Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1196: Capital is ruthless!


Buffett's biting cigar fell to the ground, his eyes widened, looking at Shi Zhijian in disbelief!

He never imagined that Shi Zhijian knew himself better than his parents!

"Are you... a human or a ghost?" Buffett looked at Shi Zhijian in amazement, his tone trembling.

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly: "Of course I am a human, how can I be a ghost?! You have also checked my details. My name is Shi Zhijian, I am from Hong Kong, and I am a Chinese!"

Buffett stabilized his mind, thinking about it carefully, how could this young man be a ghost? But why does he know so much? Did he go to Wall Street and check my details? But why is it so detailed?


Just when Buffett was puzzled, gunshots came from the front "bang bang bang", but they found traces of elk, General Rodney and the others started hunting!

The whistle sounded!

The dozen or so hounds roared excitedly!

Immediately, I saw the three hounds rush out like arrows from the string, and their bodies were low and chasing the same target!

The birds in the forest were also startled by the sound of the gunfire.

At the same time, the other hounds followed the breath and rushed in the other direction!

Apparently, these hounds also know how to "divide your troops!"

Shi Zhijian smiled and said to Buffett, "Let's go too, we won't be able to grab the prey last night!" As he spoke, he pulled out the Nepalese saber inserted into his boots.

Hearing the words, Buffett hurriedly grabbed the gun to keep up, took a few steps, and grabbed ahead of Shi Zhijian - he is a noble white man, and he is not willing to lose to a Chinese.

"Here! God, look what I found?" shouted General Rodney.

The crowd followed, only to see that the hounds were surrounding a wounded female elk, ready to pounce and roaring frantically.

The female elk was hit by a bullet in the hind leg, and was still bleeding at the moment. She knelt on the ground, whimpering in her mouth, and there were even two poor little elk hiding under her knees!

"Damn it! It turns out that this guy ran away on purpose just to lure us away!" said General Rodney excitedly. "Cunning guy, smarter than many abominable enemies!"

Just now, everyone used hounds to search the forest and blasted out the elk.

The elk panicked and ran in one direction!

The three hounds ran after them.

Rodney fired a shot in the back of the elk.

In addition, those hounds were not confused by the tricks of the female elk, and followed the smell to the elk's old nest, only to find that there were actually two small ones in the old nest.

Seeing that the little elk was found, the female elk came back lame, and stayed there to protect the child.

The hounds barked and barked at the family of three, their eyes blood red.

As long as Rodney and the others are ordered, these hounds will rush over and tear the elk to shreds!

Rodney did not act immediately towards the prey that had been surrounded by them. Instead, he walked up to a white boss and whispered a few words to him.

The white man nodded arrogantly, and General Rodney turned around and walked in front of Shi Zhijian and Buffett and said: "We British people are traditionally very hospitable, especially when visiting friends, we always like to put the best leave something for the guests!"

Saying that, Rodney pointed to the female elk and said, "This female elk is ours and we will bring it back, but there are two little elk, just one for each of you!"

The white man who chatted with Rodney just now stood up with a smile on his face, but looked arrogant: "As for how you two bring these two deer back, it's up to you!"

As he was talking, he saw him suddenly raise a gun, bang!


The female elk fell in a pool of blood, her deer eyes widened, and she looked at the screaming child with tears, and her eyes soon lost their luster.

Buffett seemed to have thought of something, afraid of being preempted by Shi Zhijian, and immediately came out with a gun: "I'll come first!"

Everyone moved away, and the servants pulled the barking hound away.

Everyone looked at Buffett together.

Buffett proudly walked up to the two little elk with a gun, and first crossed his chest: "God, please forgive me!" Then he pointed the gun at a little elk and turned around and said to the crowd: "In fact, investing and hunting Similarly, capital is ruthless! Hunting is also ruthless! If you let this elk go with personal feelings, it will mean a loss to everyone because of me! After all, you have wasted time, money, and human and material resources for this hunting! As a fundraiser, I think my No. 1 element is -- must be accountable to investors!"

Slam the shot!

That poor little elk fell to the ground before it even had time to bark!

clap clap clap!

When the little elk fell to the ground, the arrogant white boss took the lead in applauding.

The other white nobles looked at each other and applauded.

General Rodney nodded and seemed to agree with Buffett's investment philosophy----

Capital is ruthless!

There is no room for play!

Buffett was triumphant. Seeing Shi Zhijian's turn, Buffett continued to play: "Of course, there are other ways to deal with these two little elk, such as catching them alive and raising them. Maybe in the future, they can grow fat and strong without killing, but that's the case. It takes time - and time is money, rather than wasting that time, feed, and effort on an elk, just kill it! Then we can focus on continuing the an investment, can't keep it When you own a company, you have to know how to choose between big and small!"

"In addition, we have another option, which is to release it! But let's see, this elk is so small, and its mother has passed away, who will raise it? In the end, isn't it cheaper for other jackals? So investment is the same, be ruthless, and don't be delayed by nihilistic compassion!"

Buffett said a lot in one breath, directly blocking the two roads that Shi Zhijian was going to take.

Including Rodney, all the white bosses are all looking at Shi Zhijian at the moment to see how he responds!

Others have blocked the way you want to go, how do you go? !

Buffett even threw a contemptuous look at Shi Zhijian, as if he was talking about investing, you can't beat me!

"It's your turn now, dear Mr. Shi Zhijian!" the arrogant white boss said in a light tone.

Shi Zhijian stepped forward with a Nepalese saber.

Buffett raised his shotgun and moved out of the way.

At this moment, the last little elk looked pitifully at the dead mother and brother, with tears coming out of its small eyes.

to kill?

Is it put?

to stay?

No matter what Shi Zhijian does, he will lose to Buffett!

In Rodney's view, Shi Zhijian's best choice at the moment is to choose "ruthless" like Buffett, adhering to the principle of "capital ruthlessness", and kill the little elk with one knife!

Although there is some suspicion of imitating his practice, he has preserved investors' confidence in him after all.

Everyone else looked at Shi Zhijian with different expressions.

Shi Zhijian crouched down, looked at the poor little deer, and said to it, "I'm sorry!"

When you're done talking, get your hands on the knife!

A strong **** smell came out!

Just when everyone thought that Shi Zhijian had killed the little elk, they heard the little deer let out a weak and weak deer cry.

Taking a closer look, Shi Zhijian's knife was inserted, but it was not the deer, but the dead female elk!

Shi Zhi endured the **** smell on his nose, frowned, and helped the doe to bleed, and said in his heart, "I'm sorry, I don't want to do this either! But in order to save your children, I have to do this!"

Shi Zhijian used to be a police officer in Hong Kong, and even participated in the fights of Hong Kong associations. He has seen a lot of bloodshed. At this moment, his methods are ruthless, and the Nepalese saber is completely bleeding the doe!

Since General Rodney, who has been on the battlefield for many years, can't help frowning when he sees this.

Seeing this, those white bosses even compared Shi Zhijian at this time with Buffett just now, and came to the conclusion that Shi Zhijian is better at being ruthless!

First, Buffett used a gun to kill the fawn.

At this moment, Shi Zhijian used a knife to bleed the doe.

The **** sense of sight gives Shi Zhijian extra points.

Soon, Shi Zhijian finished everything, and there was a strong smell of blood around him.

Shi Zhijian stood up, took out his handkerchief and wiped it on the Nepalese saber, then threw the handkerchief away and said, "It's over, this is my choice!"

Rodney and the others looked at each other in dismay.

I looked at the **** doe, and then at the little deer that was still barking.

Some of them don't understand.

Buffett was even more impatient: "What is your choice? Isn't it just to continue killing a dead doe?!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, shaking his Nepalese saber in front of Buffett, Buffett backed away in fright, "Don't mess around, what if you hurt me?"

"So you're also afraid of death?"

"Nonsense! How can people not be afraid of death?" Buffett is righteous.

Shi Zhijian smiled and pointed to the deer killed by Buffett: "It doesn't look like it's afraid of death, doesn't it? You killed it with one shot!"

Buffett was angry: "What the **** are you trying to say?"

"Yeah, Mr. Shi Zhijian, what are you trying to say? And what do you mean by your actions just now?" the arrogant white boss couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, everyone, listen to me explain slowly." Shi Zhijian glanced at everyone, "Actually, I'm setting a trap."

"Set up a trap?"

"Yes!" Shi Zhijian said firmly, "What are we doing here? It's not just for hunting! What is the purpose of hunting? Hunt more prey! How to hunt? The best way is to design traps! Now let's see There is a strong **** smell around, which will definitely attract a lot of beasts, plus this little deer is screaming beside, and the beasts farther away will also move!"

Shi Zhijian paused and said: "And what we have to do is to ambush on the side and give a shot to any greedy guy! It's just like investing. Good hunters often appear as prey! Know how to set traps Predators are the masters! Capital is ruthless, but the dealer has affection! Because the dealer uses that affection to get more chips! And I am the dealer!"

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, there was silence around him!

If nothing else, the phrase "good hunters often appear as prey" in Shi Zhijian's words is thought-provoking.

Re-join the investment philosophy, indeed, the real dealers are masters of traps. In order to get chips, they will know how to sell miserably, know how to create all kinds of chaos, and know how to use human nature and people's hearts!

Just now, Rodney faintly felt that Shi Zhijian was at a disadvantage, but he didn't expect to counterattack in an instant and be able to tell so many great truths!

Even the arrogant white boss looked at Shi Zhijian for the first time, wondering how such a young man could have such a deep scheming? !

Others looked at Shi Zhijian with admiration.

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Buffett immediately shouted when he saw that the situation was wrong, "Everyone has hunted, and if gunshots were fired here, those jackals, tigers and leopards will all be alert and won't come at all! Also! , the smell of gunpowder still remains here, and those beasts are also very smart, how can they be fooled?"

Shi Zhijian smiled when he heard the words: "Mr. Buffett, you know what you look like now that reminds me of a Chinese idiom? Dying struggle, trapped beasts still fighting!"

Buffett still wanted to fight back, but Shi Zhijian didn't give him a chance at all: "Why do I say this? Because you forgot a Beasts are greedy! They are willing to take huge risks in order to hunt for food! Don't say this heavy blood, the whine of the young deer can attract them, even a large army with guns and ammunition like us can attract them! Maybe they are hiding deep in the jungle and spying on us at the moment, because in their eyes Here, we are the prey!"

"I can prove this!" Before Buffett could speak, the arrogant white boss said first, "I have personally tested Mr. Shi Zhijian's trap, and the effect is really good! And what he said is also true. That's right, beasts are greedy, just like those stock market investors, in their eyes, anyone is their prey! And they just forget that the real winner is only the banker!"

After the white boss finished speaking, he looked at Shi Zhijian, "Mr. Shi, you passed the test just now and you won a game! So now let me ask the second question, what do you want from us and what can you bring us? what?"

Buffett was so anxious that he didn't expect that his astute self would lose to Shi Zhijian. He immediately raised his hand and said, "I'm coming! I'll say it first!"

The white boss didn't look at him, just looked at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian shrugged: "I don't like to argue with others, let him speak first!"

When Buffett heard this, not only did he not appreciate Shi Zhijian's courtesy, but he thought that Shi Zhijian was a treacherous villain who deliberately showed off his mind and his generosity!

The white boss originally wanted to give Shi Zhijian a chance to answer first, after all, Buffett had already answered last time. But Shi Zhijian would rather give up, and he had nothing to say.

Seeing this, Rodney could only scold Shi Zhijian for being a fool, not knowing how to seize the opportunity every time.

How do they know that Shi Zhijian at this moment has already won the ticket!


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