Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 101 Double Shot Down Again! F22 Blueprint Released! 【Seek Full Order】

"Let the bullets fly for a while... Heh, this kid is full of jingles"

Deng Zhi shook his head first, then hung up the phone with a smile.

Afterwards, he went to Qian Zhilao's place and communicated with a group of people.

Now that Yu Beidu has said that he is not in a hurry to shoot down the second satellite of the beautiful country, he naturally does not need to guard the monitoring room anymore.

After Qian Zhilao and the others heard Yu Bei say that they would shoot down the satellite of the beautiful country the next day,

They all look at each other,

They all said that Yu Bei is really too black-bellied!!

"Satellite successfully detached from rocket!"

"The satellite is entering the established orbit!!"

"The spare satellite has entered the established orbit!!"

On the beautiful country side, a group of people are guarding the screen.

Everyone is extremely nervous!!

Even after the satellite has entered the predetermined orbit,

There was no slack in the expressions on everyone's faces!! No one dared to take out champagne to celebrate "May 10" like last time!!

Time passed by little by little, and two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

The spare satellite launched by the beautiful country is still running smoothly in its own orbit,

Nothing unusual happened!!

When Hanks saw this scene, he was a little confused for a while!

If it weren't for the fact that the bullet holes on the side of the satellite in the photo in hand are clearly visible,

He even suspected that he was dreaming of those things just now!!

But the main person in charge of NASA is embarrassed!!

He didn't understand why the satellite was able to run smoothly again at this moment!

"What's the situation now?"

Commander Mike asked aloud.

"Mr. Tong, this...maybe there is something wrong with Longguo and the others, doesn't it make sense?"

"Why didn't this satellite fall down!?"

The main person in charge of NASA was sweating profusely and couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

But what he said made the whole command room suddenly a little quiet, everyone looked at him Shendu was a little strange!!

No matter how you listen to these words, it seems that you are hoping that the satellite will fall!?

And the main person in charge of NASA also realized that there was something wrong with his words, so his expression changed immediately, and he explained,

"That... Mr. Tong, I didn't mean that, I meant..."

"Okay, if that's the case, let's wait... If the satellite can still operate smoothly after tonight, then there should be no problem. As for where the bullet hole came from, is it It doesn’t matter if it’s not Dragon Kingdom or what they did! Just send out the remaining satellites of our GP$ navigation system!”

Hanks exhaled, not wanting to hear his explanation, and said.

"Okay, then I'll just stay here, Mr. Tong, take a rest, and I'll report to you tomorrow.

The main person in charge of NASA nodded, and then said.

"No, I'll just stay here, I hope tonight will be a special Christmas Eve.

Hanks said aloud, if he didn't see the result with his own eyes, he still felt a little worried.

And Hanks said so,

Others dare not have any other ideas,

They all nodded,

They all said that they would also stay in the command room.

Ever since,

this night,

The most consumed by NASA is coffee.

Everyone drank at least two or three cups of coffee,

That's when I stayed up until the early morning of the next day.


"Mr. Tong, there should be no problem, the operation of the satellite is still very stable now!!"

The main person in charge of NASA has bloodshot eyes,

Looking at the satellite on the screen is still running peacefully,

Immediately he was relieved.

"Okay, if this is the case, then there is no other problem. You can prepare for the specific matters of the satellite launch below. I will go back to the white house first."

Hanks also heaved a sigh of relief,

rubbed his sore eyes,

turn away from

Back to the white house in a special car.

sitting in my office,

Hanks really couldn't bear the exhaustion,

He just lay down on the table and fell asleep.

"Mr. Tong! Something happened!!"

I don't know how long it has been,

Suddenly the secretary's urgent voice sounded.

Hanks frowned and opened his eyes.

With a displeased face,

"what happened again??"

"This...NASA said that our satellite was shot down again!!"

The secretary blushed and said anxiously.


Hanks heard what the secretary said,

Immediately my eyes widened!!

The strength in my body suddenly seemed to be pulled away!!

Limp on the chair directly!!


Hanks gritted his teeth,


"Dragon Kingdom!!"

Hanks roared with red eyes...

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

"I'm afraid that the mentality of the beautiful country is about to collapse!?"

"Yeah, I was relieved at first, but I didn't expect the satellite to be shot down again the next morning. Who can accept it!?"

the other side,

Dragon Kingdom Northwest Satellite Base.

A group of academicians saw the downed satellite in the monitoring room,

Immediately, I couldn't help but laugh out loud!!

Even Deng Zhixian and Qian Zhilao, who are usually quite serious, couldn't help laughing.

Then Deng Zhixian also told Yu Bei the news.

"Well, okay, Uncle Deng, I understand. Hehe, don't worry, there will be no problems. We are doing this only to monopolize the entire Bluestar navigation market."

"In the next period of time, they will definitely settle down in the beautiful country, at least they will not launch satellites again."

Yu Bei smiled and said a few words to Deng Zhixian, then hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath,

"System, I want to draw a lottery F22 Raptor fighter design drawing!"

"Ding! Did the host spend 6,000 energy points for a targeted lottery?"


"Ding! Congratulations to the success of the host-directed lottery draw! Obtain F22 design drawings and related technical knowledge!!"

The conversation is over.

A light flashed in front of Yu Bei's eyes.

Immediately, a design drawing of the F22 Raptor fighter appeared on the table! 2.8

And other blueprints are piled up in the whole room!!

There is also a huge amount of knowledge in my mind!!

It took Yu Bei a full two minutes to completely digest this knowledge!!


"It's finally done..."

Yu Bei exhaled,

Looking at the F22 Raptor fighter design in front of me,

The light in the eyes flickered.

Then he picked up the phone and called Cheng Hua!!

"Hey, Boss Cheng, where are you? I have already combined the design drawings of the fifth-generation machine!!"

Yu Bei said.


"You made the fifth-generation machine!?"


"You take the blueprints to the Academy of Dragon Sciences immediately, and I'll come over right away!"

Cheng Hua's shocked voice came from the receiver!!

Almost deafened Yu Bei's ears!!.

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