Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1548: , Mom, I like him

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Lin Lan was preparing to push the door with the porridge on, and the door opened from the inside. Lu Anran appeared in his pajamas behind the door, "An An, are you hungry?"

"Grandma Lin, I'm going out." Lu Anran looked away anxiously from Lin Lan's side.

Lin Lan held the tray in one hand and held Lu Anran in one hand. "You are just sick, where are you going?"

"Xu Fengyu held a press conference today, I must go." Lu Anran freed his hand from Lin Lan's palm, and the man ran quickly towards the stairs.

"How do you go in pajamas?"

"I can't care so much."

"An'an." Lin Lan turned and chased, "Your parents have gone, it doesn't matter if you go..."

Lu Anran, who was going downstairs, stopped and turned to look at Lin Lan in the corridor. "Is my parents gone?"

"Yes, your parents came to the scene with such a big thing as ancestor guizong... Hey, An run slowly, be careful of the steps..." Lin Lan put the porridge in her hand on the ground and walked downstairs However, as he is older, his legs and feet are not good, and it is impossible to run a few steps like Lu Anran.

Lin Lan wanted to tell Lu Anran that she really wanted to go and asked the driver to send her. She was just ill. She hadn’t eaten another day yesterday. The drive was unsafe, but when Lin Lan came out, Lu Anran could still be seen.

Lin Lan was anxious and worried and ran back to the villa to call Tong Qiao and told her that Lu Anran drove to the press conference in his own pajamas.

Tong Qiao comforted Lin Lan on the phone to make Lin Lan not worry, she called Lu Anran to let her go back.

Lu Anran was driving a car on the avenue, the phone rang, and he didn’t want to pick it up, but he looked at the telegram: Mom, after thinking about it, he stopped the car and turned it on, "Mom..."

Lu Anran said a word, and then Duan Tong interrupted her, "Go back and go back to bed and rest."

"Mom, I'm fine..."

"What's okay, the fever was 39 degrees 8 yesterday, is that okay?"


"Go back! Don't be stubborn, look back carefully. I will let your dad clean up for you. Okay, I'm going to start here, I won't tell you."

As soon as Lu Anran heard that it was about to start, she immediately mentioned her throat in anxiety. She must be unable to catch up now. "Mom, don't hang up, I have something to tell you."

"I have something to say when I come back, well, that's it..."

"Mom, I like him." Lu Anran was anxious and blurted out, and what he said was only reflected when he said it? While frightened, he also breathed a sigh of relief, and the vague and ambiguous things in his heart became clear.

Seeing that Xu Fengyu and Fan Xintong said almost everything, she felt blocked in her heart, uncomfortable. Before, she thought that because Xu Fengyu was her brother and not Fan Xintong's brother, he should be kind to her and good to Fan Xintong, and she was angry.

Now it seems that she is jealous.

He moved out of the Lu family. She missed him. She thought it was because he was her brother, and the sister thought it was normal.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

The more she looked at him, the more pleasing to her eyes, and more and more she wanted to be close to him. When she faced him, she often blushed and heartbeat. When she was near her in Baoxi Garden that day, she wanted to kiss him, and he kissed her. At that time, she was not at all disgusted, even deep in her heart, throbbing...

His cooking, his cheerful and charming back, his radiant appearance on the stage...

She likes everything about him.

It turned out that she had fallen in love with this man unconsciously, but this love was always hidden under his identity as her brother. She didn't know it.

Yesterday, Xu Fengyu not only told her that they were not related by blood, but also told her that he liked her, the kind of love that men love for women, and even kissed her, or the kind of kiss that made him smile.

All things happened together, and it was so unexpected, there was no sign. She was really frightened at that time, her brain was messed up, where can she think of things? I don't even know what kind of feelings I have for him in my heart.

Until this moment, until she knew that after announcing her relationship with Xu Fengyu, she would always call his brother. She was anxious, nervous, frightened, and after blurting out that sentence, her heart was suddenly bright and A feeling of seeing the light through the clouds

It turned out that she liked him too.

"Who do you like?" Tong Duan asked for a few seconds.

In a brief moment, Lu Anran has figured everything out. She is like a mirror in her heart. She is the kind of person who dares to love and hate. She didn’t know her mind before. Now that she knows it, she won’t hide it. "I like Xu Fengyu."

"An An, are you confused, he is your brother, how can you..."

"Mom, he is not my brother, I have no blood relationship with him, right?"

There was a few seconds of silence at that end before saying, "...Who said?"

"Xu Fengyu said."

"Zi Qian? How could he know?"

"He told me yesterday that he was not officially announced because of me. He didn’t want to be a sibling with me. I was frightened by the news yesterday and ran away. Now I want to understand, and I don’t want to be a sibling with him either, so ..."

Lu Anran took a deep breath, "Mom, this press conference cannot be held today."

The end was silent for a longer time this time, Lu Anran almost thought Tong Qiao had hung up the phone, but the phone was on the phone to remind her that the end was not up, Lu Anran whispered: "Mom."


"Mom, I really like him."



There was a busy tone on the phone and Tong Qiao hung up the phone.

Lu Anran started the car and turned the head home, she was too late to catch up, she could only wait for the news of Tong Qiao.

Lin Lan was relieved to see Lu Anran go and sighed in relief. He took her and walked upstairs. "Just come back. It will be okay for your parents to have your parents over there. Go wash them first. I will warm you up with porridge."

Lu Anran was really hungry at the moment, her legs and feet were soft, and she couldn't help her. She walked upstairs obediently, washed her downstairs and had breakfast. After breakfast, she sat on the lobby sofa and waited for Tong Qiao.

The phone hasn't left his hand, and from time to time he swiped Xu Fengyu's Weibo. He sent a Weibo in the early morning and said that there will be no new news after the press conference held today.

Waiting is a torment, and it's especially long for every minute and second.

Lu Anran became more and more certain about Xu Fengyu's intentions while waiting, and the more he wondered how Tong Qiao handled this matter.

Lin Lan packed up and came out of the kitchen to see Lu Anran sitting on the sofa in a daze, and walked over, "An An, why are you sitting here? Go upstairs and lie down for a while."

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