Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1540: It's too fierce!

Nuuk discovered that Mu Jingqing's level has improved a lot recently.

Originally, his level is not bad, he has learned almost all the skills he taught him and used them flexibly in official competitions.

Thinking that he will fall into a short-term stagnation, he intends to let him participate in the evaluation of the hero team next month to see if he can directly enter the hero team, and then he can make a breakthrough.

Unexpectedly, only a few days later, Mu Jingqing's level has improved again, and Nuuk glanced at Mu Jingqing, who was repeatedly practicing a certain pitching motion, thoughtfully...

If he read it right, it seems that Mu Jingqing is using Karl's stunt?

Back then, he and Carl had played in a team, and they couldn't understand Carl's stunt. It can be said that as long as he uses this stunt, his opponents will basically have no power to parry. With this original Karl's pitching method, Karl was able to set the record for the most home runs.

But now, Mu Jingqing actually did it!

Although it's not as good as Carl's level, but it also looks very fast. Owen on the opposite side almost fell a bat, leaning on his knees and sweating, panting and saying: "Mu! Stop it!! You ball! ...Too fierce!"

Owen was a little hit. It is rare that Mu Jingqing agreed to train with him today. Breaking through the defense of the strong is very useful for improving himself. Although he knows that Mu Jingqing’s level is too high, he may not be able to hit a few goals at all, but he Didn't expect him to be beaten unilaterally and out of breath? !

Mu Jingqing was almost irritated. The whole person was as if he was opened, using the same pitching method that he didn't understand again and again, and he became more and more proficient. Most importantly, he was not proficient. At that time, you can't hit the ball, let alone after you become proficient?

Owen almost vomited blood, he had never failed so badly! He has been playing baseball in his circle since he was a child, and he has always been the best player among his friends, otherwise he would not have a certain reputation and be signed by someone from MLB. He has never doubted his skills. Even if he knew that his level was not the top in this circle, he was more than good. He didn't expect that he couldn't even hit a ball in front of Mu Jingqing!

In fact, the knockdown was a hit, but he didn't know why the ball, as if he had long legs, every time he hits, he always slips to the side and falls off at an angle...

If this is a formal game, he, a batsman, will have to be struck out in a few minutes!

Owen was so depressed, looking at Mu Jingqing, "Let me rest..."

Mu Jingqing glanced at the sweat on his forehead, then looked at Charles next to him, "Are you coming?"

Charles nodded, looked at him thoughtfully, and said: "Yes, but I ask me to defend."


Mu Jingqing nodded, stood at Owen's position, picked up the bat, and looked at the ball in Charles's hand on the opposite side earnestly.

Charles kicked off, and Mu Jingqing discovered that he also used Karl's method of pitching! !

And it seems to be learning now, and 80% of it is because he has just made too many shots, and Charles has also learned some fur.

That's perfect!

Mu Jingqing just wanted to practice. You should know that Karl used this method of throwing the first ball he lost.

Although Charles could not learn at home, it was enough for practice. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1540 is too fierce!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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