Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1508: Here comes the fault

It means he knows it.

He never cared about these people's so-called "exclusion", because he did not feel the discomfort of being excluded...

In his eyes, the days when he can only run without training are nothing. He didn't even think that the coach was deliberately making things difficult for him. Instead, he was enjoying it. He just felt that he needed to observe these world-class powerhouses more and study more. Here are some classic baseball games.

He was sitting on a cold bench in the eyes of others, but he didn't really feel it.

But after the first official match, Mu Jingqing felt the change in everyone's attitude towards him.

"Oh, little cheetah... training must be very hard! Eat more!"

When he went to the canteen for dinner, the aunt who served the meal gave him an extra steak with a smile.

Because they are all athletes, the food in the cafeteria here is very good. Although the ingredients are not aura, they are not contaminated. Mu Jingqing can accept them, so he eats three meals a day in the cafeteria.

Owen looked at it, a little envious, jealous, holding his plate and sat across from Mu Jingqing.

Mu Jingqing raised his head and glanced at him. Wasn't no one willing to sit at a table with him for dinner before? Even some Asians in the reserve team are reluctant, for fear that they will be "squeezed out" by the coach and other players like him...

Irving greeted Charles enthusiastically, "Here!"

Charles also came over and sat down opposite Mu Jingqing.

Owen looked at Mu Jingqing, "Envy you, even my aunt gave you an extra steak... Do you know that I asked for an extra piece of meat last time, but her eyes were swept from head to toe, and she looked disgusted, as if I had How fat... it didn't even give it to me in the end!"

Charles took a look at him, then looked at the two steaks in Mu Jingli's plate, and his unchanging expression, squinted his eyes...

This Mu Jingqing is really special...

He was targeted by the coach when he didn’t show his true strength before, and he was squeezed out by them. His performance like this can be regarded as low-key, or, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, intending to accumulate his hair... But now everyone knows his strength How strong he is, but he is still like this, it can only be said that he is very insulted.

He used to think he was familiar with him before, and now he hasn't remembered where he met him, but what makes him impressed is absolutely extraordinary from his family background.

He is really more and more curious about him...

Mu Jingqing glanced at Owen, "You want? Here you are."

Owen raised his eyebrows, he was really welcome, and he took a piece of steak from Mu Jingqing's plate, smiled and cut a large piece into his mouth, with a face of enjoyment, "Thank you, then!"

He has long been unable to stand the fixed amount of meat here. When athletes other than sumo wrestlers and weightlifters have a disadvantage, their diets are strictly regulated. He is allowed to eat a lot of vegetables and a lot of fruits. You can also eat meat, but the meat cannot exceed a certain amount. They are all seventeen or eighteen-year-old teenagers who are in the developmental stage. Where can anyone not like meat? Now that Mu Jingqing said that, he didn't bother to guess if they were joking, because he ate the meat anyway!

Charles glanced at him disgustingly, really didn't want to admit that this fool who was so satisfied after eating a piece of meat was the bamboo horse he grew up with, cutting the meat elegantly and eating quietly.

"Are you the little cheetah in everyone's mouth?"

A voice rang, Owen became excited, this is clearly a tone of fault! Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1508 Finding the Difference is here), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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