Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 524: You ungrateful animal!

Yamada Mitsuo wanted to scold his sister Mitsuo, so he stopped paying attention to her. After all, the two had cut off their relationship for so long, and he was unwilling to take the initiative to lower his head and climb up the relationship with his sister.

But Minister Fujiki is his boss. He was transferred to Kyoto from another place and worked hard for three years, and he is still just an inconspicuous clerk.

Salary, benefits, all aspects have not increased for three years. What made it even more difficult for Guangfu to accept was that those juniors who entered the industry later than him actually took the lead and became his superiors, team leaders, and section leaders.

For this reason, his wife Yazi did not miss him, saying that he was a thousand-year-old turtle, a thousand-year-old employee, and he was useless in his life.

There are so many scoldings, and some light husbands don’t even dare to go home, so they can only get drunk at an izakaya late at night.

Recently, the company's annual promotion index has come down. According to his qualifications, he is expected to be promoted to the department head this time.

Yamada Mitsuo also paid attention this time, and invited some old employees who had been in positions for a long time to have a few meals. Only then did he understand why he had not been promoted for so many years and had been circling at the bottom.

It's not that he doesn't work hard, and it's not that "Guangfu-kun, you are not skilled enough, and your business ability is not strong" as mentioned above, but because he doesn't know how to flatter, especially this Minister Fujiki, who has always been in control of the promotion of their low-level staff. , Many people tried to please him in every possible way for promotion.

According to what the drunk old employee said, as long as you can take good care of this brazen Minister Fujiki, then you will definitely get the promotion target this time.

Mitsuo got such a secret and was very excited. He studied it for several days and made a lot of plans to approach Minister Fujiki. Unfortunately, this Minister Fujiki was insatiable and wasted.

When Yazi knew about this, she felt that Guangfu was an Adou who couldn't help him, and he couldn't bear the child's inability to catch the wolf. Since that Fujiki had such a big appetite, he should give him more benefits, and he had to grab this index no matter what.

With the encouragement of his wife, Mitsuo Yamada, he gritted his teeth and invited Minister Fujiki to eat at such a high-level place tonight.

You know, in order to be frugal, he usually only eats the lunch box prepared by his wife for him, and the overnight sushi that is sold at a discount at the sushi restaurant.

Minister Fujiki originally disliked the useless man Mitsuo, but Fujiki took a fancy to Mitsuo's wife, Meko.

Mizuko is a coquettish woman who knows how to dress up, which is just right to Fujiki's appetite.

Guangfu also saw it, but he didn't dare to offend Fujiki, and even had to squeeze out a smiling face to accompany him, but now, it was obvious that this old woman, Fujiki, had an idea for his sister, Photon.

Immediately, Yamada Mitsuo's heart lit up, feeling that this was an opportunity.

The younger sister, Photon, has never done anything for herself, and now is the time for her to repay herself!

If Photon can comfortably serve this **** Fujiki, then his promotion will be absolutely fine!


Guangfu thought so in his heart, but he couldn't wipe his face. His wife, Moko, could see clearly, and immediately said in a coquettish tone in the middle: "This suggestion from Minister Fujiki is very good! You and Mitsuno have not seen each other for so long, why don't you sit down and have a drink together, Anything can be solved! Do you think so, Photon?"

After speaking, Masako deliberately lengthened her voice and looked at Mitsuko Yamada beside her.

Minister Fujiki put his hands behind his back, his face was very proud, his eyes became more sullen, and with the blessing of the useless couple, Mitsuo, he was going to eat this beauty tonight!

Photon's face changed, just when he didn't know what to say, Shi Zhijian held a cigarette beside him, took a sip of tea, raised his head and said, "I'm sorry, if you don't mind, you can invite me next time! Miss Photon still has some things to do!"

Yazi just pretended to see Shi Zhijian's appearance. Seeing Shi Zhijian speaking Chinese, she couldn't help but startled, and said in a disdainful tone: "Why, you are Chinese?"

Shi Zhijian smiled, put down the water glass, took a puff of cigarette, and said in English this time, "That's right! I'm a friend of Photon, my name is Shi Zhijian! Please take care of me!"

After all, it is Photon's eldest brother and sister-in-law, Shi Zhijian still stood up with a little face, gently crushed the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray at the dining table, and then solemnly extended his hand towards Guangfu.

Yamada Mitsuo glanced at Fujiki, who seemed to be very unhappy with Shi Zhijian's half-way kill with a smile on his face.

Guangfu immediately raised his air and snorted with contempt: "I never shake hands with Chinese people!"

"Really?" Shi Zhijian shrugged, "Actually, I rarely shake hands with people like you! I'm afraid it will get dirty!" Shi Zhijian also took out a handkerchief and wiped his fingers, posing higher.

It's not that he doesn't give face to Photon, it's that the big brother of Photon is shameless.

Guangfu was furious, he didn't expect Shi Zhijian to humiliate himself so much.

His wife Ya Zi smiled and said: "Guang, it looks like you are very successful! I thought you would meet such amazing people when you go to college, but I didn't expect to get mixed up with this lowest-level Chinese!" There was a hint of sarcasm on his lips. .

Mitsuko Yamada's face was embarrassed. On the one hand, it was her eldest brother and sister-in-law, and on the other hand, she was the man she liked, making her in a dilemma.

Seeing that the photon didn't speak, Yazi was even more proud, and decided that Shi Zhijian was a street man, or else according to the photon's stubborn character, it would not be this kind of expression, so he raised his tail and introduced it loudly.

Yazi looked at Shi Zhijian more Seeing that Shi Zhijian was dressed in expensive clothes and looked extremely handsome, he guessed that maybe he was a soft eater.

I heard that there are many young men like this in Ginza, Kyoto recently. They are very handsome, but they live by coaxing women, asking women to help buy various famous brands, and go to luxury restaurants to eat.

Although Shi Zhijian didn't understand Japanese, he knew that what Yazi said just now was not a good thing, just by looking at the embarrassed expression on Guang's face.

He didn't want to entangle with the snobbish couple any more, and said to the photon in English: "Let's sit down first, Mr. William will be here soon!"

Photon nodded and was about to sit back in his seat.

This time her eldest brother Mitsuo is not happy, and if Photon does this, it is equivalent to rejecting Minister Fujiki's invitation!

Looking at Minister Fujiki again, there was a hint of anger on his face.

Guangfu was frightened, and he turned his head and was about to lash out at his sister, Photon.

Ya Zi is a scheming woman, and she hurriedly pulled Guangfu to sit at Shi Zhijian's seat together, and said, "The table you have reserved is quite large. We can sit together, okay?"

After speaking, Yako turned her head and winked at Fujiki, which meant that she couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so take your time!

Fujiki understands that, in his opinion, Photon is young and has no social experience at first sight---what is the use of handsome men? To be as powerful as him and have a certain status in society!

Fujiki looked like he was eating Dingguang, and sat down with him.

For him, defeating Shi Zhijian, a soft-spoken man with a vain appearance, was simply an easy task!

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