two are really familiar!

"Okay, I'll do it right away!" The lady at the front desk bowed and walked out.

Jester rubbed his fists and rubbed his hands with excitement, and said triumphantly to Sessions and the others, "Look at it, friends! Soon you will know what a genius is!"

Michelle could hear clearly beside her, of course she knew that Shi Zhijian and Jester had made an agreement.

Jester asked Shi Zhijian to help him write songs. Could it be that Shi Zhijian really came? Can't help being curious, she looked towards the door with her beautiful eyes——


"Mr. Gates, our boss invites you in!" The lady at the front desk saw Bill Gates again, and her tone was very warm and polite! Even the eyes began to twinkle with little stars.

Gates is sipping his coffee with his legs crossed, and his eyes are on those OL girls who enter the company.

The enthusiasm of the lady at the front desk actually startled Gates. He almost drank the coffee in his mouth and spit it out. He hurriedly wiped his mouth, "Really? Your CEO let me in? He didn't say anything?"

"He said he was in a hurry and had great expectations for you, so he asked you to hurry in!" said the lady at the front desk.

"Oh God, he finally discovered my talent!" Gates was triumphant, and the dead star's mind became active again.

"Maybe, dear!" Gates took a few steps, turned around to tidy up his clothes, and said to the young lady: "When I come out, we may be colleagues! Of course, as a big star, I will definitely cover up in the future. After you!" After saying that, he shook his head handsomely and walked inside.

The lady at the front desk is stunned!


"Mr. Jester, the so-called genius should be coming soon, right?" Cesis still sneered.

"Yes, he will come in soon!" Jester said with confidence, his expression calm, and even a little arrogant, "Wait and see, dear friend! The genius who will come in later is not only talented, but also handsome. Extraordinary, yes, you will be amazed to see him! How can God give him all the good things!"

While talking, crunch—

The door of the conference room opened, and the freckled Bill Gates was wearing a big explosive head, and a ghost came in. When he saw so many people on the scene, he shrank back in fright!

With his back to the door, Jester was still boasting: "He is neither humble nor arrogant, he is calm when he is in trouble, and he can face big scenes with a smile - quite aristocratic!"

"Huh?" Sessions and the others looked at Gates, who had sneaked in, and at Jester, who was immersed in praise, wondering if Jester was talking about the same person!

Michelle also stared dumbfounded at Gates who got in, thinking why not Shi Zhijian?

In fact, Jester had already known the movement behind him, and also felt someone coming in, felt the "stunned" appearance of Sessions and the others, and felt super comfortable, so he didn't hide it now, "Come on, let's welcome the great talent stone----"

Jester turned sharply and pointed to Bill Gates, Shi Zhijian stuck in his throat, staring at Gates and couldn't shout!

Gates also felt that the atmosphere in the conference room was not right. Why did everyone see themselves so surprised? Especially Mr. Jester, staring at himself, his mouth is open enough to stuff an egg!

"Ahem, Mr. Jester, it's nice to meet you!" Jester took the initiative to reach out to Jester.

Jester, still in shock, glared at Gates.

Gates scratched his head, had to withdraw his hand and said to the other people who were sitting with contempt and ridicule in their eyes: "Of course, I am also very happy to meet you!" Turning his head, he found Michelle, and said in surprise: "Honey Xue'er, you are indeed here! Boss Shi didn't lie to me!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone at the scene suddenly laughed.

Especially that Sessions, who was laughing backwards and forwards, pointed at Gates who looked to the limit and said, "Dear Mr. Jester, this is the genius you say? Hahaha!"

Jester finally regained his senses and grabbed Gates with a flushed face: "Damn, why are you here? Where's Shi Zhijian?"

"He? He didn't come!" Gates also felt something was wrong. Jester looked at him annoyed rather than enthusiastic and loving.

"He didn't come? What are you doing here?"

"I'll help him deliver the song! He said he's not free!"

"Songs?" Jester remembered, what matters at this moment is important, "How many songs did he create?"

"Two! Including the previous one, "Yesterday Reappearance", there are three in total!"

"Bring it all!" Jester couldn't wait, so he started to touch it.

"Don't touch it, I'm ticklish! Giggle!" Gates dodged left and right, like a monkey.

"Damn it, hurry up!"


Gates finally handed the new song that Shi Zhijian gave him to Jester, Jester took a look, one was "Yesterday Reappears" that he had heard, the other two were "My Heart Is Still" and "Unrestrained". melody".

"Miss Michelle, please, can you sing these three songs?" Jester hurriedly handed over his songs to Michelle. To be honest, he didn't know much about the melody of these songs.

Who is Michelle? The top student majoring in music immediately took a look at it and was stunned by the songs composed by Shi Zhijian! Beautiful eyes sparkle! Even if one song is not enough, the three songs are so incredibly beautiful! God, who is this Shi Zhijian?

At this moment, Michelle was in a state of astonishment, but in the eyes of outsiders, she seemed to be stimulated like a wooden man.

Seeing this scene, Sessions thought those new songs were bad, so he sneered: "What's the matter, Miss Michelle? Are you embarrassed that Mr. Jester asked you to perform live?"

"Maybe it's not embarrassment, but frightened!"

"Yeah, how bad a song can scare people like this?"


Facing the ridicule, Jester blushed and didn't know what to say. The situation happened frequently today, which was beyond his expectations.

However, Michelle turned a deaf ear to those sneers, and continued to indulge in the songs composed by Shi Zhijian, unable to extricate herself, and even hummed softly involuntarily.

The first song is "Yesterday Reappears" by Shi Zhijian:

"When Iwasyoung

when i was young


I always listen to the radio..."

At first, Cesis and the others were still laughing loudly, mocking Jester for talking big and bragging! Laughing at Michelle for being just a vase, she was frightened when she got the bad song!

But when Michelle's beautiful singing came out, their laughter stopped abruptly!

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