Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 552: The literati are light, and the dog bites the dog!

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The New Year's Day party organized by the four major publishing houses in Baodao officially started.

As the initiator of this party, Zhan Zhaotang, President of Crown Group, spoke to everyone.

The content of his speech is very simple, that is, the literary world of Baodao, especially the martial arts world, is developing very rapidly. I hope everyone can work together to make this cake bigger.

To this end, Zhan Zhaotang proposed to select a martial arts writer with great influence, good writing style and high sales volume to serve as the "Wulin Alliance Leader" in the literary world, so as to lead everyone to a new height.

As soon as this proposal came out, it immediately caused a commotion on the scene.

For these literati, fame was more important than profit.

Especially master-level figures like Sima Ling, Wolongsheng, and Zhuge Qingyun are bound to win the title of "Wulin Leader".

"I support Sima Ling! He became famous, and even Zha Liangyong praised his works!"

"I support Wolongsheng! His novels are very grounded! The sales volume is also good!"

"The leader of the martial arts alliance must be Gu Long! Now his works are the most popular, and the royalties are also the highest among us!"

For a time, the scene became a mess of porridge.

As a bystander, Shi Zhijian is neither a native of Baodao nor a writer in the literary world, so he can see everything more calmly.

As a past person, apart from Zhan Zhaotang and other bigwigs of the four major publishing houses, no one knows better than him how huge the profits of the current treasure island martial arts novels are.

In this era of extremely underdeveloped entertainment, martial arts novels are simply a panacea to cure people's spiritual emptiness, so they sell so well that no matter how bad you write, people will read them.

For the works of famous martial arts masters such as Gu Long, Sima Ling and Wo Longsheng, a work can be purchased for a set of villas directly. Plus copyright or something, it's not just a villa, but a villa!

The four major publishers made a lot of money by sucking the blood of these martial arts masters.

However, recently, these martial arts authors' royalties and royalties have been skyrocketing, and they have joined together to negotiate with publishers, demanding equal treatment of royalties and royalties.

This is tantamount to letting the publishing boss cut his flesh, how can he agree?

But if they don't agree, the relationship can't be eased. The unity of martial arts writers is always a thorn, like a choking in the throat.

Let these big guys sit still.

So Zhan Zhaotang came up with a plan, learned the moves in Jin Yong's "Swordsman", came to a point and resolved it, and broke through it internally! Since a "Five Sacred Alliance Leader" can play the major sects round and round, then a martial arts alliance leader can also play these literati around!

as predicted!

Everyone wants face!

Not to mention these noble literati!

Zhan Zhaotang just casually threw out the worthless title of "Wulin Alliance Leader", and these people began to break up and start fighting within each other.

Shi Zhijian could see clearly, but he couldn't say anything. His identity was here, he was just a spectator.

Gu Long's side is very active. He is not short of money now, but he is short of a recognized title. So he began to win over Shangguan Ding and Gao Yong to support him.

Over there, Sima Ling, Wo Longsheng, and Zhuge Qingyun also negotiated and recommended Wo Longsheng as the leader of the martial arts alliance.

The reason for this is that firstly, Wolongsheng is older, and secondly, Wolongsheng is more popular in the circle than Sima Ling and Zhuge Qingyun. Especially, many of Wolongsheng's works have been bought by TV stations, and they are ready to shoot TV series, and their influence is also high. bigger.

As for the other famous martial arts masters at the scene, they also supported their own martial arts leaders.

For example, Yun Zhongyue and Chen Qingyun unanimously elected Liu Canyang, the oxen of the Jagged Jianghu faction, as the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Lonely Red and Yi Rong jointly elected Murong Mei, a martial artist of Meiwen, as the leader of the martial arts alliance.

For a time, four or five martial arts leaders appeared at the scene, which made people stunned.

Zhan Zhaotang and the other three publishing house bosses watched the lively scene together and gave each other a wink.

These literati think they are smart, but they are as stupid as pigs!

Dog bites dog hair!

The more you fight inside! The less united!

When the time comes to talk about manuscript fees and copyrights, shouldn't we be the ones calling the shots? !

Zhan Zhaotang glanced over Gu Long, Sima Ling and others, but felt a pair of bright eyes watching him on the left.

Zhan Zhaotang looked over and happened to meet Shi Zhijian's eyes.

For some reason, Zhan Zhaotang felt that his conspiracy was seen through, so he calmly smiled at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian also smiled at him.

Zhan Zhaotang no longer looked at Shi Zhijian, and snorted coldly in his heart, even if you see through it?

A foreigner from Hong Kong!

Is it possible to set off stormy waves on the treasure island?


Due to disputes, in the end, until the end of the party, the leader of this year's Xia Tan Wu Lin alliance was not elected.

However, Gulong and Wolongsheng are the two most vocal, so they are also called "Double Dragons for Hegemony".

Leaving Jianjian Villa, Gu Long took Shi Zhijian and others to find a nearby hotel to stay.

The next day, just before dawn, Gu Long knocked on Shi Zhijian's door: "Ajian, are you awake?"

Shi Zhijian got up, got dressed, walked over to open the door, but saw Gu Long with two big dark circles under his eyes. At first glance, he hadn't slept well last night. .

"A Jian, have breakfast together! I have something to tell you!" Gu Long yawned.

Shi Zhijian nodded and told him to wait for a while before taking a shower.

Soon, Shi Zhijian came to the hotel restaurant and saw Gu Long, Shangguan Ding, and Gao Yong sitting together from far away. When they saw him, they waved to Shi Zhijian: "Ajian, here!"

Shi Zhijian walked over, greeted Shangguan Ding and Gao Yong first, then ordered gruel and a plate of steamed buns, took a bite of the steamed buns, then raised his head and asked Gu Long, "What are you looking for from me? "

"It's like this. I thought about it all night last night, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt that something was wrong. This martial arts leader seems to be useless!"

"Huh?" Shi Zhijian almost spit out the stuffing of the buns in his Gu Long held his cheeks with his hands, blinked his small eyes, and looked thoughtful: "I and Wo Longsheng and the others are fighting back and forth. , seems to be cheaper than the grandchildren of the four major publishing houses!"

"Cough, cough, cough!" This time Shi Zhijian was really choking on the stuffing of buns.

"So I want to ask you a favor, talk to the guys like Sima Ling and Wo Longsheng, let's not fight! It's the key for everyone to work together to make money!"

Shi Zhijian tried his best to swallow the buns in his mouth, frowning: "Why do you want me to be a peacemaker? I'm not very familiar with them!"

Gu Long just smiled and said, "Who made you Shi Zhijian, a mythical boss? You don't know. Yesterday, when the guys from Sima Ling found out your identity, their eyes stared like lanterns!"

"Yes, Mr. Shi, you were so majestic yesterday!"

"It's a blockbuster! No, it's an amazing person!"

Shangguan Ding and Gao Yong also gave thumbs up and flattered.

Shi Zhijian, speechless!

At this moment, someone said: "Gossip about people behind your back will make your mouth rotten!"

While speaking, Sima Ling and the three came together!

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