Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1976: He is scarier than the princess!

If they can raise their heads, they will find that there is a sudden gust of cold wind blowing in the hall, even the birds and beasts passing by are afraid to step into the beast. The fish in Xingyue Lake are shrinking at the bottom of the pool, and they dare not move. a bit……

The ants outside the temple also seemed to feel the danger and did not dare to move, as if they were frozen...

Mu Jingxi raised his eyebrows and squinted...

This coercion...

It's not like ordinary people can release...

It seems that he is really not an ordinary person.

If not, how could he see that Jiaolong was completely unresponsive, and even grilled fish for her calmly?

She was quite curious about what Yu Xingyuan would do with Ziqin, so she followed in stealth.

Vermilion should be looking for her anxiously now.

However, she was calm and relaxed. Seeing Yu Xingyuan knowing what she had done to Ziqin who was kneeling on the ground, Ziqin suddenly widened her eyes, rolled on the ground in pain, and kept clutching herself.

After all, Ziqin came to the palace as a show girl. Although she did not become the concubine of the emperors, she could only become a court lady, but because of her origin, she didn't need to do any rough work.

Her nails stayed quite long, but at this moment, she pinched her nails directly into the flesh, as if something was constantly piercing in her skin, she screamed as she lost her mind completely. She kept holding her nails on her body, even the skin and flesh were caught between the nails, and even ignoring the presence of others, she took off the clothes on her body, revealing the skin and flesh, and the exposed part was already scratched by her. Blurred...

Yu Xingyuan...

Is he taking revenge for her, using his own way to treat him?

Mu Jingxi hooked up the corners of his mouth happily.

She didn't see it. Yu Xingyuan glanced in her direction thoughtfully, and then looked thoughtfully at Ziqin...

Ziyu lowered his head, she didn't dare to look up at all.

How could she think that Mr. Yu is kind? Although he is a healer, he has his own principles, and the breath just now...

For a moment, she really thought she was going to die...

This kind of fear is something she would never have before the emperor, Mr. Yu...

too frightening!

She lowered her head, shivering, and her whole body was about to fall to the ground.

And Ziqin next to her has completely lost her mind. She hasn't figured out what happened. Yu Xingyuan obviously didn't touch her, but she suddenly felt itchy all over, and this itching made people lose their mind. Her itch, as if it itch to the bones, that she couldn’t scratch it no matter how much she cherished. She cherishes it every day, even if she is bitten by a mosquito, she doesn’t dare to scratch it. , But she still feels itchy, painful and itchy, and still clutching it, as if she is about to scratch her own flesh and grab it into her bones.

This kind of punishment is really terrifying. If she is caught again, she may be arrested to death, but she can't stop.

Ziyu tremblingly listened to the wailing and wailing of Ziqin next to her. Every time Ziqin screamed, her heart trembled...

Mr. Yu is really terrible, Ziyu secretly swears in her heart that even if she dies, she will not easily offend Mr. Yu...

He is even more terrifying than the cruel and violent Princess Ning Xi in the legend! !

Just when Jinyu thought that Ziqin was about to die here, a small bottle suddenly appeared at her feet, Ziyu froze there, and heard Yu Xingyuan's voice: "Apply it for her."Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1976 He is even more terrible than the princess!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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