Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1567: , So I don’t make sense?

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Xu Fengyu continued: "The capable girl is more charming, don't you want me to be more obsessed with you?"

Lu Anran stunned and looked at Xu Fengyu with tears in his eyes. "Aren't you obsessed with me now?"

Xu Fengyu slightly hooked his lips and kissed Lu Anran's forehead. "Aren't you more infatuated, the better?"


"I will wait for you."

Lu Anran threw herself into Xu Fengyu's arms and cried again. She was actually very bad, and she couldn't bear Xu Fengyu in her heart, but she didn't want to give up such a good opportunity. She hesitated and said those words, but she actually had a trace of hope. I hope Xu Fengyu will support him, and I hope Xu Fengyu can make a decision for her.

Not only did he make a decision for her, he also found so many reasons to convince her and promised to wait for her.

How can he be so good?

Xu Fengyu gently touched Enron's hair, coaxing her, "Okay, just crying like this when I came back. People who don't know thought I was bullying you."

Lu Anran calmed down for a while and stayed in Xu Fengyu's arms, holding him reluctant to let go.

Until the sun sets west, the two people leave the lawn and go back to Lu's home together.

At the dinner table, Lu Anran told the story of continuing studying abroad.

Both Tong Qiao and Lu Jinshen were very supportive. They were also very pleased to see Lu Anran make such a decision. They felt that their daughter had really grown up, matured, and did a steady job.

Lu Anran could only stay for a week this time when he returned home. Xu Fengyu pushed away all the announcements and activities in his hand and left this week free for Lu Anran.

Qiu Cheng knew that Xu Fengyu had been so desperate for Lu Anran in the past two years. At this time, Xu Fengyu asked for leave, and he naturally agreed readily, but the time of the autograph meeting had already been announced. It was not easy to change it temporarily. Qiu Cheng asked Xu Fengyu to participate on time anyway.

Xu Fengyu naturally refused to agree, and his time with his girlfriend was only a short week, let alone one day delay, even if he was not willing to spend a minute.

Qiu Cheng didn't do anything, so he had to call Lu Anran in person, hoping she would help persuade.

Lu Anran naturally didn't want to delay Xu Fengyu's work, and promised Qiu Cheng to let Xu Fengyu pass on time.

On the day of the autograph meeting, Lu Anran went to Xu Fengyu early to find him, and the two drove out as they did the other day.

On the way, Xu Fengyu asked while driving, "Where do you want to go today?"

"Go to the gym."

Xu Fengyu frowned, and vaguely guessed what Lu Anran wanted to do? "The gym is crowded, don't go."

Lu Anran didn't hide and tuck, and said straight: "Today is your autograph session. Thousands of fans are waiting for you there. How can you keep them waiting?"

"I told President Qiu in advance that the signature will change the time."

Lu Anran looked at Xu Fengyu with a smile, "I promised President Qiu that you will go on time today, so the signature will not be changed."


The tires rub against the ground and make a sharp, harsh sound.

The car's emergency brake stopped in the middle of the road.

Xu Fengyu twisted his eyebrows and watched Enron landing, "The signature will take a day, intermittently, which means that I will spend one day with you."

"Is sick, suddenly stopped, causing me to almost rear-end." The next black off-road vehicle stopped next to Xu Fengyu's car, and the driver shouted.

Xu Fengyu was in a bad mood because Lu Anran agreed to the autograph meeting. At this time, it was even more uncomfortable to be scolded by people. Pushing the door and getting off the car, Lu Anran pulled him busy, "You are crazy, but you are Xu Fengyu , What do you want to do when you get off at this time? Are you watching?"

"He didn't hear him scold?" Xu Fengyu looked displeased.

Lu Anran coaxed him softly, "Okay, okay, it's all my fault. I shouldn't decide your business without permission. Let's drive the car first, shall we?"

Xu Fengyu didn't move.

Lu Anran was anxious, "Xu Fengyu, you won't go away anymore, it will cause traffic congestion for a while, the traffic police are coming, you have to make headlines."

"The headlines are on the headlines, and it's not that they haven't been on it yet." Xu Fengyu didn't matter. In fact, he was still angry with Lu Enran, and wasted their day in vain.

"..." Lu Anran was about to die, and the car stopped in the middle of the road. This is Xu Fengyu's loss. If it really made headlines, it would not be good news. This would affect his reputation, which is life for a star. "But I haven't been there, you don't care about me?"

Xu Fengyu started the car, and it didn't take long to see the parking space on the side of the road and stopped the car.

Lu Anran unfastened his seat belt and turned to pull Xu Fengyu's hand.

He escaped.

Lu Anran exasperated, "I'm so angry?"

Xu Fengyu looked out of the window without squeaking.

Lu Anran, "You prefer to be separated from me in order to let me study. I naturally can't let you delay my work because of me. If you think about me, I naturally worry about you too. Compare your heart. You can't be so unreasonable."

Xu Fengyu looked back at the landing Enron, "So I don't make sense?"

"No, no, it's me wrong, I just want you to think about it for me. We only have a few days, don't quarrel, OK?"

Xu Fengyu raised his eyebrows, "I didn't quarrel with you."

"Then... don't play with your temper, okay?"

Xu Fengyu, "..." is all his fault.

"The signature will let me go with you. I will bring you tea and water. I will massage you when you rest, okay?"

Xu Fengyu still didn't hum.

"Isn't there two days left? We went to City C after the signing session. We went there two years ago. I can't climb the rock, remember?"

Xu Fengyu, "..." How could he not remember, he remembered everything he did with her, just because that trip was followed by someone, their relationship would jump into everyone's sight, and later When Fan Xintong made trouble, things became uncontrollable and they were forced to separate.

"Actually, I thought about it later. If you don’t have that trip, you may not show your heart to me. I may have been silly thinking that my feelings for you are just brothers and sisters, so I think that is the starting point of our feelings. It is precious and worth remembering."

Lu Anran went to pull Xu Fengyu's hand again. He didn't avoid it. She rubbed his slender fingers and continued, "I have exercised well in the past two years, just thinking about when I can go climbing with you again, and you Stand at the top of the rock climbing together to see what else we have not played, and then make up one by one."

Xu Fengyu was silent for a moment, "Is this related to the signature?"

Lu Anran, "..."

"We can go to City C now and play one more day, isn't it better?"

"..." Lu Anran took Xu Fengyu's hand and shook it. "Don't be like this. After you finish the work, we can play with no heart, just for me, okay?"

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