Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 952: Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy, the boss is here!

As the leading police superintendent among the Chinese, Lai Luo had no objection to being sent to Huang Zhu Hang as the principal, but this made Baili Qu and the other ghosts a little stunned.

In Bailiqu's calculation, according to Lei Luo Lei's temper, from a military general to a civil official, he will definitely get angry and lose his temper. At that time, he can use the excuse of disobeying the arrangement and directly take away what he has left. Under power, let him become a bare commander.

But Lai Luo gladly accepted this delegated task, and even happily thanked Shangfeng for his appointment!

This caught Sir Bailiqu off guard, thinking that Lai Luo had a sick mind! It also made Chen Zhichao, Yan Xiong and others stunned, thinking that Lei Luo was playing tricks on the mystery, and he was obviously angry, but he still appeared to be nothing.

In any case, Lai Luo has decided to go to Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy to be the principal.

This made everyone in the general police station uneasy, and they didn't understand what tricks Lai Luo was playing.

So much so that when Lai Luo left the general police station, those Detective Hua and police officers who had previously depended on him came out to send him away.

Chen Zhichao was in the office and saw the long queue outside through the window. Lai Luo's trip was more majestic than the Hong Kong team's trip. He couldn't help but feel sour! Once upon a time, he was still the boss of Lai Luo, pressing Lei Luo, but now he is farther and farther away from Lai Luo.

Even though Lai Luo became the principal of the police academy and became a civilian this time, there are still so many people around him! It seems that you organize the police force yourself and win people's hearts. The obstacles are long and you need to take your time!

Compared with Chen Zhichao's bitterness and jealousy, Yan Xiong's heart was even more mixed when he saw this scene! Watching the long queue of people to send Lei Luo, his nails stabbed into the flesh! I don't know the pain!

Laylo got into his car and waved goodbye to the detectives outside through the window.

Everyone waved their hands, looking reluctant.

Of course, there are also some who sneer in their hearts, thinking that Lai Luo will become a salted fish when he is sent down this time, and it will be difficult to turn over!

The silver Rolls-Royce drove slowly, Laidlaw closed the window, took a last look at the crowd behind him through the front rear-view mirror, and saw everyone's expressions, sneered in his heart: "Crying with a straight face? I want to Those of you who are members of the Legislative Council, you will not be able to climb higher than that!"


Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy, Southern District, Hong Kong Island.

Lai Luo rushed to the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy to be the principal this time, and only brought the driver assigned to him by the General Police Station, as well as the lard boy under his confidant. According to his identity as a superintendent, it was a simple car.

After arriving at Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy, Lai Luo was greeted by the vice-principal of the police academy, Huang Qinian.

Huang Qinian is 43 years old this year. His rank is senior inspector. He has worked in the police academy for ten years, of which he has been the vice principal of the police academy for three years, and he has not been promoted for three years, which is the legendary "dead fish". .

In fact, Huang Qinian was the light of the majestic Chinese explorer back then!

Before Chen Zhichao, Lai Luo, Yan Xiong and the others had risen, they were already all-powerful police bosses. Even Liu Fu, the chief detective who promoted Lai Luo and others at that time, would call him "Brother Nian!"

Just when everyone thought that Huang Qinian would become the most powerful figure after Zeng Zhaoke and was in charge of the Chinese police, the Kowloon riot occurred in 1956!

In dealing with the riot, Huang Qinian was punished by the ghosts Shangfeng because Huang Qinian violated the orders of the ghosts and did not want to use force to shoot the compatriots who participated in the activities!

Since then, Huang Qinian has become a cannon fodder for the British Hong Kong government to kill chickens and warn monkeys!

From being in charge of 3,000 Chinese police officers, he was directly sent to Sham Shui Po to serve as the security brigade there, maintaining the bad relationship between South Asians in Sham Shui Po, mainly Indian Asan and the local Chinese!

After serving as a security captain for three years, he was "promoted" to become a trainee inspector, and was sent to Wong Chuk Hang as an instructor at the police academy here.

From holding a gun to holding a pointer!

Although he worked as a senior inspector in the next few years, and successively served as the dean of the police academy and the vice-principal, everyone knew that he was still a dead fish! Although the official position is high, there is no oil and water, and no real power!

The current Huang Qinian is forty-three years old, and he has already lost his thirties, and he is full of vigor and vitality!

His ambitions have been honed, and he usually only likes to raise flowers, walk the dog, and just wait for the money to retire and take care of his longevity!

Accompanying Huang Qinian to greet Lai Luo were some police instructors, dean of education, personnel director, school affairs director, etc. from Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy.

At the gate of the police academy, Lai Luo had a cordial and friendly conversation with Huang Qinian and others, and then walked into the police academy accompanied by everyone.

The police academy was very clean. In order to leave a good impression on Lai Luo, banners were pulled up from the trees on both sides of the main road, which read, "Welcome Superintendent Lai Luo Lei to serve as the principal of the police academy!"

In the playground, several teams of police academy cadets were training on footsteps, shouting "Left and Right!" in English.

On the other side, another group of students is practicing climbing, overcoming obstacles and other activities.

Huang Qinian introduced Lai Luo about the police academy as he walked, and when he encountered those who ran and exercised, he would let the students say hello to Lai Luo loudly, which was considered enough to give Lai Luo the face of the new principal.

Compared with Huang Qinian's politeness towards Lai Luo, the dean of education, the dean of education and others who accompanied him did their best to flatter Lai Luo! Very proactive and enthusiastic!

The reason for this is that everyone knows that Lei Luo was sent here to be the principal. Maybe he would be imprisoned here for the rest of his life like Huang Qinian, a dead salted fish!

In fact, anyone who is an instructor or a dean here is basically thrown here by Shangfeng as an abandoned child. They have no hope of promotion in this life, and they will stay in this "Tomb of the Living Dead" to live a long life!

Since everyone is hopeless and has no future, then if you want to live a good life here, you must wink, at least you have to curry favor with the big boss, the principal, so that the other party will not wear small shoes for yourself in life!

Therefore, these instructors, directors, etc., are flattering and flattering to Lai Luo, and they can't wait to kneel down and lick the soles of Lai Luo!

Looking at the gang of subordinates who lowered their identities and attitudes to the extreme, Lai Luo didn't care.

He understands that these people are here to eat and drink and wait to die.

The so-called police academy looks very majestic, and everyone knows that there is no oil and water here in this era. Unless you can make a little money when recruiting police officers, the rest are all living on salary.

And as the principal, he can grab their throats with his hand, so that they can't even get this little oil and water, this little salary!

Even Lai Luo believed that if he was not the principal here and was in charge of their life and death, it is estimated that these people would not even bother to take care of themselves.

This point was guessed right by Lai Luo.

These street-fighting instructors, directors, etc., are usually the best at playing cards, drinking, being lazy and sleeping late!

It can be said that it is the first time in the world to come to meet Lai Luo neatly like this!


After Huang Qinian and others accompanied Lai Luo to visit the Huang Zhu Hang Police Academy, Lai Luo already had a precise understanding of the entire police academy.

In the 1950s, Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy was indeed a good place to select elite talents of the police force, and the selection of police officers was also very serious.

After entering the police academy, he conducted various project PKs with a group of police officers, and selected the talents from among those who survived.

Lai Luo was only a middle-class talent at the time.

The most powerful is of course Chen Zhichao, nicknamed "Stinky Fart Chao". He was a man of the hour when he was in the police academy, because he was the first in every written test, and because he knew English, he was highly valued by the ghost instructors. Appointed as the head of the dormitory, after graduating from the police academy, he directly became the plainclothes of the Criminal Investigation Department.

Lai Luo was not so lucky. After graduating from the police academy, he worked as a military police officer for three years, and he only patrolled for two years! In the last year, because he participated in the Fuda Gold Shop robbery, he was transferred to the mobile police by the patrol police! Then I met Bai Fanyu's daughter Bai Yuechang, relying on my father-in-law to pay bribes to the plainclothes inspector Uncle Hai, turned around and became plainclothes, and then spent money to bribe Liu Fu to become Liu Fu's disciple. Become a detective, detective!

At this moment, looking at the familiar venue, Lai Luo was filled with emotion.

If we look at the 1950s as a glorious era of Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy, then in the 1960s, Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy lost its glory.

Because of the social ethos, many Hong Kong people know that being a police officer is very popular and can make a lot of money, so they have gone through the back door to become a police officer through connections!

Even some people who can't read and can't read were admitted to the police academy. During the test, they paid the invigilator to complete the task by cheating.

Such "talents" abound!

Under such circumstances, the entire Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy has become a garbage dump!

Excellent talents cannot enter the police academy because they have no money to buy a career. Those crooked melons and cracked dates rely on money to become "elite" police officers of the police academy!

Such a selection mechanism has made the entire police academy a black smoke! Coupled with the fact that Liang is not right and the beam is crooked, these instructors, directors and others do nothing, eat and drink and wait to die, which makes the entire police academy dead, like a pool of muddy water!

Even "high-intensity" training like today's is for Lai Luo, the new headmaster! As soon as Lai Luo left the training ground and entered the school office, he was here to "receive the troops", and each went to play his own way!


The principal's office prepared by Huang Qinian for Lai Luo can be described as "warm as spring"!

In the office, neither too big nor too small, there are flowers and plants, as well as beautiful potted plants, landscape paintings and calligraphy hanging on the walls, and the horizontal plaque reads "Indifferent Mingzhi"!

There is even a birdcage hanging by the window with a thrush in it.

Seeing Lai Luo walk into the office, the thrush chirped, and seeing Huang Qinian coming in, it was even more commotion in the bird cage!

Lai Luo saw the decoration of the office, and the pet bird saw Huang Qinian's image and saw his father's reaction. In 1989, Huang Qinian thought that he was going to change from vice-principal to full-time principal, so he deliberately decorated it according to his own wishes. A new.

But he didn't expect to kill Lei Luo, "Cheng Yaojin" halfway, and robbed him of his seat.

Now that all the decorations are done, and they can't be removed again, they have to make cheap Lai Luo, a dead scoundrel.

Lai Luo found a seat and sat down, and others also found a seat to sit with.

The lard boy habitually had a briefcase under his arm and stood beside Laylo, like a member of the general.

"Dong dong dong!"

With the knock on the door, a female police officer in a beautiful police uniform served steaming coffee.

Lai Luo glanced at the female police officer, but saw that the other party was wearing beautiful heavy makeup and looked very pretty, but there was a bit of temptation in the uniform.

Huang Qinian and others saw this scene in their eyes, but they didn't take it seriously.

To tell the truth, the female police officers here are actually similar to nightclub socialites, and most of them are trained to accompany guests.

Compared with the male police officers who are crooked and cracked, the selection of these female police officers is very intense and serious.

"Superintendent Lei, this is the cappuccino coffee specially prepared for you by our police academy. Would you like to try it?"

Lai Luo smiled and said, "I didn't expect your little police academy to be so unique!" After speaking, he picked up the cup of coffee brought by the female police officer, took a sip, nodded, and said, "It tastes very good! , the coffee is also beautiful!"

The female police officer was waiting by the side, she was elated, her face was shy, and her appearance was even more exciting.

Huang Qinian and the others looked at each other and felt that they had touched the personal hobby of this Superintendent Lei.

"Thank you Superintendent Lei for your If the Superintendent likes it, I'll ask Amei to bring coffee to your resting room later!"

Lai Luo smiled slightly: "Go to my room? No hurry, take your time!"

Hearing this, Huang Qinian even gave the policewoman A Mei a look: "A Mei, this time it's up to you, take care of this tiger, I'll give you a raise!"

After Huang Qinian made a small gesture, he turned around and took out the prepared cigar, and handed it to Lai Luo. It was a Cuban product.

Lai Luo took it with a smile, and said, "Life here is very pleasant! Coffee, cigars, beautiful girls! It's really unbelievable!" .

Huang Qinian got up and was about to step forward to help Lai Luo light the cigar, but the lard boy standing behind Lai Luo took out a lighter to help Lai Luo light the cigar.

Lei Luo bit his cigar, leaned on the chair, crossed his legs, and slowly exhaled smoke towards Huang Qinian and the others!

In the smoke, his eyes gradually changed from gentle to sharp.

"As the saying goes, the country is so charming and affectionate. Since ancient times, beautiful women have matched heroes! She is a beautiful girl, so do you all look at me like a hero?"

"Superintendent Lei is famous, of course he is a hero!"

"Yes! Yes! Superintendent Lei came to our police academy to be the principal, which is the glory of our police academy!"

Huang Qinian and others echoed the road.

Laidlaw spit out smoke contemptuously, the smoke covering his face: "Since I am a hero, what are you?"


Huang Qinian and others looked at each other in dismay.

Yeah, what are we?

Throwing the street!

Salted fish?

Or stay in the police academy and eat **** waiting to die? !

For a time, these high-level officers of the police academy, who were usually good at basking in the sun, sleeping and slapping their horses, were speechless!

0952 [Huangzhuhang Police Academy, the boss is here! 】

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