The torrential rain poured down, drenching the surface of the giant hand.


Coupled with the gust of wind, the water droplets poured on the trunk seemed to be rolled into a pale white wind, and the flames and dust were pressed down by the wind and rain.

With the creaking sound, the giant hand quickly retracted into the body of the divine tree.

The corpse of the red spider was still burning, even in the pouring rain, this special flame could not burn clean for a moment.

The giant tree of nearly 300 meters is taller than the Yoyogi Building next to it.

Standing leisurely between heaven and earth, it has grown to a terrifying level.

If there was such a divine tree in the world of the ancients, they would definitely worship it in fear and regard it as the number one **** in the world.

"Tick tock."

The raindrops washed the fresh green leaves on the sacred tree, licked the destroyed high-rise buildings in Yoyogi, and covered up the scars that were brought to Yoyogi after a war.

"Lord Ito, why are you not feeling well?"

Mashi Ito's wooden ingot wall has been removed, and the hunger in her stomach directly affects her combat effectiveness.

Could it be that spiritual power is created through eating?

The battle is finally over, I should be able to eat, I should be able to eat!

Unwillingly clutching his stomach, Ito Asa fell to the ground in pain.

"Hungry..." Asa Ito clenched his teeth, "The devil has finally been cured."

This frightened the little witches around, all of them looked pale, and they were in a hurry and didn't know what to do.

The heavy rain made their hair stick to their faces, and their hair covered their eyebrows and eyes.

Because of face shape and fashion, bangs are more popular in island countries than in China, especially among girls.

If she was wearing pure white clothes, she would look very eerie.

"Ma Shi."

In the faint, the majestic voice of Lord Shenshu sounded: "My initial recovery has been completed."

These words echoed in the rain, and the panicked little witches immediately froze.

"However, the initial recovery wasn't perfect because the attack in the final step disrupted my rhythm."

"But it can also protect this side of the world from demons."

The other little witches were all crawling on the ground, their faces flushed, and their eyes were filled with longing and admiration. Tonight, they truly felt the power of Lord Divine Tree.

This is definitely the most extraordinary in the island country. It is a great honor for individuals and families to be able to accompany such a powerful existence.

"Hiyi, yes." Asa Ito kneeled on the ground clutching his stomach.

Mizuno guessed why Ito Mashi did this, but although he has good cooking skills, he can't conjure food out of thin air.

Besides, even if she conjured up food, this little girl... no, she will be blessed in the name of the divine tree, and she will go down the steps to eat it.

"But it's not just me who is revived in the world, there are other demons who have also been summoned by various cultists."

"Your human world is the hub connecting various other worlds, so you must be more vigilant."

"Now my consciousness can last forever in the human world. If you encounter troubles that are difficult to understand and deal with, you can notify me."

"Although I'm not an omniscient god, I know a thing or two about these secret things."

"Hiyi, yes."

Ito Mashi nodded excitedly. Before, because Lord Shenshu existed in the heavenly realm, communication with him was always vague, or it took a long time to get a reply after he sent a message by himself.

This time is different. After the initial recovery, Lord Divine Tree not only showed amazing strength, but it seems that it can help humans better cope with supernatural problems.

Right now, the island country and the Amelika government are full of doubts. The more they study the supernatural, the bigger they will be. Only what is the opportunity of the bone girl, what is the resurrection, what is the underworld, and what is the yellow spring.

"Leaving you, our time is running out."

The words of the tree of gods meant something.

Mashi Ito thought of a lot in an instant, what kind of conflict between gods, a community of shared future for mankind, a sense of mission arises spontaneously, and even a hungry stomach is filled with a sense of mission.


"Firefighters from various fire stations have rushed to Yoyogi to put out the fire."

"The fire has been brought under control, and the open fire will be extinguished soon."

"The chariot unit suffered few casualties, only the occupants of a few armored vehicles were injured."

"The worst casualties were the ordinary infantry units. Several formations hid in the building but were not spared. The entire building was swallowed up by the fire, and a few others had fled to the roof to wait for the helicopter's rescue."

I just listened to the casualty report casually. Except for the officers who were closely related to it, the professional bureaucrats in the war room didn't care about it.

The twists and turns of the war, the development of nine turns and eighteen turns, are all left to the propagandists to arrange.

They don't care about casualties, they care about the victory of this battle and what kind of impact it will bring.

Undoubtedly, brilliant, absolutely brilliant results.

The terrifying red spider and monster army were wiped out, which is no more than the life of a group of domestic and foreign soldiers.

Yoyogi was destroyed and Shibuya was damaged?

What's the matter? After all, which piece of land in the world is not something that existed 4.6 billion years ago, but is only valued by social attributes.

And those commercial buildings are, to put it bluntly, just a few concrete buildings. If the value brought by the location is removed, the reconstruction of those buildings is billions of dollars, or even less than that.

And billions of dollars do not need the island country government to do anything at all, and international capital will continue to pour in, and even hundreds of billions will be sent by hand!

Shibuya Ward is not severely damaged, but reborn from the ashes!

"such a pity."

The mayor of Shibuya Ward sighed and couldn't help but feel a pity.

It's a pity that the whole of Shibuya was not razed to the ground. It would be easier to draw on a new drawing.

He has already bought a lot of real estate in Yoyogi. If these commercial buildings are destroyed, he will directly invest in residential buildings. In the new era, Yoyogi residential buildings will be more valuable than these commercial buildings.

And without using the island country officials to publicize this victory, the Internet has already exploded.

The live broadcast has not yet been released, and the pictures captured by the wonderful camera have been recorded and broadcasted globally.

The earth-shattering giant beast fights, turning the world around with one hand, pointing to the sky like Sakyamuni, causing the sky and the earth to change color and rain heavily, as well as the mysterious figure standing on the finger.

Every frame of the picture is stimulating the worship and panic of human beings for powerful forces!

"Seven, seven million fans."

The live broadcaster was trembling with excitement. He could already see that he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life.

But just as he packed up the equipment and opened the elevator to go downstairs, three men in black in uniform came on the way.

"You, who are you." The live broadcaster trembled in her legs.

"Ministry of Public Security."

"Supernatural Hall."

"The FBI."

"Why is the FBI here too?!"


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