Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1189: Shocked England!

A cup of coffee curled up and smoked.

Shi Zhijian and Rodney were sitting on the sofa in the living room, staring at each other with big eyes.

After a long time, Rodney said, "Are you really the big boss of Hong Kong, Shi Zhijian?"

"It's like a fake replacement!"

"Is that Berdegar yours?"

"Yes, I arranged for him to do the arms business with you!" Shi Zhijian took a sip of his coffee and suddenly felt a little cold. He hurriedly tightened his nightgown, which was not very wind-proof, and covered his right thumb on the coffee table. I rubbed my left leg and belly, I don't know why, I feel a little itchy there.

"How did you come to England? I heard you've been in Hong Kong the whole time." Rodney put the shotgun on his lap on the sofa.

"I'm here to study." Shi Zhijian finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his action.

"Oh—er, what?"

"Actually, I'm a student!"


"Master General, can you not be so surprised? Is it strange to be a student at my age?"

Rodney shook his head: "Not surprising."

"That's it!" Shi Zhijian shrugged.

"But I only met Mr. Badger yesterday, and he didn't say you were in England."

"Oh, mainly because I want to keep a low profile."

Rodney was speechless. Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, he had a lot of words to say in his heart, but he couldn't say it, and finally he couldn't help it: "Cough, then you can keep a low profile before you can. Can't I change out my daughter's Winnie the Pooh gown and Mickey slippers first?"

"Oh!" Shi Zhijian looked at himself, really nondescript, looked up at Rodney: "If you allow me the opportunity to go upstairs..."

"What? Do you still want to go upstairs?" Rodney stood up in a rush, picked up the shotgun again and glared at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian hurriedly stood up and explained, "Don't be impulsive - my clothes are upstairs, you have to let me take them off, right?"

"It's impossible to go upstairs! It's off limits! Who knows what bad idea you're up to?"

Shi Zhijian spread his hands: "What about the most basic trust between people? After all, you and I are also business partners!"

"I don't have a partner like you—you **** my daughter..."

"Don't be so ugly, I'm in love with her!"

"Love is like a ghost!" Rodney clicked, loading the shotgun, "She was fine, she must have listened to your rhetoric and fell for you! Also, don't think I don't know, you have a wife in Hong Kong, not only Yes, there is more than one!"

Shi Zhijian blinked: "Are you investigating me?"

"To do such a big business with you, of course you have to investigate a little!"

"Then what else do you know?"

"I know you are very talented, and you have made a lot of money at a young age, but I never thought you would go to England to harm my daughter!" Rodney gnashed his teeth with a shotgun.

"Don't say it so badly, I repeat, Miss Angelina and I are really in love!"

"Ha! Laughing to death! In love? What qualifications do you have as a married guy? How can you bring happiness to my daughter?"

"I can marry her! Go back to Hong Kong, where the polygamy system has not been completely abolished, so let her be my child, can't I get it?"

"It's your mother!" Rodney shotgun pointed Shi Zhijian's nose again, and he was furious: "My dignified daughter of the British general's family, I went to Hong Kong to be your concubine? I won't be laughed at when I tell it!"

"Then there's no way!" Shi Zhijian spread his hands, "Actually, I also know that Angelina is a non-marriageist. Even if I promise to marry her, she won't!"

"I can't control that much! In short, my daughter was harmed by you, you must be responsible!"

"How to be responsible?"

"How do you say you are responsible?"

"Give money, can't you get it?"

"I love my daughter very much, you **** actually want to buy me money?"

"A million pounds!"

"I love my daughter very much, you **** want to buy me a million?"

"Two million!"

"I said I love my daughter very much!"

"three million!"

"I really love my daughter!"

"Five million! It really can't be more!"

"I love my daughter... Sit down and talk!"


For a moment—

The two sat down again.

"Let me tell you, it's not a matter of money or not, I really love my daughter! So I have to give her an explanation! Five million is absolutely disgusting to me! But I've done something to her. compensate!"

"You've been taught, you are always a good dad!" Shi Zhijian saluted Rodney with a fist.

"Hmph! You shouldn't scold me in your heart, right?" Rodney stared at Shi Zhijian blowing his beard.

"How can you say that?" Shi Zhijian was surprised.

"Looking at your eyes, I know you are not a good thing!"

"I'm sorry for your comment!"

"Don't talk so much, when will the five million be given?"

"Uh, this... Are you really too embarrassed to ask for it?"

"How are you bluffing me?" Rodney picked up the shotgun again.

"Come on! I'm just saying one more thing, don't be so impulsive!" Shi Zhijian hurriedly stopped the old general's violent behavior, "It's a big deal, you just deduct it from the arms trade!"

"Hmph, count you acquainted!"

At this time, the maid took Shi Zhijian's clothes downstairs.

Rodney threw it to Shi Zhijian: "Change it! Don't let me see you wearing my daughter's clothes again!"

Shi Zhijian had to nod his head, took the clothes and led them to the dressing room by the maid to change them.

Soon, Shi Zhijian came out dressed in white.

Rodney saw it from a distance, and said in his heart, "What a **** talent! It's a pity that he is a scum!"

"Lord General, are you praising me or scolding me?"

"What's the meaning?"

"I see your eyes changing, it's very unstable!"

"Are you watching me?"

"You have a shotgun in your hand, I have to watch!"

"Then I can tell you very clearly, I hate you very much!" Rodney snorted, "You can do whatever you want without being handsome!"

"I'm sorry! I'm ashamed of being a handsome boy!" Shi Zhijian accepted humbly, "but I hope your bad impression of me won't affect our business!"

"Don't worry about this! Public is public, private is private, I can handle it!"

"That's good!" Shi Zhijian clasped his fists again, "Since the misunderstanding has been resolved, I won't stay here any more - farewell!"

"Let's go, no one will leave you!"

"I'm sorry for your hospitality!"

"If you don't go, not only will you regret it, but you will regret it for the rest of your life!" Rodney raised the shotgun again.

"No need to send! Farewell!" Shi Zhijian turned his head and walked away, halfway through and then turned around: "Oh, by the way, one more question - why does your daughter have a scar on her butt? Is it true or false that she was injured by swinging when she was a child? ?"

Slam the shot!

Shi Zhijian fought a cold war.

Rodney blew the white smoke from the shotgun, "Sorry, the gun went off again!"

Shi Zhijian tried his best to squeeze out a smile——

Believe in you! Bad old man is very bad!


The next day—

The TV station exclusively reported: "The Razor Party, an underworld force entrenched in the East End of London, was eradicated by the police together!"

Specific content: "In the last night's anti-criminal operation, the East London Police Station and the Central London Police Station fought side by side, relying on the police's skilled business ability and strong police force, and finally defeated the leader of the Razor Party Kane. - Shelby was arrested!"

"The Razor Party was one of the thriving street gangs in Birmingham, England in the 1920s and 1930s. From the name, it is known that they mainly used razors as weapons. The advantage of razors is that they can be bought from barber shops at very cheap prices. Hiding on the body, seeing the police is also justified, and at the same time enough to cause disfiguring scars and even death. The rise of local gangs in Birmingham is mainly due to the high unemployment rate and the influx of Irish Catholic immigrants caused religious antagonism. In this case, the gang fights with the police during the showdown..."

"Kane Shelby, 34 years old this year, is the leader of the infamous Razor Party. Originally born in Birmingham, he and his younger brother Tommy Shelby joined the Razor Party when they were teenagers..."

Unsurprisingly, as soon as the news came out, it immediately detonated England.

People were all talking about it in the streets.

As a gang organization that everyone hates, but everyone fears, the Razor Party is full of legends and horrors.

Now suddenly annihilated by the police, it is simply heartwarming.

After the TV station reported the news, Angelina, as a female reporter, immediately became a celebrity in the press!

Major TV stations and newspapers came to interview her, hoping to get more accurate news.

Angelina has a great work ethic.

Even if the other party gave a generous reward, she still adhered to the principle and did not waver.

Seeing this, her own TV station immediately held a meeting to reward her, double her salary, and gave her an independent office, promising that she could choose to report on events of any size in the future.

After extensive media coverage and exaggeration, the British police, who have always been criticized this time, raised their eyebrows.

In particular, the two bureau chiefs, Charlemagne and Bauman, were even more proud of themselves. They were not only touted by the public, but also commended by their superiors.

"You two did a great job!"

At the Police Headquarters, in the chief's office, Chief Douglas said to Charlemagne and Bowman in a strange tone.

"You dare to fight against the underworld forces, and you will eliminate the Razor Party without me saying hello. I am really pleased!"

Charlemagne and Bowman are both human beings. They didn't understand such words, so they immediately saluted: "I'm sorry, Mr. Director! We didn't greet you, it's our fault for acting without authorization! Please criticize!"

"Criticize you? How could it be!" Chief Douglas smiled but didn't smile. "You guys have grown up, your wings are hard, and you can fly high!" Bowman patted Charlemagne on the shoulder again.

"Besides, you are heroes now! You are the great heroes of the whole of England. How can I, the chief who is cowering in the police station and doesn't know anything, dare to criticize you? Besides, the superior said, let me reward you! You said Well, what reward do you want?"

Charlemagne and Bowman saluted again: "I don't want a reward! We were able to act successfully this time because of your good leadership, Mr. Director!"

"Have I? Have I led you all? Don't you often say I'm a flatterer behind my back, a guy who bullies the soft and fears the hard?"

"Absolutely none of us! Your Excellency!" exclaimed Charlemagne and Bowman, straightening their bodies.

"I don't know if there is any, but I know one thing very well! If there is a first time, there will be a second time! I'm afraid that there is no room for you two great gods here for a hero with courage like you!" Douglas put his hands behind his back, The tone was full of sarcasm.

"Report to the Director, we will clarify to the outside media that this operation was led by you!"

"Me too, Mr. Director! I will tell my superiors that this operation is your unified deployment!"

When Douglas heard the words, he smiled and took his seat again: "Very good! I am very happy that you can talk like this! After all, we are a big family, and everything must be based on the overall situation, understand?"


"Okay, let's go down!"

"Thank you sir!"

Charlemagne and Bowman saluted again and left.

After the two of them left, Douglas restrained his smile and scolded: "Damn bastard, almost put me on the fire! The superior asked me, and I asked three questions! If you want to make a contribution, you must also see See if you have the ability! If you don't beat and beat you now, you won't be wrong in the future?"

"Jingle Bell!"

The desk phone rang.

Douglas froze, as if realizing who was calling.

He hesitated for a moment, thinking whether to answer.

The female secretary in the office came in at this time to remind him to answer the phone.

Helpless, Douglas had to cough and pick up the phone.

"You're fine, Director Douglas!" There was a super dissatisfied voice over the phone.

Douglas shuddered, "I'm sorry, Mr. Downey! I'm so sorry, I didn't know anything about the actions against the Razor Party last night! Yes, I swear to God!"

"You don't have to swear to God, just tell me what to do next?" Downey said coldly, "You should know that Razor Kane is a dog I raised! Now this dog is being held by you, I am The master is very worried!"

"I'm Downey!" Chief Douglas apologized again, "Now I can't do anything on my side! Kane's crime is too great, and Charlemagne's guys have found a lot from their nest. Evidence! You know, I'm just a small director, and there are many big bosses on it. They want to handle this case strictly, but I can't do anything about it!"

"No way? You don't want to do it, or do you think my words don't work!" Downey's words became more and more severe.

Douglas was about to cry, "God, what I said is true! The above has already classified this case as a serious case, and I really can't help it!"

"Really? Then it looks like I'm useless to make this call! Excuse me!" Downey finished, and hung up over there.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Downey!" Douglas called a few times into the phone, and when he heard the blind tone, he hung up with lingering fears, and then he wiped his face with his hands, full of worry.

He knew very well that Downey was a man, and now he rejected him, and he might not have good fruit to eat in the future.

"Damn it, how did this happen?" an angry Douglas snarled loudly, beating the table.

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