Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 967: Big wedding day!

November 16, 1970, an auspicious day.

Chinese people have always attached great importance to the big event of marriage, especially in Hong Kong, a colony with complex culture, no matter whether you are poor or rich, you have to make great efforts in the face of such a happy event as marriage.

The wedding of Hong Kong tycoon Shi Zhijian was held at the magnificent Kowloon Peninsula Hotel.

Early in the morning, the sound of firecrackers outside the hotel started early.

The entire hotel courtyard is decorated with lanterns and Chinese-style red lanterns.

There is a red banner above: "Congratulations to Mr. Shi Zhijian and Ms. Bai Ledi, Ms. Nie Yongqin, and Ms. Su Youwei on their wedding!"

One drag three!

This kind of wedding ceremony is rarely seen in Hong Kong in this era.

According to Daqing lawyers, Hong Kong men in this era can have three wives and four concubines, and it is legal to marry multiple wives. But it was only gradual, one by one married into the family, but like Shi Zhijian married three at a time, but very few.


Another large string of firecrackers exploded at the entrance of the hotel, shattering red all over the floor.

To set off fireworks and firecrackers in Hong Kong, you need to go to the police station for record and issue a certificate before proceeding.

A big man like Shi Zhijian, of course, does not need to engage in these things. On the contrary, the police stations in the New Territories, Kowloon and Hong Kong Island took the initiative to pull a large car of fireworks and firecrackers, hoping to win the favor of the Shi family. It's good to be able to put it directly on the scene and get a full house.

At this moment, the string of extra-large firecrackers just now was a "gift" from the West Kowloon Crime Squad for Mr. Shi Zhijian.

After the firecrackers were set off, another row of fireworks exploded, causing everyone around to look up, and the children cheered and applauded.

"Wow, where did the West Kowloon Crime Squad get so many fireworks? It's so beautiful!"

"Yeah, the last time gentleman Zeng's son got married, they didn't see them so caring!"

A few plainclothes beside him whispered.

My colleagues are enemies. These people are plainclothes people in the New Territories. I met Shi Zhijian when he opened an instant noodle factory. I hope that this time I can use Shi Zhijian's wedding to come here to make a fortune and show my face. They brought fireworks and firecrackers that were much bigger than them, which attracted everyone's applause.

At the door, the housekeeper Wang Cai, who was in charge of entertaining the guests, as well as the eight major servants, as well as Chen Huimin and Dasha, couldn't help but shrugged their noses.

To tell the truth, since 5 o'clock in the morning, the sound of firecrackers has been constantly heard at the entrance of this hotel. It is even exaggerated that from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon, from the street to the end of the street, the air is full of the smell of gunpowder burning.

A jeep came galloping, crunching, and parked in front of the hotel.

Ding Yongqiang drank a cigarette, lifted his trousers belt, and got out of the car with a tugging appearance.

Recently, he has been very lucky. Not only did he serve as the inspector of Yau Tsim Wang District 3, but he was also favored by his boss.

In contrast, Ren Darong, who was sharper than him in the past, was beaten by him. Many police officers who used to curry favor with "Ren Darong" also began to turn around and call him "Brother Qiang" before and after "Brother Qiang".

People are happy when they are happy!

What's more, today is still a big happy event for his good brother Shi Zhijian, of course Ding Yongqiang will come to join us!

"Come on, bring my firecrackers out!" Ding Yongqiang held a cigarette in his mouth and looked like a boss.

"Okay, Brother Qiang!"

Soon people knew why Ding Yongqiang used the word "lift"!

The four big men lifted bundles of firecrackers that were as thick as water tanks from the jeep.

The people around let out an exclamation.

Even the people from West Kowloon couldn't help but open their mouths.


Ding Yongqiang looked proud!

When he was a child, his family was poor and had no chance to set off firecrackers! During the Chinese New Year, he would go to other people's houses to find the ones that hadn't been blown up, and put them away together!

In order to put these accumulated firecrackers openly and vividly, Ding Yongqiang pulled Shi Zhijian and came up with many crooked ideas!

Cover the firecrackers with cans, light the firecrackers, and explode into the sky!

Another is to stuff firecrackers into cow dung, and secretly ignite them when pedestrians pass by, and then explode them all over the floor!

Ding Yongqiang thinks that the most classic way to develop a firecracker explosion method is to take advantage of his father's squatting and throw the firecrackers into the ditch.

Thinking of his dead father, Ding Yongqiang shook his head, feeling a little sad in his heart.

At the beginning, I was not promising, but now I am promising, but the old guy is gone!

At the time, he liked to beat himself with a belt, but he didn't live up to it. Now, I want him to beat him hard, but it's impossible.

Just when Ding Yongqiang sighed, Chen Huimin stepped forward and took out a cigarette and handed it to Ding Yongqiang.

Ding Yongqiang held a cigarette in his mouth, but he still took the cigarette, because this cigarette is today's "happy cigarette".

"Where's Ah Jian? Why don't you see others?" Ding Yongqiang said with a smoke ring.

"I came back too late last night, making up for sleep!"

"What time is it, are you still making up your sleep?" Ding Yongqiang deliberately rolled up his sleeves to reveal the brand new Rolex watch on his wrist.

"Wow, Brother Qiang, your watch is so pretty!"

"So-so!" Ding Yongqiang said this, but his eyes were full of pride.

When the water is clear, there are no fish.

Although Shi Zhijian told him not to be greedy, but in such an era and such an atmosphere, if you are really not greedy at all, you will be excluded if you are honest and honest like White Lotus.

Shi Zhijian also understands this, so after donating the huge sum of five million from Yan Xiong to Sir Mak Lihao in place of Ding Yongqiang, he will turn a blind eye, as long as Ding Yongqiang can't do it. Just divide.

It is rare for Ding Yongqiang to take advantage of a place where oil and water are abundant, such as Yau Tsim Wang, and he bought a Rolex that he had long admired.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes: "When you come out to hang out, you have to wear a Rolex for your watch, a Bentley for your car, and clothes, otherwise how can you look like?"

For Ding Yongqiang, because Shi Zhijian made him not greedy, the detectives with positions much lower than him have already worn gold, but he still has empty wrists, which is very embarrassing!

Now that I got what I wanted, of course I have to show it off in front of Chen Huimin and show off!

"Brother Qiang, the firecrackers are ready, let's set them aside?" a subordinate said to Ding Yongqiang.

Ding Yongqiang glanced at the large bundle of firecrackers, and said proudly with a cigarette in his mouth: "Of course I'm here!" Holding the cigarette, he exhaled a puff of smoke.

Chen Huimin said: "It's a big bundle, maybe it will explode!" After a while, he said, "Brother Qiang, are you here to set off a cannon to congratulate, or to blow up the building?"

Ding Yongqiang was stunned when he heard the words, and suddenly felt a little cowardly in his heart.

When I was young, I was not afraid of the sky and the earth, but as I got older, I became less timid, especially now that I was only in the top position, and I didn't have enough prestige.


"Huimin, you are cheap! Come on!" Ding Yongqiang patted Chen Huimin on the shoulder generously.

Chen Huimin immediately said: "Not so good, let me do such a majestic thing?"

"So it's cheap for you!" Ding Yongqiang handed the cigarette to Chen Huimin, "Using this, it's powerful enough!"

Chen Huimin took the cigarette, and said hello without saying a word: "It's cheap, you can order it!"

Dasha looked at the cigarette and then at the big bundle of firecrackers, "Why me?"

"Because you are stupid!"


Hotel entrance.

A large group of people stared eagerly at the large bundle of artillery battles on the ground! Full of awe!

"Dasha, are you alright?" Ding Yongqiang and Chen Huimin hid far away and shouted towards the front.

Although Dasha is called Dasha, he is not really a fool. At this moment, he is holding a cigarette in his hand, and carefully puts together the fuse of the firecracker.

After getting together a few times, he didn't dare, and turned to Chen Huimin and said, "Brother Huimin, why don't you come!"

Chen Huimin waved at him: "Come on! Hit and run!"

Dasha had no choice but to hold his breath, and about to touch the cigarette butt!



Firecrackers sound like thunder!

Dasha was so scared that he ran away!

The people around have also stepped back!

"Falling on the street! What's going on outside? Shooting guns, or thundering?" Shi Yufeng, the owner who greeted guests in the hotel, glared outside in surprise.

Papaya and Da Bolian waited on her.

"Mom, I'm afraid!" Jiang Meibao, wearing a brand-new floral dress, plugged her ears with her little fingers, and said to Shi Yufeng with her little face raised.

Seeing that her daughter Bao'er was covering her ears with fright, Shi Yufeng picked her up, patted her on the back and said, "Bo'er is not afraid! Cannons are being fired outside!"

Before the change, Shi Yufeng never dreamed that his marriage would be so lively.

At that time, the family was poor, not to mention so many firecrackers, even during the Chinese New Year, it was possible to save as much as possible. The big deal was to pick up two or three monkeys.

But today, on the big day of my little brother's great joy, not only did he book the entire peninsula hotel for the wedding, but he also invited prominent people from Xiangjiang to come to the banquet, such as Xu Sanshao, Huo Dashao, Su Wendi, the son-in-law of the charter king, and others. She came over a long time ago and helped her greet the guests together. Who else is treated like this?

After finally waiting for this bundle of earth-shattering cannonballs to be released, Shi Yufeng sighed and turned to ask Papaya, "Where are the three brides, are you all ready? Today is our Shi family's happy day, we must not go wrong. !"

Papaya said naively: "I've inquired about it, and I'm ready. Sister Yufeng, don't worry."

Shi Yufeng nodded.

To tell the truth, Shi Yufeng was worried a lot about today's wedding, not to mention helping to buy the supplies needed for the wedding, just to persuade that ghost girl Bai Ledi cost Shi Yufeng a lot of saliva.

Nie Yongqin and Su Youwei are Chinese, and it is easy to accept this big red, Chinese wedding with a phoenix and a crown.

Bella Di is a foreigner and a noble from the British Empire. She believed in God since she was a child. According to their customs and traditions, major events such as marriage are also held in the church.

Belletti's request is to go to St. John's Cathedral, and then wear a white wedding dress, Shi Zhijian wears a white suit, the two exchange rings, and make a marriage declaration to the priest.

Where would Shi Yufeng agree?

Although she is not the kind of person who is very old-fashioned and conservative, but such a big thing as marriage, the words of the matchmaker ordered by the parents, where is it your turn as a ghost girl to bargain here, what about freedom of marriage? !

What's more, the minority obeys the majority, and the two brides-to-be Nie Yongqin and Su Youwei have nothing to say. How can you, a ghost girl, have the right to chatter here? !

So, after Shi Yufeng's persuasion, both soft and hard, Miss Belletti tactfully agreed to accept this kind of grand Chinese wedding.

Of course, Shi Yufeng also promised this ghost girl that she would make up a Western-style one for her in the future, so that she could have a good look in front of God and his old man!

Just when Shi Yufeng hugged Jiang Meibao to greet the guests, Chen Xijiu and Lard Boy accompanied Mrs. Lai Luo Bai Yuechang outside.

Knowing the identity of the other party, Shi Yufeng hurriedly greeted Xu Sanshao and Huo Dashao to accompany him.

Both Xu Sanshao and Huo Dashao complained that they were here to drink, so how could they be accompanying guests?

Shi Yufeng was also depressed, and roared at Chen Huimin: "Where's Ah Jian? Today is his big day. He doesn't come out to welcome guests, so what does he hide upstairs?"


Chen Huimin ran to the hotel room to find Shi Zhijian, the groom's official, and asked Shi Zhijian to go downstairs to entertain guests according to Shi Yufeng's explanation.

Chen Huimin ran up to see that Shi Zhijian was talking to someone.

One of them is a ghost, whose Chinese name seems to be "Fei Lingdu", a TV boss in Hong Kong Li. The other is Hong Kong jewelry tycoon Zheng Yutong.

Chen Huimin didn't dare to come forward to disturb, so he could only wait by the side until Shi Zhijian shook hands with Fei Lingdu and said goodbye to Zheng Yutong. Zheng Yutong left with a smile, and Chen Huimin stepped forward: "Mr. Shi, Sister Yufeng told you to go down, there are many guests!"

"I see!" Shi Zhijian smiled at Chen Huimin, turned around and walked to the large mirror to straighten his suit, shirt and tie before saying, "Have you told anyone about what happened last night?"

Chen Huimin hurriedly said, "What happened last night? I was drunk, I don't remember!"

Shi Zhijian turned around and smiled at Chen Huimin: "Amin, you are not good at lying!"

"No! I'm telling the truth!" Chen Huimin said, "I really don't remember what happened! Zhong You, I made a mistake by drinking, please punish Mr. Shi!"

Seeing Chen Huimin's honest appearance, Shi Zhijian's eyes flashed brightly, and he suddenly walked over and patted Chen Huimin's shoulder: "I'm joking with you, it scares you! Okay, I'm going down to greet the guests!"

"I'll accompany you there!" Chen Huimin wiped her cold sweat Last night, Mr. Shi and that demon girl tossed around all night, crying and howling, how could he not be deaf? Also, that ghost Wynzelton is crying so hard for some reason!


Hotel entrance.

When Shi Zhijian arrived, Shi Yufeng was welcoming Bai Yuechang and others.

This time, Lai Luo had important things to do at the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy, so he couldn't come to congratulate Shi Zhijian in person. As his wife, Bai Yuechang, he brought gifts on behalf of her husband.

Beside Bai Yuechang were New Territories Chief China Inspector Chen Xijiu, and Lei Luo's confidant, Lard Boy.

The two and Shi Zhijian are also good friends. Shi Zhijian gets married, how can they not come?

Before Shi Zhijian could say hello to Bai Yuechang and others, he heard a burst of laughter, the newly promoted Justice of the Peace, the former Yiqun boss Laihao, is here!

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