Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1452: On the altar!

Chapter 1452 1452 [On the altar! 】

In the past, Yan Xiong would be intimidated by the army formation in front of him, but after following Shi Zhijian for a long time, he has long been immune to such big scenes, not to mention that he himself once took charge of an international mercenary army, and he just smiled at this : "What are you afraid of? Get out of the car with me!"

The Mercedes stopped.

Dou Jiqiang got down first, and hurriedly helped Yan Xiong open the car door.

Yan Xiong got out of the car, straightened his suit, raised his head and chest like a big guy.

Seeing this, Dou Jiqiang and Agui suddenly gained confidence for some reason, and quickly took a deep breath and raised their chests.

"Play music!" Colonel Naicai ordered.

The military music sounded suddenly, deafening.

Amidst the military music, Colonel Naicai, dressed in military uniform, stepped forward to shake hands with Yan Xiong: "Welcome, Your Excellency Yan Xiong!"

Yan Xiong smiled and shook hands with Naicai: "Hello, Colonel Naicai!"

Agui and Doujiqiang, who were following Yan Xiong, heard that the other party was actually a colonel, they were shocked at each other, and then puffed up their chests again, feeling proud.

In fact, at this moment, Yan Xiong's heart is full of emotions.

Once upon a time, he had been majestic in Hong Kong, but no matter how majestic he was, he was at most just a Chinese detective, and he still had to bow his knees in front of ghosts, without any self-esteem.

But now, here, I can actually sit on an equal footing with a colonel-level figure, and the other party is respectful to me, who will believe it? !

Of course, while sighing, Yan Xiong did not forget that his present glory is all thanks to Shi Zhijian, if not for Shi Zhijian's blessing, he would not have the glory he is now.

Since following Shi Zhijian, Yan Xiong's status has changed drastically! Others laugh at him as a follower, but only Yan Xiong knows that this follower is not something anyone can do if he wants to! Not even for a Hong Kong governor!

"Mr. Yan, this way please!" Amidst the military music, Colonel Naicai invited Yan Xiong to walk into the barracks.

Accompanied by Naichai, Yan Xiong said as he walked, "Colonel Naichai, this is the first time we meet, so many things can actually be talked about, can't you?"

Naichai laughed immediately: "Sure enough, the person entrusted by Mr. Shi is quick to speak! I like it!"

While talking, the two had arrived at the VIP reception room of the military camp. Naicai asked someone to prepare tea, and invited Yan Xiong to sit down, and then took a look at Agui and Doujiqiang who had been following Yan Xiong all the time.

Yan Xiong said with a smile: "They are all my confidantes, and you can talk about anything in front of them!"

"If that's the case, then I'll open my mouth! Mr. Yan, you probably already know the specifics. We are continuing to continue a batch of arms, but we are a little tight on funds, so I want to..." Nai guessed and stopped talking.

When Yan Xiong heard this, he smiled and said nothing.

Agui and Doujiqiang have ten thousand horses flying by in their hearts!

arms? !

My boss, Lord Yan is playing too much now!

Nai guessed that he wanted Yan Xiong to answer the conversation, but he didn't expect Yan Xiong to be an old fox, so he didn't open his mouth.

Helpless, Naicai had no choice but to say: "So please ask Mr. Yan to go back and have a few words with Mr. Shi, and allow a few more days in terms of funds—"

"Yes!" Yan Xiong answered very neatly.

Nai Gua didn't expect Yan Xiong to be so eloquent, so he immediately said happily: "Really?"

"Of course it's true!" Yan Xiong laughed, "Everyone is in business, and what they say is a spit and a nail, it's more real than real money!"

"That's really great!" Naicai was very happy.

"However, please don't be too happy, Your Excellency, I haven't finished my sentence—" Yan Xiong said with a smile, "Your money can be paid later, and our goods will of course be delivered later!"

"What do you mean?" Nai Gua was taken aback.

"Don't you understand what I mean?" Yan Xiong was still smiling, looking harmless to humans and animals, "It's a matter of course that one hand delivers the goods and the other hand pays. Now your money is late, and our goods are of course also late. Some…"

"You—" Nai Gua didn't expect Yan Xiong to be so cunning, and almost got into trouble.

Fortunately, the tea was served at this time, breaking the tense atmosphere.

Yan Xiong picked up the tea and took a sip, he didn't seem to notice Naicai's anger at all.

Naicai endured it, remembered General Wan Long's order, and then sat down again.

It was just this single scene, but it frightened Agui and Doujiqiang behind Yan Xiong.

God, this is on someone else's territory, or in a military camp, and there are guns all around!

By the time the two of them realized this, they were already dripping with cold sweat.

Colonel Naicai considered his language for a while, then looked at Yan Xiong and said: "Mr. Yan, I know this will make it difficult for you, but I still hope you can help with this—"

After saying these words, Naichai clapped his hands outside, and soon someone came in and handed Naicai a big envelope.

Naicai smiled and handed the envelope to Yan Xiongdao: "According to your rules in Hong Kong, I will pretend to be sincere!"

Yan Xiong took it, spread his fingers apart, glanced at it, and smiled: "Sure enough, Colonel Nai guess is really full of sincerity, I like it very much!"

"Hahaha! That's good!" Naicai breathed a sigh of relief.

"However—" Yan Xiong returned the big envelope, "I have received your sincerity, but as for the things inside, I dare not accept it!"

Don't say that Naichai was stunned at this time, even Agui and Dou Jiqiang who followed Yan Xiong were also stunned, they knew Yan Xiong's character and were greedy! Belonging to the type of plucking wild goose and plucking hair, and now turning a blind eye to so much money? !

"That's unreasonable! Are you playing with me?" Colonel Naicai felt that Yan Xiong had played him, and immediately said angrily.

Agui and Doujiqiang were startled out of fright, they were sweating just now, but now they are out of their wits!

Yan Xiong still looked like an old god, and picked up the tea and scraped the tea foam with the tea lid: "Mr. Shi trusts me, so he entrusted me with this business! I, Yan, used to be very greedy, I guess You have already checked my background, but now I am doing things for Mr. Shi, first of all I must be worthy of Mr. Shi, and secondly I must be worthy of my own conscience! So, sorry——

Yan Xiong looked up at Naicai contemptuously: "I can't take your money!"

The atmosphere froze instantly.

The entire reception room was dead silent!

at this time-

"Hahaha!" After a burst of laughter, General Wan Long came in from the outside and clapped, "Sharp! Sharp! Is that Yan Xiong? It seems to me that I have underestimated you and treated you like the former Inspector Hua! Yes Oh, I apologize to you, my men are being reckless!"

Seeing General Wan Long appearing, Yan Xiong also hurriedly got up, clasped his fists and said, "Is that General Wan Long, what a nuisance Yan came here for!"

"Please sit down!" Bandung made an inviting gesture.

Colonel Naichai also stood up early to give up his seat to Wanlong.

Wan Long Dama Jindao sat down, looked at Yan Xiong and said, "Sure enough, Mr. Shi has a lot of strong men. Just now, my subordinates were rude. Now let's tell the truth—what are we going to do before you are willing to help?"

Yan Xiong smiled, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He knew that it would not be so easy for Shi Zhijian to invite him to negotiate this time, but he did not expect that even Wan Long himself would appear.

"Actually, Mr. Shi has already given concessions—" Yan Xiong considered his vocabulary, "So I came up with two solutions. Since your side is short of funds, you can mortgage things, or simply barter!"

"Oh, barter? How to do it?" General Bandung was curious about this suggestion.

Wan Long disdained to mortgage things. It seemed that he was not good enough. The main reason was that he was not strong enough. If other warlords heard about it, wouldn't he be laughed to death? As for "bartering", this is much more acceptable.

Yan Xiong smiled slightly, took a sip from the teacup, put it down, then looked up at General Wan Long and said, "Mine!"

"Impossible!" Wan Long waved his hand and refused on the spot!

You must know that Thailand is one of the countries with super-rich mineral resources in Southeast Asia, especially jewelry resources. Ruby and sapphire are all produced from mining areas in Thailand, and these precious rough mining areas have always been controlled by the big bosses like Bandung. It's hard to get involved.

Wan Long also relied on these rich gem deposits to make his army fat and strong. Now that Yan Xiong asked him to exchange the mines for Shi Zhijian's arms, he would never do such a thing.

Yan Xiong also seemed to expect that Wan Long would reject this proposal.

In fact, Yan Xiong was not sure about this proposal, he only knew that Shi Zhijian wanted him to solve this matter, so he had to rack his brains and stand on Shi Zhijian's side to consider how to maximize the benefits.

So changing the mine was actually Yan Xiong's personal idea, Shi Zhijian didn't know yet.

It can be said that Yan Xiong is making a dangerous move!

At this moment, Yan Xiong pretended not to be surprised at all, and continued to laugh: "Please, General, let me finish my speech!"

"Say it!" After all, Wan Long had a noble status and was full of aura. He waved his hand to let Yan Xiong continue to speak.

"It's like this. Although we have obtained the mine, the management, transportation and other powers are still in your hands, General. It means that we have invested in this mine, and the profits can be shared equally by then!"

"Equal share? Impossible!" Wan Long continued, "Do you know how much I can earn from this mine every year? It's not worth it for your small amount of arms!"

Yan Xiong laughed, "I'm not finished yet!"


"May I ask the general, where do you process the gems after you dig them out?"

"Of course it's in our local area!"

"Then, does the general know about your local jewelry processing technology, design technology, and sales channels?"

Yan Xiong asked three times in a row.

Bandung was stunned for a moment. There are gemstone mines in Thailand, but Thailand is very primitive in terms of gemstone processing design. To be precise, there are not many professionals. Therefore, many gemstones are picked up and sold for money after they are mined. .

Seeing Wan Long thinking deeply, Yan Xiong continued: "Then Wan Long must have heard of Hong Kong's strength in gem sales—as an international metropolis, Hong Kong's gem industry can even rank among the top ten in Asia! More importantly Our Mr. Shi happened to have a good friend named Zheng Yutong, who is in the gem business in Hong Kong! To be precise, their entire family relies on the gem business for a living, and those who are professional in this area cannot be more professional!"

"General Wan Long, if you are willing to nod and let us cooperate to operate the mines under your control, then we can discuss with Mr. Zheng Yutong to do business directly with Your Excellency the General, leaving aside those greedy middlemen who earn the difference, and become business partners directly. At that time, jewelry production, design, and sales will be integrated, and the profits will definitely be much more than you are now!"

Yan Xiong's words directly hit General Wan Long's vitals.

Although Thailand produces gemstones, they cannot be sold in the international market because of backward technology in gemstone design, and many rough stones have to be sent to Hong Kong for reprocessing and carving before they can be sold at huge profits.

To give a simple example, a sapphire is only worth 3,000 U.S. dollars after it is designed in Thailand, but it can be sold for 30,000 or even 300,000 U.S. dollars after it is redesigned and packaged in Hong Kong!

In addition, although General Wan Long is a soldier, he is also very familiar with the jewelry industry in Hong Kong, and even dealt with the jewelry tycoon there.

Of course, he has heard of the "Zheng Yutong" that Yan Xiong said, and he knew him and had a transaction indirectly. Now Yan Xiong proposes that he can get rid of the middleman who earns the price difference, and directly hand over his gemstones to Zheng Yutong to design, build and sell. Absolutely more profits earned!

Wan Long took a deep breath and looked at Yan Xiong: "How can I believe you?"

Yan Xiong smiled, knowing that he had moved the other party, he immediately took out a letter from his arms: "This is a letter from our Mr. Shi to Mr. Zheng Yutong. If you nod your head now, General Wan Long, then this letter will be mailed out immediately. !"

While talking, Yan Xiong handed the letter to Wan Long.

Wan Long took a look at the letter, took another deep breath, and then squeezed his chin in silence.

Yan Xiong knew that he had reached a crucial point, so he continued his efforts: "General, to put it bluntly, the mine is with you, and you will not be able to move it or leave it! Besides, you are heavily guarded, who dares to move its mind? Besides, every month Even how much is produced every day, you also said in your heart, why are you afraid that we will take it for ourselves? Let’s work together, we will contribute money, you will contribute, and then open up the sky and the ground in Hong Kong, so that in the future, you can rest easy and make a fortune through cooperation! Really, this is a good thing that many people can't think of, and it's hard to find it with a lantern, so why are you so hesitant?"

Wan Long's sharp eyes flickered.

Yan Xiong's heart was also raised.

Behind him, Agui and Doujiqiang were about to die, feeling that the atmosphere was too tense.


"Okay! It's a deal!" Wan Long suddenly made a His eyes were burning, "Yan Xiong is right, I believe you!"

Yan Xiong's heart fell to the ground, and he immediately stood up and stretched out his hand to Wan Long: "Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Wan Long stood up and shook hands with Yan Xiong.

Behind Yan Xiong, Agui and Doujiqiang were both stunned—

Master Yan actually negotiated a business with this majestic general? !

It can be said that Yan Xiong's words and deeds have refreshed their cognition!

Is this still Yan Xiong, the former four chief inspectors?

A Gui and Dou Jiqiang thought that Yan Xiong had returned to his original position before, but now it seems that they think less, Yan Ye has simply ascended to the altar!

When I go back to Hong Kong, I have to tell others about it. Isn’t everyone scared to death? !

At this moment, Agui and Doujiqiang looked at Yan Xiong, who was shaking hands with Wanlong, talking and laughing, and suddenly felt that Yan Ye was so familiar, yet so strange!

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