Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1011: Break the illusion

If they stay here forever, they can only get the green crystal.

This Huangdu Academy deserves to be Huangdu Academy, even the first round of green crystals are so difficult to get.

Mu Linche and Yuan Jingchu were back to back, watching the surroundings while killing the snake...

After a while, Mulin Che thought thoughtfully, "Illusion!"

Yuan Jing was able to get through at one point and nodded quickly. She was very familiar with the formation method, closed her eyes, and quickly found the breakthrough point of this illusion. On top of the piles of green stones, one of them was quite special. The green crystal is so green that it is even a little black, and it merges with the surrounding stone walls, and it is really possible that ordinary people can't find it.

Mulinche nodded, moved up against the wind, took the sword and began to dig the dark green spar.

Bai Ranran paid attention to them with a face, and when he saw this scene, he quickly reacted and said to the people around him: "Don't worry, this is an illusion! These snakes are fake!"

When the people around heard this, they calmed down. They first saw so many disgusting snakes, and some people were directly bitten and unconscious. It is normal for them not to react for a while, but some people will realize that these Snakes are actually very easy to kill. They can kill one with a single sword, but there are a lot of them. Just now everyone was busy anti-virus, and some people were busy detoxifying the wounded, but they didn't notice it for a while.

Now that he was awakened, everyone reacted, and the other boy beside Bai Ranran also stopped, carefully observed the surroundings, and began to destroy the urging formation of this illusion. Several alchemists began to search for the spirit pills they brought, some looked for Jiedu San, some for Qingxin Pills, and some simply sat on the ground and started practicing.

Yuan Jingchu was a little speechless, looking at them and shouting: "Even if it is an illusion, bitten will have the same effect!"

During the speech, several people had already been bitten by the snake and uttered a scream. Fortunately, in the next second, Mulin Che removed the abnormal dark green spar, and the illusion of the entire canyon disappeared instantly.

Mulin Che returned to Yuan Jingchu, "Is it all right?"

Yuan Jingchu nodded, "It's okay."

After confirming Yuan Jingchu's situation, Mulin Che nodded, "Let's go!"

Yuan Jingchu didn't care about other people either, and walked forward with Mulin Che.

Bai Ranran looked at the comatose people in her team, biting her lower lip. If she didn't know that these people were all above her, and in order to show her approachable personality, she wouldn't be even the first level. The waste that can't be passed together!

But fortunately, this is also a very good opportunity to show oneself.

Bai Ranran lowered his eyelashes, poured out the bottle of detoxification that Yuan Jingchu had just thrown over, and took it to everyone who was poisoned.

"Ran Ran is really kind and considerate..."

"Bai Ranran deserves to be Bai Ranran, the detoxification powder that is refined is different, just eat it!"

The compliments of everyone finally calmed Bai Ranran's anxiety caused by being behind. She smiled sweetly and said softly: "Everyone, go! Time is running out."

is not that right? It was only an hour in total, and they were only on the first floor, and it was only two quarters of an hour!

Everyone hurried forward, but a few people hesitated and decided to be safe. First, take down ten green crystals from here. The first layer is so difficult, if the second layer is even more difficult, they don't even have beryl, but they will be kicked out of the academy. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1011 Breaking the Illusion), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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