Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 6 Intense Quarrel! Yu Bei: The Country Needs Nuclear Bombs, And The Yu Family Has No Cowards

On the other side, at Yu Bei's house, Yu Bei and Yu Ci were sitting in front of the telephone, both of them were waiting for the phone to ring

"How long has it been? I think your ghostly talisman is probably useless! Otherwise, Lao Deng would have called long ago!"

Yu Ci waited a little impatiently, and said with widened eyes.

Yu Bei, on the other hand, looked confident. He believed that Mr. Deng would definitely call!

Seeing Yu Bei's confident face, Yu Ci was both funny and angry!

"Ring ring ring!"

However, just when Yu Ci was about to say a few more words, the phone that was put aside suddenly rang!

Both Yu Ci and Yu Bei's eyes lit up at the same time, and then the former immediately picked up the phone! !

"Hey, Lao Deng, it's me, what's the matter? Is that kid's ghost painting talisman useful!?"

Yu Ci asked nervously.

He actually cared more about this matter than Yu Bei did!

After all, the latter knew the result, while he was always guessing!

"What!? Old Qian said yes!?"

Suddenly, Yu Ci burst into an exclamation!

The sound of the air scared away the birds resting on the trees in the courtyard!

"Hahahaha, that's great, this kid is finally reliable!! I didn't let me keep him for so long!"

Yu Ci's face was flushed, and his tone was full of pride. After all, his son got the affirmation of Mr. Qian!

"Old Yu, don't be so happy, I have one other thing to tell you, you should be mentally prepared."

And at this moment, on the phone, Deng Xian took a deep breath and said.

"Hahaha, can you be unhappy about this!? Say it, say it!"

Yu Ci laughed.


Deng Xian told Yu Ci about the physical condition of the main staff in the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base, and also told Yu Ci about the nuclear radiation in the base.

Yu Ci's originally beaming face suddenly became stiff!

There was no joy in the eyes of the whole person, and it was replaced by seriousness!

As Deng Xian said, Yu Bei is his only son!

"Old Deng, is what you said true?"

Yu Ci took a deep breath, and then asked.

"Yes. But for Beibei, we will definitely carry out strict protection!"

"Yu Ci, I know what Yu Bei means to you and your wife, so these words...I must tell you."

"Think it over, and then call me."

"Beep beep..."

Deng replied first, then hung up the phone.

But Yu Ci felt heavy in his heart, his knuckles holding the microphone turned white.

Then, he let out a breath and hung up the phone.

"Dad, did Uncle Deng agree?"

Yu Bei smiled and said.


Yu Ci said with an ugly face.

"That's good, then I'll take a break and go to Uncle Deng's place in two days!"

Yu Bei nodded and said.

"What are you panicking about!? You, Uncle Deng, agreed, but I haven't agreed yet!"

However, Yu Ci gave Yu Bei a complicated look.

Thinking of what Deng Xian said just now, he struggled in his heart!

Although Deng first gave him a guarantee, who can guarantee this kind of thing? !

In case there is something wrong with Yu Bei,

How will the couple live their lives in the future! ?

However, this is related to the nuclear industry of the Dragon Kingdom!

Yu Ci never thought that one day he would have such a problem with his family and country!

"What's the matter, Dad? What do you disagree with?"

Yu Bei was also stunned. He didn't understand why Yu Ci, who was so proud of him before, suddenly regretted it again!

"Forget it, Yu Bei, you can go back first. I will discuss this matter with your mother when your mother comes back tonight. This matter is not as simple as you think."

Yu Ci was upset and didn't intend to answer Yu Bei's question, so he waved his hand.

Yu Bei also frowned, then nodded, and returned to his room,

He had to figure out what Yu Ci was struggling with first!


In the evening, Yu Bei's mother Li Yue came home.

The family eats at the table,

But the atmosphere is a bit strange.

No matter how Li Yue asked, Yu Ci and Yu Bei did not speak.

After eating, Yu Ci directly pulled Li Yue into the room.

"What's the matter, Old Yu, did you quarrel with your son?"

Li Yue looked at Yu Ci and asked.

"Remember what I told you the other day? It's the blueprint drawn by my son."

However, Yu Ci shook his head, then looked at Li Yue and said.

"Remember, what's wrong?"

Li Yue was taken aback for a moment.

"The design was approved, and Mr. Qian spoke highly of it! In other words, with that thing, our Long Kingdom can make a nuclear bomb! But it needs to go to the north."

Yu Ci took a deep breath and said.

"Oh! Why are you hesitating then? Let our son go, it's really promising, does even Mr. Qian value him so much?"

Li Yue said happily.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Yu Ci went on to say,

"Honey, it's not that simple..."

Yu Ci said Deng Xian's words in detail.

Just like Yu Ci, Li Yue, who was originally elated, was stunned when he heard that this career might cause serious harm to Bei's body!

"What do you think about Yu Ci?"

After being stunned for a long time, Li Yue looked at Yu Ci seriously and said.


As soon as Yu Ci spoke,

Li Yue interrupted him!

Tears flowed out of both eyes like a burst bank!

"Yu Ci, do you want to send your son there!?"

Li Yue looked at Yu Ci, who was silent.

"I don't agree! Yu Ci! That's our only son, if something happens to him, what should we do!?"

"We have rarely seen each other since my son went to study abroad, and now you are going to send him there. If he really... I can't accept it, I can't accept it!"

Li Yue cried, her voice choked up.

"But my wife, Lao Deng said that he will protect our son, and our Dragon Kingdom really needs nuclear bombs!!"

"He's not just your son, he's also my son!"

"But we can't help it! I have experienced a lot of life and death during the war. Besides me, there are also some seventeen or eighteen-year-old children! They are all dead! They are also the children of the people of Long Kingdom!"

"They have fathers and mothers, why don't they throw their heads and blood! For what!? Isn't it for the future of the Dragon Kingdom!?"

"If I really don't let Yu Bei go, am I worthy of Longguo!? I... Am I worthy of the soldiers who used to follow me in the hail of bullets!?"

When Yu Ci said this, he couldn't help but his eyes were red, and his voice was trembling!

Seeing Yu Ci like this, Li Yue's heart was broken. She touched her tears, gritted her teeth and said, "No, I can't help it, I..."



Just at this time,

Suddenly the door of their room was pushed open.

Yu Bei's slender figure stood at the door with his back against the light.

"Dad, why should I think it's because of... So you are worried about this..."

"Mom, don't worry, I'll be fine..."

"I'm going to the northwest nuclear bomb base."

"I am also a member of the people of Dragon Kingdom, I am no different."

"Long Kingdom, we need nuclear bombs."

"We have no cowards in our family."

Yu Bei said in a calm tone, unable to see the expression on his face clearly.


[The new book sets sail! Dear lords, if you have flowers and votes in your hand, please vote, and give the author some confidence! Many thanks! ! 】

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