Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 132 The future is long

After eating that day, when I returned to the rental room, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Yan Xin didn't drink, just drank a little drink, so he wasn't drunk.

After returning home, Chen Li was typing, Yan Xin said:

"You take a break for a while, give me the computer, I want to write something."

Chen Li was taken aback: "Inspiration again?"

"The answer is correct." Yan Xin said.

In fact, it was not another inspiration. In fact, he found another reason to plagiarize.

Chen Li didn't know.

As soon as I heard that I was inspired again, I was immediately in awe-this literary force is different, the inspiration comes one after another, like that, it comes as soon as it is said.

Not daring to be negligent, he quickly gave up the keyboard to Yan Xin, for fear that a delay would delay Yan Xin's inspiration, and he would become an eternal sinner in the literary and art circles.

Yan Xin logged into Qzone again, preparing to publish a diary.

Title: The Future is Long


"Have a faint candle,

Extradition to the past,

At that time, your appearance was flowing freely.

I stand in the wind and look back,

only desolation,

One cannot wait for dawn.

It turned out to be a big dream,

Thought it was the beginning,

But the temperature in the next second cannot be the same as above.

In what direction is it blown,

Still confused,

How long did the two of them say?

We take our time,

I always think that the future will be long,

We wait for the flowers to bloom,

But forget that things are impermanent.

hot palms,

Then it got colder a little bit,

Those busy, those lies, I understand.

We take our time,

I always think that the future will be long,

We look forward to,

But it is hard to beat the impermanence of the world.

the light in the eyes,

Then die layer by layer,

At this time, too forgetful, I surrender. "

After typing these words, I thought about it and added another note:

——I heard a friend tell my own story today, and I suddenly felt a lot of emotion. We always think that the future will be long, so we throw away our youth wantonly, and always feel that it is a big deal to start all over again. Only when I looked back did I realize that my youth had passed away and my life was barren.

The song "A Long Day to Come" is not a popular song, but Yan Xin personally likes it better.

It seems to be writing about lost feelings and departed lovers, but it can also be understood as writing about life, dreams, and mourning youth.

In the last period of his previous life, he often listened to this song and missed the past, so he had a deep feeling.

He is only nineteen years old now, and he has nothing to mourn for. To copy such a song hastily, it seems a little inconsistent with his life, and he even feels a little moaning for nothing.

However, after Gu Ru told him some of his past events, there was a reason to write this—it was not written for himself, but after hearing Gu Ru's story.

This song is not the kind of song that can be played very well, but if it is sung by Gu Ru as a thirty-year-old woman, it is a self-narration of life, and it can still be infectious.

It won't add much to her album, but at least it won't make that album drop.

Moreover, it belongs to the same theme as "Where Has All the Time Gone"-about time.

Yan Xin has heard Gu Ru sing before, and knows her vocal condition, which is more than enough to control such songs.

After finishing writing, he backed out.

This time, Chen Li watched him write this diary, and saw this guy pressing both hands on the keyboard, crackling, and he pressed such a diary without hesitation, thinking:

"This guy also said he can't write well! He's just lazy!"

Although Yan Xin did not say that the diary he posted was the lyrics of a song, but Chen Li is a writer, and he could feel that it was a lyrics from the rhythm in the words.

There are some things in the lyrics that he doesn't have a deep understanding of, but it can't be said that he has no feeling at all.

Everyone is growing up day by day.

Twenty-year-old people, looking back at eighteen years old, will also feel the passage of time.

There will also be some regrets.

After Yan Xin exited Qzone, he didn't code immediately, but asked Yan Xin:

"Didn't you write it while humming? Why don't you hum a few times this time?"

Yan Xin glanced at him: "I'm not humming, but I'm humming in my heart."

Chen Litong shrank: "Could it be that Your Excellency has reached the highest level of singing where there is no song on the lips and a song in the heart?"

Yan Xin glanced at him contemptuously: "You are wrong, my current state is - I am brother, and brother is me!"

Chen Li gave a thumbs up: "Brother Sanjin is awesome!"

After Yan Xin finished writing the diary, he went back to his room and squinted for less than an hour before going to work.

And while Chen Li was resting while typing, he went into his space and read the diary he posted. He read it several times, and the more he read it, the more he admired it.

This roommate is too simple!

Here's a golden thigh that must be hugged!

In his opinion, Yan Xin's gleaming golden thighs are much more alluring than those wearing high silk.

As long as you hug this thigh, you won't have to worry about not having a lot of thighs wearing high silk to hug in the future.

On April 5th, the manuscript fee for March came out. Subscriptions were a little worse than last month, but with rewards, the income was even higher than last month.

The income of the two reached a new high.

Chen Li also saved some money at this time. He wanted to get a driver's license and then buy a car.

Moreover, he has a big appetite, and he wants to buy that kind of luxury car worth five or six hundred thousand yuan as soon as he gets started.

According to him, it means saving face.

But Yan Xin disagreed with his plan to buy a car, and said to him: "You might as well buy a house if you buy a car. Cars will only depreciate in value, but houses will increase in value."

Chen Li hesitated for a moment and said, "Then buy a house here?"

Yan Xin said: "What can I buy for a house here? It's just a town, and the value-added range is limited. It's better to buy a house in a first-tier city. In the future, you will be a person in a big city. If you have children, your children will also be in a big city." The children, education and medical care, etc., start higher than others, isn’t it better than here?”

Chen Li thought so too.

A few days ago, I went to Yangcheng and Pengcheng to look at the houses and find out the prices.

Then, some of my swollen hearts shrank again, feeling that I was so poor that I couldn't even afford a better house.

——A good house in his mind refers to a house with an actual construction area of ​​more than 100 square meters, and it must be in a community with a good environment, preferably with a school nearby.

He now has hundreds of thousands of deposits, which is enough to pay the down payment, but the author of online articles is not considered a stable career, and it is troublesome to get a mortgage.

So he still has to save money, save more money.

I used to think that if I could earn tens of millions, I wouldn't have to worry about money in my life.

When such a day really came, I realized that I was still a poor man.

Relying solely on the income brought by the book "Fights Break the Sphere", he felt that his material needs could not be met, and he had to write at least two or three such books.

That depends on Yan Xin.

It is very important for Chen Li to have a good relationship with Yan Xin and get his continued support.

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