Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 26 The Discovery Of The Damao Earthquake Monitoring Bureau! Da Mao Was Shocked! Dragon Count

"The head is so horny..."

After Cheng Hua teased Bourne, he turned around and left, and Bourne repeated what Cheng Hua said just now in broken Chinese, his whole face was so dark that he was about to wring out water!

But after calming down, Byrne was also a little puzzled.

Although there are usually some small earthquakes in this place,

But there is really no such strong shock as this time! !

What's more, what was strange was that Cheng Hua had already sat there, looking at them with a sinister smile, as if he had predicted the earthquake in advance! !

Bourne shook his head, and he didn't have the nature to play golf anymore.

"Let's go, let's go back, let's talk about the distribution of materials in the camp recently."

Byrne said.

The representatives of other countries froze when they heard his words!

What kind of material distribution, to put it bluntly, you big hair is running amok! !

Of course, they only dared to complain in their hearts.

Facing the powerful Da Mao, now they don't have any intention of daring to resist!

After all, Da Mao's steel torrent is not just for fun! !


And the other side.

Da Mao's earthquake monitoring department also noticed this sudden earthquake.

A young man with freckles sitting in the office is analyzing the shock waves of the earthquake,

He always finds this kind of curve a bit strange! !

Not like a normal earthquake! !

"Let's go, why are you still stunned? It's just an ordinary small earthquake. It has been confirmed. Everything is normal with General Bourne."

A colleague on the side patted him on the shoulder.

"You go first."

The freckled youth shook his head and said.

The colleague nodded helplessly and could only leave first.

And after everyone left,

The big haired young man with freckles clicked on the topographic map again.

"No, this fault zone is very close to General Bourne. If there was an earthquake there, the time for the seismic wave to reach here should be shorter..."

"By the way, according to this time, we can probably figure out where the source of the earthquake is!!"

Looking at it, the freckled youth's eyes lit up, and he immediately took out a pen and paper to calculate.

Finally, calculate the result and draw it on the map!

But it was discovered that the center of the earthquake was actually in Longguo! !

And the most important thing is that the Dragon Kingdom is not a fault zone at all! !

Strange! !

The freckled youth was suddenly puzzled! !

According to his long working experience,

The possibility of an earthquake here is even less than the possibility of choking to death by drinking water! !

Is it artificial? ?

But what can cause this kind of...

The freckled youth frowned and thought,


The whole person seemed to have thought of something extremely terrible,

His complexion suddenly became ugly! !

"Underground nuclear test!! Yes, only an underground nuclear test can definitely cause such an earthquake, and it must be a nuclear test with a large enough yield!!"

The freckled youth said with a shocked expression.

Then, he immediately found out the earthquake data that occurred when Da Mao conducted underground nuclear tests a few years ago!

A comparison,

This seismic wave is almost exactly the same! !


Seeing this, the freckled youth couldn't help but gasp! !

He naturally knew what the result he released meant! !

If Longguo is really conducting nuclear tests,

Then it is definitely bad news for Da Mao! !

This news must be reported! !

This idea flashed in the freckled youth's mind, so he wrote all his findings and related materials into a report,

Then he directly found his immediate boss! !

After reading his report, the freckled youth's immediate boss,

It was also a surprise! !

Immediately after that, an expert argumentation was brought in!

The possibility of finalizing the report of the youth is extremely high!

So, the freckled youth's immediate superior immediately handed over the report to Peter, the leader of Da Mao! !

And Peter also pays special attention to it!

Hastily told the news to Bourne, who was presiding over the talks ahead! !


"For the iron ore resources here, Dongzhi, you must contribute two-fifths. The research and development of military weapons in our camp is short of iron ore recently. You must understand and support it."

"Also, Nanlaf is the same, have you discovered minerals recently?"

On Bourne's side, he was holding a document and talking unhurriedly.

When the representatives of other countries heard his words, their faces became uglier than the other!

If it weren't for the fear of Da Mao's strength,

They all want to flip the table! !

This is simply a steal! !

Nanlav's representatives clenched their fists even more. They thought they had covered up the mineral discovery well enough!

In the end, I didn't expect to be found out by Da Mao! !

Now the efforts of so many of them will be in vain again!

"Let's talk about you, Dragon Kingdom."

After calling names one by one, Bourne looked at Cheng Hua again.

Cheng Hua looked directly at Bourne with a sneer on his face.

He originally thought that this meeting was just Da Mao's pressure on Long Guo, but he didn't expect this group of Da Mao's people to be so rampant, and they wanted to take advantage of their Long Guo! !

If it was before, although Cheng Hua would not agree, he would still politely refuse.

But now that they have almost made the nuclear bomb, there is no need for this!

Cheng Hua decided that once Bourne said something, he would immediately slap the table and turn his face! !

Today's Dragon Kingdom has this confidence! !


Just as Bourne was about to speak.


A big hairy staff member hurried in,

Regardless of the present situation,

He bowed his head and whispered a few words in front of Bourne! !


Bourne's face changed drastically! !

Then turn around,

He looked at Cheng Hua viciously! !

"General Bourne, what's wrong? Is there a flower on my face? Look at me for so long!?"

Cheng Hua sneered and said without knowing why.


Bourne took a deep breath.

stood up straight away,

Said in a very cold tone,

"Cheng Hua, is your Dragon Kingdom conducting nuclear tests?!"

"The inexplicable earthquake just now was caused by your underground nuclear test!?"


Just as Bourne finished speaking,

The whole venue was shocked! !


[Fourth update! ! Gentlemen, there are still two watches left! Brother, don't sleep until you finish writing! ! Gentlemen, flowers, support a wave of evaluation votes! ! Give little brother some motivation! ! 】

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