Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 996: Spread positive energy, start with me!

"Dear audiences and guests, this time, our Golden Harvest company will start anew and will join hands with Mr. Liu Jianxiong to create a new picture of Hong Kong. As for the original Golden Harvest investor, Mr. Shi Zhijian, he will sign an equity transfer contract with us and officially withdraw from Golden Harvest!"

  Jiahe boss Zou Wenhuai was afraid of having too many dreams at night, so he immediately went on the court and announced.

Liu Jianxiong even took the initiative to stand up and cooperate, saying how much he valued Jiahe, thinking that Jiahe could go further in the future, and said that he was a businessman and an art lover. Only then will we invest in Jiahe, and we hope that Jiahe can open up the world and create greater glories!

   Needless to say, the so-called kidnapping of capital refers to Shi Zhijian's control of Jiahe.

   Everyone here knows it well, and some who don’t know the truth even think that Shi Zhijian is a blood-sucking capitalist.

   In this regard, Shi Zhijian just smiled and did not argue.

  Liu Jianxiong was complacent and looked at Shi Zhijian, feeling that he was really stepping on Shi Zhijian's head at this moment.

  Zou Wenhuai secretly said ashamed, not so much that Jiahe was kidnapped by the capitalist Shi Zhijian, it is better to say that Jiahe, thanks to Shi Zhijian's blessing, had a smooth journey along the way!

Shao Daheng watched the discussion at the scene, and most of them pointed at Shi Zhijian. Originally, he was very relieved, but when he looked at Shi Zhijian, he found that Shi Zhijian had no emotional fluctuations at all, and he still looked calm and relaxed. Immediately discounted.

  The two beauties, Dai Fengni and Li Xuexuan, have different expressions. They have a lot of complicated feelings towards Shi Zhijian, and sometimes they can't even tell how they feel.

   Those media reporters at the scene snapped at Liu Jianxiong and others for a while, trying to make them the future stars of the Hong Kong film industry.

   As for Shi Zhijian, the capitalist and vampire, he was left out in the cold.

   Immediately afterwards, Liu Jianxiong and others performed a lot at the scene, sketching the future blueprint of Golden Harvest, and saying that Golden Harvest would cooperate with Shaw Brothers to jointly develop the Southeast Asian market, which caused a sensation on the scene.

   Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest have always been on the same page. If the two film companies can join forces, Hong Kong films will definitely go further in the future!

  The atmosphere at the scene also rose to the extreme with this announcement. Everyone felt that Jiahe kicked Shi Zhijian out and chose to cooperate with Liu Jianxiong, a conscientious stock sniper, is a correct choice!

   For a time, Liu Jianxiong and Shi Zhijian were in a double world.

   Liu Jianxiong is sought after by everyone.

  Shi Zhijian was ignored by everyone.

   The tvb live broadcast team that Shao Daheng moved in filmed this scene very well and broadcast it to thousands of households in Hong Kong!

   "Yes, yes, yes! Give Shi Zhijian a close-up! Focus on the sadness between his brows, as well as the melancholy and unwillingness after the capitalists were expelled!" The live broadcast director ordered attentively.

   "But----I can't see that he has the slightest bit of sadness, let alone melancholy and unwillingness!"

"You are crazy! Can you do a close-up with subtitles? Type the words on his head---Melancholy! Sadness! Pu, your mother, why is it like a piece of wood?!" Teacher's head.

   In front of the TV----

  The audience ate today's big melon while preparing the New Year's goods.

   "Wow, Shi Zhijian was kicked out by Jiahe!"

   "It's not a kick, but out of the game?"

   "You don't know this, no matter how rich you are, you will be counted! This time Shi Zhijian is on the street!"

   Hong Kong's Huo family.

Mr. Huo drank the ginseng tea, looked at the TV and said to Huo Dashao: "These Jiahe people are so stupid, they kicked Shi Zhijian out and welcomed Liu Jianxiong into the gate! Liu Jianxiong started his business in stocks, and he is very gambling. Better to lose Golden Harvest! Ah Jian is different, at least he is very practical in making movies, and he is really helping Golden Harvest!"

   Dashao Huo squeezed a grape and threw it into his mouth: "It's Zou Wenhuai's fault. He's too greedy and always wants to be a boss. Now he's bringing wolves into the room, and he'll cry in the future!"

   Live live.

   "Now, Mr. Shi Zhijian is invited to sign on the stage!" the emcee of ceremonies shouted.

  Papapa, applause broke out.

  Shi Zhijian was "forced helplessly" to get up and walked to the signing table in front of everyone's eyes.

   Liu Jianxiong and Zou Wenhuai stepped forward to shake hands with him.

   When Liu Jianxiong shook hands with Shi Zhijian, he leaned into Shi Zhijian's ear and deliberately said proudly, "I'm sorry, Ah Jian! I won a game against you this time!"

  Shi Zhijian smiled and did not speak, but took the signature pen handed over by Zou Wenhuai.

  Liu Jianxiong, Zou Wenhuai and others thought that Shi Zhijian would have to hesitate at least before signing, but Shi Zhijian walked straight forward a few times, and Long Feifeng danced to sign it!

   His move made Liu Jianxiong and Zou Wenhuai a little stunned, feeling that they didn't enjoy the satisfaction of defeating their opponents!

   Shao Daheng offstage was the same. He was biting his cigar and looking forward to Shi Zhijian's hesitant appearance on stage, but he didn't expect Shi Zhijian to sign directly!

   Shao Tycoon is looking forward to an instant depression, and the excitement that he has accumulated before has plummeted!

  Shi Zhijian finished signing, looked back at Liu Jianxiong and Zou Wenhuai, and asked with a smile, "Is it alright now?"

   "Uh----" Zou Wenhuai was taken aback.

Liu Jianxiong stepped forward with a smug smile on his face: "Yes! Of course you can! I'm sorry, Ah Jian, Hong Kong movies will be insulated from you in the future! It will be difficult for you to use movies to spread your ideals in the future! Also Yes, I know you've always loved Hong Kong movies, but that's okay, I'll give you a few movie tickets from time to time to let

continue reading! Page 1 of 3 In this way, you can be considered to have contributed to Hong Kong films and supported the Hong Kong film industry! "The tone was full of sarcasm.

  Shi Zhijian smiled, he raised his chin slightly, put his left thumb in the vest pocket, stared at Liu Jianxiong, his posture was extremely unrestrained, and his aura was about to explode before he could speak!

   Suddenly, Liu Jianxiong felt an invisible pressure emanating from Shi Zhijian, even Zou Wenhuai, who was standing a little further away, felt it, and couldn't help but take a step back!

"Is it uncomfortable? Do you know what it is called a tycoon?" Shi Zhijian reached out and patted Liu Jianxiong's shoulder lightly, and said with a half-smile, "It's not to say a few words, just to be quick! Your heart beats fast!"

  Liu Jianxiong's face twitched, "Cough cough, what qualifications do you have to tell me this? Today you were beaten by me and kicked out by me. Don't think about being in the movie circle in the future!"

   "Really?" Shi Zhijian's tone was contemptuous.

   Just when Liu Jianxiong didn't understand what Shi Zhijian meant, he heard the live broadcast director suddenly shout: "I'm sorry, I just received the news that there is big news, and it needs to be broadcast here!"

   There was a commotion at the scene.

  What happened?

   Everyone looked at the live broadcast area, the director was sweating coldly on his forehead for some reason, and was shaking with a draft in his hand!

   Shao Daheng frowned, this is his soldier! What frightened him like this?

   The others were even more curious, and all looked at the director to see what he was going to broadcast!

   "The British Hong Kong government officially announced at 3:30 this afternoon that the new Legislative Council replacement members have confirmed that they are..." The live broadcast director read out the names of two ghosts.

   In this regard, everyone has nothing to say. Everyone knows that the ghosts control the Legislative Council in this era, and they have the final say in everything. Like Laidlaw, he tried his best to drill into the Legislative Council, but he didn't get shot in the end, he almost lost his life!

   "As for the third replacement member of the Legislative Council, he is----" The live broadcast director couldn't help but wiped off another sweat!

   Everyone couldn't help but be curious about his extended voice, who could it be?

   "He is ----- President of Shinhwa Group, Shi Zhijian!"

   With a bang, the scene exploded!

   side one?

   Shi Zhijian? !

   Shao Tycoon's biting cigar fell to the ground!

   Liu Jianxiong's jaw dropped in shock!

  Zou Wenhuai hurriedly looked at Shi Zhijian, stunned!

   As for Dai Fengni and Li Xuexuan, their beautiful eyes are straight and their faces are incredible!

   "Member of the Legislative Council, Shi Zhijian? How is that possible?!"

   Everyone stared at the super-tugging man on the stage in a daze!

   At this moment, Shi Zhijian, who has a big back, puts his thumb in the vest pocket, and looks like a tycoon!

After   , everyone will call him----

   Mr. Stone!


   Take a deep breath!

  Shao Daheng calmed down.

   Liu Jianxiong rubbed his face vigorously to wake himself up.

  Zou Wenhuai pinched the flesh on the back of his hand, it hurts!

   The scene slowly relaxed from the shock, and as far as his eyes could see, he still looked like he was "stunned".

   is incredible!

  Shi Zhijian actually replaced Lai Luo and squeezed into the Legislative Council of the ghosts!

   In other words, from now on, Shi Zhijian will no longer be an ordinary businessman, but an "official master"!

   Powerful and powerful!

   Can you cover the sky with one hand? !

   Just when everyone was thinking about it, he heard the live broadcast director continue to broadcast: "In addition, as a new Chinese congressman, Mr. Shi Zhijian took the initiative to propose a motion for the Hong Kong government. The content of the motion is "Establishment of the Hong Kong Film Classification Review System"!"

   "Uh, what do you mean?" Shao Daheng, Liu Jianxiong and others were dumbfounded.

   "The purpose of this system is to better strengthen the management of the Hong Kong film market, better promote the positive energy of culture, popularize Hong Kong film art, and protect young people from watching films..."

  The director of the live broadcast is still broadcasting the specific content of Shi Zhijian's proposal, but the movie bosses and filmmakers at the scene can't sit still!

   You must know that the scale of Hong Kong movies in this era is very loose, so that in addition to some horror and suspense movies, many film companies still make a lot of money from edge ball movies!

   Now Shi Zhijian is proposing what kind of ghost movie rating system, and also promoting positive energy to protect young people, isn't it necessary to directly target many types of money-making?

   "ruthless! The shot is too ruthless!" Shao Daheng bit his cigar and shook his head.

In fact, the Hong Kong film classification system was not officially formulated until 1988. Before that, the simple "Film Censorship Ordinance" was used to open the back door to Hong Kong films, so as to enhance the influence of Hong Kong films and to prosper Hong Kong by relying on the film market. economy.

   Now Shi Zhijian made it 18 years ahead of schedule, which is equivalent to directly choking many film companies!

   After the broadcast of the live broadcast director, Shi Zhijian publicly said the first sentence in front of the camera: "Sorry, Hong Kong movies will need legislative review in the future!" After finishing his suit, he said righteously: "Spread positive energy, start with me!"


   "Brother, I have a question that I don't understand?" Xu Sanshao sat in the car of his eldest brother Xu Shijian with a cigarette in his mouth, shaking his legs and looking like he was hanging around.

   "What question?" Xu Shijian sat in the seat next to him and glanced at this "never grow up"

continue reading! Thin guy on page 2/3.

   "Why do you want to treat me to dinner today? You have always known that I am most afraid of the soup that my sister-in-law cooks, but you invited me to eat and drink at the Ghost Restaurant today?"

  Xu Shijian smiled, "Guess what place we're going to by car now?"

   "Where?" Xu Sanshao craned his neck and glanced out the car window, "Are we going to Causeway Bay now?"

   "To be precise, we're going to Tsim Sha Tsui!"

   "What are you going to do in Tsim Sha Tsui?"

   "Recently, our Xu family is competing for a big project, the reclamation project in Tsim Sha Tsui!"

   "Pfft!" Xu Sanshao laughed, "Boss, you can tell me anything, but don't tell jokes like this! Tsim Sha Tsui reclamation, can we Chinese businessmen take their turn?"

  Xu Shijian didn't speak, and Xu Sanshao was right. It has always been such a big project with rich oil and water, such a big project is simply not the turn of Chinese businessmen like them.

  Even a big and famous family like the Xu family will be passed by the ghosts, and then hand over such a big project to a British-owned company, such as the "Swire Group" controlled by the well-known Shi Huai Ya family.

   Of course, in order to demonstrate the openness, fairness and fairness of the British Hong Kong government, the Summit first published the tender for the reclamation project in the English newspaper The Standard, and only the successful bidders are qualified to undertake such a large project.

   But the big British companies that win the bid often take turns. Today you take on this and tomorrow you take on that. In short, let’s all make a lot of money together!

  Chinese-owned enterprises, especially those Chinese-owned construction companies, can only pick up people's teeth, pick up some leftovers, and scum to feed their stomachs.

   This is also one of the main reasons why Chinese real estate developers are very introverted. In the face of large projects such as reclamation and urban construction, they cannot compete with British capital, and can only fight for lucrative real estate projects.

   During the conversation, the car had already reached the slightly desolate Bird's Mouth Port in Causeway Bay. Xu Shijian got out of the car, and Xu Sanshao also got out of the car after the cigarette butts he had smoked.

  The two stood side by side by the sea, looking out at the vast sea.

  The cold wind whistled, causing San Shao to shrink his neck and said, "Those ghosts are also very ambitious. They want to fill this place with land, and then they can rely on the land sale to make a fortune!"

Xu Shijian sighed, "Now that the Xu family's building is in your hands, I can't help you much! In this bid, the ghosts won the bid again, but it doesn't matter, the big deal is that the Xu family will make sacrifices for the ghosts and let them Give up some projects. For example, let our construction company's dirt trucks get on the horse and help them transport the sediment to earn some hard money!"

  Xu Sanshao smiled: "I don't want to shoot this kind of flattery! It's okay to help them be a bull and a horse, but also look at their faces, let them reward them, I can't wipe my face!"

  Xu Shijian bent over to pick up a stone and threw it to the The stone cut through the sky and disappeared into the sea, quietly!

   "Did you see it? The sea is so big, no matter how tough you are, no matter how strong you are, you won't be able to stir up any waves!"

Xu Sanshao looked at the sea and rubbed his nose: "I don't understand these big principles, I only know that A Jian told me that Hong Kong is the Hong Kong of the Chinese, and these ghosts will get out sooner or later! Engineering, tunnel engineering, all belong to our Chinese!"

  Xu Shijian had nothing to say when he saw that the slender man was so clueless.

   He knows that this third brother of his family is arrogant on the surface, but he is arrogant and ruthless in his bones, and he is often reluctant to bow his head in front of the powerful and powerful ghosts, but as a businessman, if you want to eat food, you must cling to the powerful, and you must know how to judge the situation!

   Especially now, the Tsuen Wan "Meteor Garden" project, where Xu Sanshao, Shi Zhijian, and Huo Dashao worked together, is about to be completed. What to do next, Xu Sanshao has no plans at all.

As the helm of the Xu family and the head of the Xu Group, Xu Shijian saw that he was anxious, and wanted to use this method to convince Xu Sanshao, let him be softer, and deduct from the mouth of this big project. Get something to eat!

   I didn't expect that Xu Sanshao would be so strong, he would rather starve to death than eat the food he came here for!

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