Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 74 The Song Of The Dragon Kingdom Resounds Around The World! Stand Up! People Who Don't

Just when people all over the world were shocked by the sudden announcement of Longguo,

Cheng Hua sat in his special car, hurried to the supreme command center, and found Mr. Qin.


Cheng Hua saluted.

"Well, Cheng Hua, you said that Yu Bei has already launched the first satellite!?"

Mr. Qin was walking around in the office with his hands behind his back. When he saw Cheng Hua coming, his eyes lit up immediately, and he asked.

"Yes, Chief, the Longguohong has successfully entered orbit!!"

Cheng Hua said.

"Long Guohong.....Long Guohong..."

"Good name, good name!"

Hearing Cheng Hua's words, Mr. Qin kept repeating the name, and his eyes sparkled.

"By the way, Chief, Yu Bei also said that at nine o'clock a signal with a frequency of 20.009 MHz will be sent, so we can listen to it."

Suddenly, Cheng Hua remembered this matter again, and said hastily.

"Nine o'clock?! It's 7:30 now, and our Longguo Broadcasting Department is an hour away...Why didn't you say it earlier!? Go, hurry over!"

When Mr. Qin heard Cheng Hua's words, he immediately checked the time, and then glared at Cheng Hua.

Cheng Hua was a little embarrassed, and then got into the special car with Mr. Qin, and rushed towards the Longguo Broadcasting Department!

After an hour's drive, the two finally arrived at the Longguoguang business department half an hour earlier.

Director Cao of the Longguo Broadcasting Department was shocked when he saw Mr. Qin and Cheng Hua rushing over!!

Where has he seen such a big leader?!

"Hurry up and take us to the radio studio!"

Cheng Hua looked at him and said immediately.

"Okay, okay, chief, please!!"

Director Cao came back to his senses at this time, and then quickly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice,

Bringing Mr. Qin and Cheng Hua to the broadcasting room of their broadcasting department!

Then according to Cheng Hua's instructions, the receiving frequency was adjusted.

Then, Cheng Hua and Mr. Qin put on their earphones and waited!!

They are looking forward to what frequency Yu Bei is talking about?!

Da Mao, Ning Ying.

After the shock,

Peter also immediately called all the top management of Da Mao together!

The face is extremely heavy!!

"Everyone, I believe you have also received the news. Our country has now issued a statement saying that they have launched a satellite into space!!"

"You must know that our Da Mao is the first to do such a thing from 590!! Our Da Mao is the first to have such technology! The satellites they launched in the beautiful country stole our technology!"

"And now, in a technological wasteland like Dragon Kingdom, they actually claim to have launched a satellite! Where did their technology come from?!"

Having said that, Peter paused for a moment, and then glanced at everyone present with an ugly face!

"I now have reason to suspect that something is wrong within us!"

"Otherwise, why would such cutting-edge technology be acquired by the beautiful country in the first place!? Otherwise, how could the satellite be built with the technological level of the dragon country!?"

"Starting today, I announce that we Da Mao will conduct a big review, including myself, everyone will accept such an investigation!!"

Peter's words were sonorous and powerful, which made everyone present change their faces!!

You must know that big censorship has never been done in Da Mao!!

But looking back on those years now, everyone can smell the bloody storm!

Now it's time to do it again!?

Some of the high-level executives who have some problems themselves are also flustered at this time!!

"Mr. Tong, why don't we be so arbitrary, what if they deliberately release such news, they have ulterior motives!? It's like causing conflicts among us.


A high-level person said immediately.

"That's right, Mr. Tong, we still need to make sure that Longguo and the others are not bluffing, otherwise it is easy to fall into their tricks!"

"That's right, Mr. Tong, the insidiousness and cunning of the Dragon Kingdom is unimaginable to us, let's not be so anxious!?"

Other people who have their own problems also nodded quickly!

If Peter is allowed to carry out this big review, then they will definitely go to jail if nothing else!!

Looking at the panicked senior executives in front of him, a cold light flashed in Peter's eyes!

"Okay, since you said so, let's wait, there are less than 20 minutes until nine o'clock, let's see if we can receive the "special" gift* from Dragon Kingdom!!"

"Bourne, you immediately call a machine over to accept the frequency of 20.009 hops!"

Peter took a deep breath, then ordered.


Bourne also nodded casually, and then he went out immediately, and after a while, he brought a machine!!

Put it in the middle of the table!!


A group of high-ranking big-haired people with some problems themselves couldn't help swallowing at this time,

I was also silently praying in my heart that Long Guo was really bluffing!


They're about to go through a big scrutiny,

They did nothing treasonous,

But their own source of income has a big problem!!

On the other side, far away in the beautiful country.

The same scene happened inside the white house!!

Cruise called all the top executives of the beautiful country over, and everyone was waiting with serious faces!!

"Mr. Tong, we don't have to be so serious, I still think that the technology of Longguo and others will definitely not be able to produce satellites!!"

"That's right, Mr. Tong, we didn't understand this thing clearly at the beginning. It was the technology we stole from Da Mao and the others. Now we are the only two masters of satellite technology in the whole world. I don't know where Longguo and the others got it. this!!"

Two of the top executives of the beautiful country frowned and said.

After all, it is still very early in the beautiful country!

It's far from time to go to work!

For being called so early,

There are also some complaints from some of the top executives of the beautiful country!!

"It's getting late, it's nine o'clock in Longguo and the others in ten minutes!!"

"Whether Longguo and the others lied, we will know immediately, this thing can only receive satellite signals!!!

Cruise shook his head, then took a deep breath, staring straight at the machine in the middle of the table!!

Longguo Broadcasting Department.

Cheng Hua glanced at the time,

"Two minutes left!!"

Mr. Qin's face was expressionless, but his hands inside the gown were clenched into fists, and his palms were full of sweat!!

Now my heart is never as calm as he is!!

"Tick tock!!"

Just at this time,

Suddenly, the second and minute hands hanging on the wall coincided!


Suddenly, the earphones that were originally silent suddenly sounded the sound of electric current!!

When Cheng Hua and Mr. Qin heard this voice, their expressions froze for a moment!!

Immediately afterwards,

A familiar prelude sounded in the earphones!!

Both Cheng Hua and Mr. Qin's eyes twinkled,

The face is extremely shocked!!

This prelude!

Isn't it the song of the Dragon Kingdom?!

After the prelude,

The loud and resolute voice came out!!

"Get up! People who don't want to be slaves! Let our flesh and blood form our new Great Wall!!"

Familiar lyrics, familiar tune!!

as a soldier

I can hear this song from every angle basically every day!!

This time is completely different from the previous situation, this time it is the sound from the first satellite of the Dragon Kingdom, this time it is the voice from the Dragon Kingdom to the world!!

"Under enemy fire..."

Both Mr. Qin and Cheng Hua couldn't help humming softly following the voice in the earphones!!

However, when they thought that this was a voice coming from an extremely distant space, the tears of the two of them also flowed down!!

at the same time,

The same song,

The whole world is ringing!!

Da Mao's Kning Palace!!

The white house in the beautiful country! (aicd)

The song of the Dragon Kingdom resounded in the huge space!

no one thought,

one day,

In this form, the song of the Dragon Kingdom will sound at the center of the two superpowers!

The vigorous and passionate tune echoes!

It's almost like the warriors of the Dragon Kingdom have occupied this place!!

And this song,

It is the charge that the Dragon Kingdom blows to them!

Whether it is the high-level of the beautiful country,

It was still Da Mao's senior executives who all had a drastic change in expression!

Dragon Kingdom really successfully launched a satellite!!

As for the Song of the Dragon Kingdom, which resounded all over the world, compared to the shock and bewilderment of the top management of the beautiful country,

But the senior executives of Da Mao feel that there is a cloud over their heads!!

Commander Peter stood up with a livid face, shook his sleeves and left.

when walking,

Instruct Bourne directly,

starting from tomorrow,

A big top-to-bottom review of Da Mao!!


the other side.


Yu Bei turned off the switch of the receiver in the command room.

Take a deep breath!

Although already prepared,

But to really hear the sound from thousands of miles away,

Yu Bei is still very excited in his heart!!

And when he calmed down a bit,

turn around,

But he saw everyone behind him, including Deng Zhixian and Qian Zhilao,

Everyone burst into tears!

Even some people are still singing the song of the Dragon Kingdom in a low voice!!

For their generation of researchers,

There are very few things to be proud of!!

most of the time,

They are all at the bottom of the chain of contempt in the scientific research world!!

And now,

In the appearance of the North,

Let the Dragon Kingdom have the foundation of its life - the nuclear bomb,

Let Dragon Kingdom's satellite go up!!


I also heard the song of the Dragon Kingdom from space with my own ears!!

This unprecedented sense of honor,

How can they not burst into tears?!

"Yu Gong, Xiao Deng is right, you are the future of Dragon Kingdom!!"

"Yu Gong, thank you! It is you who made us Longguo hold our heads high!"

The academicians came back to their senses at this time, and then looked at Yu Bei, tears were not wiped away!!

Everyone saluted Yu Bei!!

Yu Bei also took a deep breath, and returned the salute to the academicians with a solemn face!!

"Okay, everyone, control your emotions, the boss is not young, why are you still crying?"

"Comrade Ning Kai, your nose is running out."

And this time,

After Qian Zhilao quietly wiped away his tears,

Just said with a smile.


The audience burst out laughing


Yu Bei couldn't help but laugh too!

Then nodded and said,

"Comrades, the success of our Longguohong is inseparable from everyone's joint efforts!"

"Next, I will make a machine tool dedicated to making satellite parts, so that I can improve the production efficiency of the satellites below!"

"After all, the guarantee I gave the chief was that within one year, 35 satellites will be launched to complete the construction of the Beidou seven-star satellite system!!"


Except for Deng Zhixian and Qian Zhilao who knew about this matter,

The other academicians couldn't help but gasp when they heard Yu Bei's words!!

Launch 35 satellites in one year?!

Isn't this too sci-fi?!

"However, after I have made the machine tool, the next thing is mainly up to you. Just follow our Long Guohong production procedure to develop it. After all, it took a year

Too long, and I can't devote all my energy to this. Many aspects of Dragon Kingdom still need to be improved!"

"Of course, during your research and development process, I will still come to see you at any time, and you can find me in time if you have any questions."

"After the successful launch of the fourth satellite, we have initially completed the positioning function of the Beidou seven-star satellite system. At that time, I will develop some more things, and we can use the Beidou

The Douqixing satellite system has made money. I believe that with everyone's ability, it shouldn't take long. "

However, Yu Bei ignored the shock of the academicians, smiled and said.

This made a group of academicians a little confused!

Why did Tian Bei have to let go of the first satellite and hand it over to them just now?!

The academicians are trying to stay in the north,

Qian Zhilao, who guessed what Yu Bei was going to do next, took the initiative to say,

"Don't worry, Yu Bei, you go and do what you have to do, leave this to me and Xiao Deng, there shouldn't be any problems."

"Okay, Mr. Qian, from now on you are the general manager of this project.

When Yu Bei heard Qian Zhilao's words, he nodded immediately, but he was interrupted by the latter before he finished speaking.

"Yu Bei, you want me to be the chief engineer, how can you do that?! Then haven't I become a villain who stole your achievements!?"

"You are still the chief engineer, Xiao Deng and I are just helping you manage the project."

Qian Zhilao shook his head and said.

Yu Bei froze for a moment, then nodded.

Ever since,

the following days,

Yu Bei used the system to extract the design drawings of machine tools for satellite parts in a targeted manner, and made them, and asked Cheng Hua to notify the arsenal in Longguo to rush to make them.

And he himself is constantly accumulating energy points.

But since the matter is not too urgent,

So Yu Bei wasn't too tired from reading this time.

"Is it full three thousand?"

The book in the lady's hand,

Calculated the energy value in my mind,

Said to himself.

Then I don't know what to think,

Yu Bei touched his chin,

A light flashed in his eyes,

"Speaking of which, since I have this system, I don't seem to have tried ordinary lottery draws yet?"

"Otherwise, try using these three thousand energy points today?"

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