When everything was in place, the two of them jogged towards each other from two sides, and then looked back at each other's eyes after meeting each other, then looked at the brand of the clothes, and finally smiled at each other and jogged along the set route again.

The original setting was like this.

But when the two of them were running at the same time, the waves in the distance also playfully wanted to follow them into the river.

Nailuo found out, but he just watched Ling Qiyue still jogging towards him professionally, and he didn't stop his steps that he originally wanted to avoid.

In addition, the director didn't call for a stop, and the two continued.

Just when the two met, the waves in the sea suddenly rolled up a big wave and hit the two.

And this sudden change also made the two stop at the same time.

Ling Qiyue originally thought that Nailuo would avoid it when he saw it, she wanted to see what he would do. After all, when filming, there are interference factors, and it depends on how the actors resolve them.

Seeing that he was not disturbed by external factors, she also looked up to him, and she naturally would not retreat.

It was just that the waves rolled up, and finally she subconsciously wanted to pull Nailuo away. Although she had to write down the little notebook again, he would become her junior brother after all, so she had to take care of him no matter how she thought about it.

Nailuo had the same idea, but the two of them pulled each other in the opposite direction.

Nailuo knew that his boss Chen Shuang was watching, so he didn't dare to pull the boss's wife Ling Qiyue hard.

Ling Qiyue didn't use too much force either, thinking that if she pulled him, he would follow her and leave quickly.

As a result, because of the two of them dithering, they all stayed where they were.

The waves didn't give the two of them a chance to discuss and hit them directly.

The photographer and others on the shore were also stunned. Just when they wanted to shout, they saw another scene in the end.

Nailuo took a wrong step and stood in front of Ling Qiyue with his hands outstretched. The rolling waves rushed to his thighs, and the waves behind him also wet his back.

Ling Qiyue was only slightly wet by the waves on her trouser legs, and some water splashed on the ends of her hair, but there was nothing else.

As the waves receded, Ling Qiyue looked up at Naro who was soaked by the waves, and the fierce look in her eyes was gone.

Instead, she giggled at his wet appearance.

Naro looked at the unscrupulous girl's smile, and helplessly followed suit with a smile.

The sudden addition of the waves was also cut into the picture along with the last laugh of the two.

The director who was looking at the camera slapped his thigh at this moment, laughed excitedly and shouted"cut".

After all, this shot is much better than the original setting.

Naro then changed his clothes and re-shot the last set of shots with Ling Qiyue.

However, the director and other staff members felt that the natural wave just now was better than this one.

Anyway, Naro didn't ask which one to choose. He just changed his clothes and lay down.

He knew that his work for the day was done.

On the other side, Fang Qing also looked at Ling Qiyue and nodded.

"I thought you were going to deliberately embarrass Nailuo."

Ling Qiyue was unhappy after hearing this.

"I'm a professional, okay!"

"Please don't question my professionalism!"

Fang Qing rolled her eyes after hearing this.

"I think you just want to take a vacation!"

Ling Qiyue blinked her starry eyes, then snorted.

Then she quickly got into her car.

"I don't care, I'm on vacation, don't think of adding more work to me!"

After saying this, Ling Qiyue directly told Chen Shuang's driver to drive quickly. Fang Da's manager, who was eating exhaust gas, was left gritting his teeth and stamping his feet behind.

Watching Ling Qiyue leave, Nai Luo also packed up and followed Fang Qing's car and left.


At night, Fang Qing came to see him again.

Of course, the purpose of looking for him was to continue to deceive him.

However, Nailuo also gave his answer, and he agreed.

Fang Qing was in a good mood and patted Nailuo on the shoulder and asked him again.

"Do you have anything else to deal with? If so, take care of it first."

Naro thought for a moment and nodded.

"Just one day will do."

After hearing Nailuo's answer, Fang Qing also replied

"OK, I'll take you back the day after tomorrow, and President Chen will go back tomorrow."

As for Ling Qiyue, Fang Qing didn't say anything, but Nailuo saw the speechlessness and headache in her eyes through her black-framed glasses. It wasn't until the next morning that Nailuo found out that Ling Qiyue picked up Xiaoke and ran away after the filming yesterday.

As for where they ran away, he didn't know, but through the emotions emitted by Sister Qing, he vaguely realized that this didn't seem to be the first time.

And Ling Qiyue was obviously a...recidivist!


Nailuo went to Hongyun Hotel the next day. This was a warm place that he had been in for two lifetimes.

Seeing Nailuo coming, Aunt Cui and Uncle Liu stopped their work and comforted him. They both knew that Nailuo's grandfather had passed away.

In his previous life, Aunt Cui and Uncle Liu gave him a sum of money to settle his grandfather's affairs.

In this life, he accepted Chen Shuang's investment, but he did not forget the uncle and aunt who had always taken care of him.

Nailuo did not talk about the future that day. He still helped Uncle Liu cook for customers in the kitchen as usual.

Uncle Liu closed early in the evening and cooked a few of his specialties himself.

Uncle Liu and Aunt Cui have a pair of children. The eldest daughter is Nailuo's junior, and she is also in the first year of high school this year. The youngest son is in the second year of junior high school this year.

In the past, Nailuo helped here and tutored the two of them.

Tonight, Nailuo ate with Uncle Liu's family.

Nailuo looked at the wine and drank with Uncle Liu. In his previous life, he also drank when he was free.

It was just that after leaving Yunhai City in the previous life, he came back a few years later and visited them here.

At that time, he had become cold, but when he came back here and saw their family again, his heart would calm down, and he would listen to Aunt Cui's scolding of Uncle Liu and laugh with his brothers and sisters from the bottom of his heart.

This is the only warm place in his two lives.

When leaving at night, Aunt Cui took out a stack of money and wanted to give it to Nailuo.

Nailuo looked at Aunt Cui and shook his head and smiled and refused.

He didn't take it, and Aunt Cui and Uncle Liu also realized that Nailuo seemed to be leaving the city where he was born and raised.

Aunt Cui and Uncle Liu didn't ask him where he was going, but just told him to take care of himself outside, come back when he was tired, and treat this place as his home, and they would stay here all the time.

The same words as in the previous life, but listening to them again, still made Nailuo feel warm in his heart.

Nailuo finally hugged Aunt Cui and Uncle Liu, rubbed his brother and sister's heads, and finally left.

He will never forget this kindness, and he will repay it in the future!

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