Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1051: If this goes on, she will lose!

Bai Ranran's heart is tight, she will lose if this continues! !

No, you have to surpass him!

Bai Ranran took a deep breath, thinking hard, what kind of pill can be made from the spirit grass in front of her? Her accumulation is quite good, and she quickly came up with two kinds of them, nine of them already. In her opinion, there are fifty kinds of spiritual grass, and ten kinds of combinations would be the sky. She originally planned to write only eight. Just plant around. Unexpectedly, she broke her limit and wrote the ninth category. She looked at Lin Jing again, and found that Lin Jing was still writing!

Bai Ranran looked at Lin Jing's written paper, his scalp numb.

eleven twelve……

Is this Lin Jing crazy? ! There are only fifty kinds of spirit grasses, how can he write so many combinations? !

Lin Jing must have written something wrong in her heart. It was just a scribbling idea. She carefully peeked at his paper, just a glance, but she could see that there were several kinds of prescriptions written by Lin Jing. impression. In other words, the estimates written by Lin Jing are correct...

The thirteenth kind...

Bai Ranran gritted his teeth, his head was blank.

No, she can't let this Lin Jing get out of the limelight anymore. Lin Jing's paper must never be handed in! !

These freshmen only need to participate in the preliminary rounds. If the results are too good, they may even skip the semi-finals and directly participate in the finals. For example, her cousin Mu Tianqin and Prince Mu Tianze, they have already participated in a Nebula Conference. , Got good results, this time to participate again, the organizing committee directly gave them the final entry spar, they did not need to participate in the preliminary and semi-finals.

If the performance in the preliminary round is too outstanding, it is not a precedent for the judges to directly enter the finals...

The finals were in full view, and everyone was watching. They couldn't move their hands and feet at all.

If you want Lin Jing to withdraw from the Nebula Conference, you can only find a chance in the semi-finals... But what if the judges decide to let him directly participate in the finals if Lin Jing performs too well? !

Absolutely not! In that case, even if Lin Jing could not get the first place in the finals, as a freshman who could advance directly, he would definitely become famous!

At this moment, Bai Ranran's mind is no longer all kinds of pills, she just thinks about how to destroy Lin Jing!

On the other end, Yuan Jingchu finished writing the fifteenth prescription and found that the ink... actually finished.

After blinking, Yuan Jingchu put away his pen and glanced at the people around him, and saw that many of them were thinking anxiously, and their papers... seemed to be half full, and there was a guilty conscience.

She has an excellent memory and likes to memorize all kinds of pill prescriptions. Although all the pill prescriptions in the books in the hut are insufficient, many of them cannot be refined, but she still memorizes them, who knows when. Can you find the corresponding spirit grass? Facts proved that her thoughts at the time were not wrong. After accidentally came to Nebula, she did almost find all the spirit grasses and refined all the spirit pills.

Moreover, there is a large collection of books related to alchemy in the college library, and she borrowed a lot of books to go back. In addition to teaching alchemy every day, it is her greatest interest to write down the elixir and spiritual herbs in those books.

She even tried refining these pills at night, and they were all successful, so now she can write so many so familiarly.

Seeing the empty ink, Yuan Jingchu laughed. In fact, she can continue to write...Rebirth Space: Mu Less, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1051 continues like this, she will lose!) to read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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