Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 520: tyrant!

Shi Zhijian combed his head, bit his cigarette, leaned on the boss chair, and quietly watched the gang of Dongying ghosts who were slowly becoming unscrupulous.

In the last life, Shi Zhijian knew clearly that these Dongying people were different in appearance, and at this moment they fully realized it.

As Shi Zhijian's translator, Dai Fengni didn't know what it was like.

She thought she would be very happy that Shi Pujie was slaughtered and laughed at. But for some reason, I felt very uncomfortable, as if something was blocking my breath.

Dai Fengni ruthlessly smoothed her chest with her hand, thinking in her heart, what am I worried about for him? Am I sick?

Liang Youcai has a bitter face, Shi Zhijian is his boss, and both are prosperous! When others bullied his boss, he, Liang Youcai, could not wait to rush up and beat up these little devils!

Seeing Shi Zhijian being ridiculed by these subordinates, Mitsuko Yamada couldn't bear it anymore.

Although she doesn't quite support Shi Zhijian's decision to make such a big change, Shi Zhijian is her man!

Dongying women have been indoctrinated from a young age that men are their gods and must obey their own men. This kind of thinking is deeply rooted!

For Shi Zhijian, even if his proposal is wrong, she will support Mitsuko Yamada!

Seeing that Mitsuko Yamada was about to make a move, Shi Zhijian reached out and grabbed her from below, holding her little hand tightly and giving her a comforting look.

Seeing Shi Zhijian like this, Mitsuyama Yamada took a deep breath and suppressed the anger that was rising in his heart.

About two minutes later, Shi Zhijian flicked the cigarette into the ashtray with his right hand, looked at Yamamoto Yoko and the others and said, "Have you finished talking?"

A faint sentence, but it seems to have infinite power, and immediately quieted the scene.

In fact, powerful people can't speak loudly. The louder they are, the more they show their incompetence.

On the contrary, a single word can kill the audience in seconds, which is called greatness.

Shi Zhijian's own aura has achieved this at this moment.

This kind of aura was brewed by Shi Zhijian from the Hong Kong side, defeating countless opponents!

Yamamoto didn't understand why he felt a fear of Shi Zhijian inexplicably. In order to drive away this fear, he bit a big cigar and said, "Mr. Shi, we are just being reasonable! For the future of Jinlong Company, each of us will express our opinions!"

"Yeah! Mr. Shi doesn't have any ideas, right? That's a pity!" Kawashima Xiu also immediately echoed.

Shi Zhijian smiled, "It's okay to express our opinions! I'm also very open-minded and democratic!"

Shi Zhijian spoke and spread his hands, "But there is one thing you don't seem to understand! That is, I am not discussing the problem with you, but to tell you that you must do it!"

Shi Zhijian's tone suddenly became domineering, and his eyes became sharp.

"If you don't want to follow, you can!" Shi Zhijian knocked on the table, "I'm sitting here, you can hand in your resignation letter now! I'll approve it! Let you go home and take good care of you!"

This sentence is cruel!

It's not all old men here, what kind of years do you care for? It's clearly fried squid!

"Mr. Shi, isn't it too much for you to say that?" Yamamoto stood up suddenly, biting a big cigar, and looked at Shi Zhijian with a displeased expression.

Instantly, the atmosphere became tense.

Everyone looked at Shi Zhijian to see how he would take up the move.

Shi Zhijian smiled, got up slowly, put the thumb of one hand in the vest pocket, and said resolutely: "Yamamoto Heng! I have endured you for a long time!" He pointed at Yamamoto Heng's nose, "Is that the Golden Dragon Three Musketeers? Your history It's over! Now what I say is what I say! If you don't want to do it, get out!"

Shi Zhijian's foul language directly refreshed the three views of these gangsters!

Before, he was gentle and gentle, chatting and laughing with everyone, and talking about the enlightened and democratic Mr. Shi, how did he suddenly become a tyrant? !

Yamamoto's face turned blue and white, when was he ever scolded like this? Still in front of so many people! How will he behave in the future? !

"You, you, **** it!" Yamamoto clenched his fists tightly, his blue veins exposed.

"What are you?" Shi Zhijian pointed at Yamamoto's nose with sharp eyes, "Perhaps you used to be very powerful, aggressive, and energetic! But now? You have become a coward! The corpse is a vegetarian meal! You only care about comfort. Life, but dare not challenge! If you encounter a little setback and difficulty, you will retreat! I will beat your lungs! Do you want to be a machine all your life?

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he glanced around for a week, pointed at Hideo Kawashima and others: "I'm not targeting him, I'm targeting all of you here! All of you are trash! They are cowards! Dare not to challenge, not to face difficulties. Go! Where's your **** Bushido spirit? Where did it go? Eaten by dogs?!"

Yamamoto was stunned!

Kawashima Xiu was stunned!

Even Yamada Mitsuko was stunned!

Everyone was stunned to see the scene in front of them!

Dai Fengni's mouth was wide open.

Liang Youcai dropped his chin in shock, "I pick, it's sharp!"


Was scolded by Shi Zhijian to **** head!

"I support Mr. Shi!"

Chen Huwang stood up abruptly and vowed. UU reading

"Rather than being a coward who doesn't dare to challenge difficulties, it's better to let go!"

Shi Zhijian nodded, and the dark line that he was hiding in the golden dragon finally took effect.

With such a team as Chen Huwang, those who saw the wind immediately understood.

"I also support Mr. Shi's reform! The Golden Dragon Company is overdue for reform. It can't always rely on its own capital. It must move forward bravely!"

"Yeah, I support it too! Long live the Golden Dragon reform!"

Immediately, those who saw the situation clearly waved their fists at Shi Zhijian, expressing their surrender.

As long as he's not a fool, he knows what Shi Zhijian dares to scold Yamamoto Heng and others for.

Not some bullshit!

Is power! It is he who controls the shares of Jinlong!

Yamamoto's face turned purple and blue, and he looked at his old comrade-in-arms Hide Kawashima.

Hideo Kawashima has always followed in his footsteps.

Hide Kawashima nodded sincerely towards Yamamoto Yoko.

"It's still Kawashima-kun, you are still willing to support me at this time!" Yamamoto Heng was grateful.

I saw Hideo Kawashima stood up, raised his hands suddenly, and shouted: "Down with Yamamoto Yoko! We don't want to be cowards! We want to be heroes!"


The cigar that Yamamoto was biting at was thrown to the ground by Hideo Kawashima's voice.

"How is that possible?" Yamamoto's eyes almost popped out!

Killing him did not expect that his best friend Hideo Kawashima would suddenly stab him!

The others were also stunned for a moment, then recovered, and raised their arms and shouted, "Down with Yamamoto! We must be heroes!"

Shout out, earth-shattering!

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