The funding and creation activities of national laboratories are carried out in a harmonious atmosphere.

The president of Imperial Capital Bank rushed to the scene and accepted Chen Mo's entrustment to supervise 200 billion laboratory funds as a third party impartially.

200 billion funds are used to absorb the world's top talents, focusing on the research and development of chips and lithography machines.

The event gave a series of explanations on the funding process, the formation of the R&D team, and the benefits of R&D talents.

Near the end of the event, Hong Jianguo asked Chen Mo: "Mr. Chen, do you have anything else to add about the establishment of a national top laboratory?"

Chen Mo thought for a while and said, "I don't have much to say about R&D. You are all top experts in this area."

"But to join my lab, you must sign an agreement with the lab."

"What agreement?" Hong Jianguo asked.

Chen Mo said: "Members who join the laboratory, whether domestic or foreign, must sign a non-compete agreement. Once they resign from me, they are not allowed to engage in related industries."

"At the same time, domestic R&D personnel must not go abroad for 8 years. Foreign R&D personnel who want to join must give up their foreign nationality and become Daxia citizens!"

"Anyone who violates the agreement will be compensated 10 billion yuan! Anyone who leaks laboratory secrets, patents, or damages the interests of the laboratory will be compensated 10 times the actual loss!"

Hearing Chen Mo's words, everyone was shocked!

This condition is not unreasonable! ! !

If top foreign talents want to join the laboratory, do they have to be naturalized in Daxia?

How is this possible?

The current fashion trend is that Daxia people emigrate to foreign countries after they become famous.

Few of the world's top talents are willing to come to Daxia.

As soon as Chen Mo's remarks came out, the professors in the audience immediately talked and whispered.

Hong Jianguo said in embarrassment: "This... President Chen, your requirements are too harsh, right?"

Zhou Chengfeng also echoed: "Yes, Mr. Chen, this request is a bit too much. Is it okay to travel abroad for fun?"

Chen Mo said solemnly: "200 billion capital investment, I will continue to increase investment in the future, this is definitely the world's top capital investment.

I don't want to see the scientific research talents that I have invested a lot of manpower and material resources to cultivate and eventually go abroad and become the mainstay of other countries. "

Several professors in the audience immediately objected:

"Mr. Chen, science knows no borders. Science and technology are the ladder of human progress and the welfare that promotes the evolution of all mankind. Your approach is too narrow!"

Chen Mo was instantly furious:

"Professor, let me tell you a story."

"There is a company called Magic Ape Entertainment under my name, and once the company arranged for Liu Tianwang to hold a small music club in Sakura Country, and the fans cheered loudly at the beginning of the music club.

But Liu Tianwang refused to say hello to everyone in cherry blossom language, and refused all the songs of the cherry blossom country arranged by the organizer, and changed all the songs into Mandarin songs. "

"After the fan club, some reporters asked him how uneducated he was."

"Liu Tianwang said something, do you know what it is?"

The professor pouted and said disdainfully, "What can an actor say?"

Chen Mo said indifferently: "He said: 'Art has no borders, but artists have borders'."

"I want to change this sentence to you and everyone present."

"Science knows no borders, but scientists have borders!"

"You go to a top laboratory in any country in the world to see which one of their benefits is better than mine? And which one of them is not more demanding than me?"

"But... this is not conducive to our country's talents to go abroad to exchange and study..." The professor also stubbornly wanted to refute.

Chen Mo knocked on the table, and Gong Ziyuan immediately projected a piece of data on the big screen.

"You can see, this is the return rate of my country's top talents after graduation over the years. Only the top 10 universities have been counted."

"What is the annual return rate? Only a poor 13%!!!"

"That is to say, of the 100 professionals that our country has worked so hard to cultivate, only 13 are willing to come back after studying abroad!"

"Of course, the welfare of foreign countries is higher and the research environment is better. I understand that they choose to stay. That's why I am willing to invest such a large amount of money to alleviate this situation."

"If there are no such harsh conditions, what do you think is the probability that these talents will stay in Daxia after resignation? My laboratory of Chen Mo will never cultivate talents for foreign countries!!!"

"On the contrary, I will only attract talents from other countries into Daxia and let them contribute to Daxia!"

One word at a time, every word is heartbreaking, deafening! ! !

All the professors, including Zhou Chengfeng and Hong Jianguo, fell into silence! ! !

The professors, savouring Chen Mo's words, were shocked and speechless. Hong Jianguo got up with red eyes, and moved the old tears:

"The essence of education is not only to teach and educate people, but also to reimburse the motherland."

"Now that our country is in a critical period of its rise, those of us have forgotten the essence of education."

"Mr. Chen, thank you! Thank you for waking me up! I benefited a lot from today's view!"

Having said that, Hong Jianguo, a top domestic scientific research talent and education expert, bowed deeply to Chen Mo.

Regarding Chen Mo's title, the old principal also changed from "Mr. Chen" to "Mr. Chen".

You must know that in the mouth of such people, the meaning and weight of the word "Sir" is very different! ! !

It can be seen that Hong Jianguo respects Chen Mo!

Zhou Chengfeng also sighed: "With a talent like Mr. Chen, Daxia Hechou can't rise!"

"Okay, then Principal Hong, let's do as Mr. Chen asked.

Who is for and who is against? "

With all that said, who would dare to object?

But the professor who just opened his mouth to refute, stood up again at this time and said:

"It's okay for us to be strict with ourselves."

"But foreign talents, you require them to join the laboratory only after naturalization, how could they be willing to come?"

Chen Mo's eyes narrowed slightly: "This professor, what's your name?"

"Liu Zhongxian."

"I want to ask you, why are foreign talents unwilling to come?"

"It's very simple. It's like the talent of the hegemonic country. The country is so good, and the conditions of Daxia are so much worse than the hegemonic country. Why do people give up the nationality of the hegemonic country, join Daxia, and work for Daxia?"

"So what? According to you, what should be done?"

"Remove the condition of joining the nationality, and at the same time relax the restrictions on the introduction of foreign talents, and add more welfare conditions to them. This will not only attract foreign talents, but also show the grandeur of our Daxia country."

Wei Zhongxian said naturally.

Chen Mo smiled.

Angry and laughing!

The most annoying thing in his life is this kind of dog kneeling and licking foreigners!

Why should foreigners be treated better?

Are foreigners superior to others?

"My lab has the most advanced lithography machine and chip technology, as well as the world's top funds and welfare benefits. Based on these two points alone, why can't it attract foreign talents?"

"Foreign talents, if they want to learn technology, they must be used by me, otherwise I would rather not!"

According to the development of chip history, the moment Chen Mo was invented from the immersion lithography machine, he was destined to become the oligarch of the lithography machine and suppressed other countries!

If foreigners don't come to Chen Mo's laboratory, they will be left far behind in the chip field, and they will be farther and farther away!

This is why Chen Mo dared to open such harsh conditions! !

Foreign talents will either change careers and stop making chips. To do so, they must join the Great Xia Kingdom and work for the Great Xia Kingdom! ! !


Liu Zhongxian wanted to say something.

Chen Mo asked directly: "Professor Liu, what are your scientific research achievements?"

Liu Zhongxian was stunned for a moment, then proudly said: "I have researched many chip theories and published more than 100 journal papers. I have contacts with many foreign professors and top experts."

"In other words, you are a theoretical school, and you don't have any substantive inventions?" Chen Mo narrowed his eyes and said: "Principal Hong, I want to add another condition. My laboratory, not a theoretical school, must have Only scientific research results can be added.”

"Professor Liu, you don't meet the conditions for joining my lab. You don't have to participate in this meeting. Please leave me right now!!!"

Liu Zhongxian's face was ashen, and he said angrily, "Principal Hong, can't I tell the truth? People are foreigners..."


Hong Jianguo couldn't take it any longer, and shouted angrily: "Professor Liu, you don't conform to our school's educational philosophy, go to the finance department to settle the salary and leave!

Foreign countries are so good, you can go abroad to be a professor! "

boom! ! !

Liu Zhongxian looked pale as if struck by lightning!

If he can go abroad to be a professor, how can he still stay in China?

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