Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 839: Was sent to his bed!

"What do you want to do?"

He held his forehead. After Tang Ziyan’s incident was exposed, Han Zichuan felt that his back was cold on more than one occasion. Such a beautiful and lovely girl was actually killed. Although the few people who died a few years ago were guilty, but the suburban Pregnant women who are about to give birth...

She was just because of Tang Ziyan's momentary inattention and fear, so she killed two lives...

If this matter had not been exposed, he might still like Tang Ziyan, after all, he could not be more clear about her nature...

But this matter has been exposed, he is a civil servant, and now is a critical period for his career promotion!

If it is known that he has a relationship with Tang Ziyan, his efforts for so many years will be in vain! !

Mother Tang also knew how well she would choose to appear in the middle of the night, but now except for Han Zichuan, she really couldn't find anyone to help Zi Yan.

"Please... Zichuan, auntie please... help Yan'er..."

Han Zichuan got more headaches, but he still calmed her. He has been doing official business for so many years, and his eloquence is still good, so he can calm Mother Tang in a few strokes. When Mother Tang was sent away, Han Zichuan's door rang again. He frowned, thinking that Mother Tang was returning, sat on the sofa, and pulled his tie impatiently.

The person outside the door knocked for a long time, and when he saw that he was not coming to open the door, he said, "Mr. Han, it's me, Zi Ning."

Su Zining? How could she be here so late?

Han Zichuan was a little puzzled, but still opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, he was stunned...

Su Zining and...

Tang Ziyan? !

Han Zichuan looked at Tang Ziyan in disbelief. Tang Ziyan looked at him with complicated eyes.

Two hours ago, she was suddenly taken for interrogation in the detention center. She thought she was going to suffer from hunger, thirst, sleepiness and multiple mental tortures, but the person who took her away suddenly knocked her out. When she woke up She appeared in a weird and comfortable room. Several women were bathing for her. She thought that someone was coming to save her. She wanted to vent her temper, but Su Zining appeared at this time. She remembered the voice very clearly, although it was a bit different from that on the phone, but the tone was also strange.

"Don't think I will save you. You will be sent back to the detention center in a few hours, unless..."

"Unless what?!" asked Tang Ziyan, who had already tried to escape once but failed.

Su Zining smiled at her slightly, "Unless, Han Zichuan speaks."

Han Zichuan...

She was sent by Han Zichuan? ! and so……

They are helping her bathe now, putting on such beautiful clothes for her, dressing her up...

Just to send her to Han Zichuan's bed? !

Tang Ziyan felt a little uncomfortable, feeling ashamed as a prostitute! ! Especially this person is Han Zichuan, who she used to look down on the most...

But at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief. Han Zichuan was willing to do this, which meant he hadn't given up on her yet and wanted her...

He still likes her.

This made Tang Ziyan, who had been in the detention center almost desperate these days, finally relaxed. Finally, did she have a way to go out...

Tang Ziyan's mood was very complicated, either feeling uneasy or nervous about expectation. When she was taken to Han Zichuan's home, Tang Ziyan lost her mind when she saw Han Zichuan...

long time no see.

He, I don’t know when Han Zichuan became so tall and so... handsome, so steady, and so...

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