Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 238 Millennium Soul


Ahua spurted out a mouthful of golden blood, half-kneeling on the ground, obviously exhausted.

He gritted his teeth and his body shook wildly.

The left hand supports the giant fist, the right hand is raised, the middle finger and the thumb are touching, and the index finger is raised. This seal is the seal of subduing demons in Tantric Buddhism.

The demon-subduing seal collides with the giant leaping fist.

It actually pushed the zombie's giant fist away!

He Cheng frowned, as if Sanskrit sounds were noisy in his ears.


The ghost-immortal clone spread its wings and dispersed the Sanskrit sounds, but instead used its ghostly screams to break the air in Ahua's chest, causing him to spit out another mouthful of blood.

Finally fell to the ground.


Like a solid iron block hitting the ground, the marble floor collapsed instantly, almost breaking through the basement. Fortunately, He Cheng withdrew his force in time to avoid the possibility of the building shaking and toppling.

There were exploding blood flowers under his fist, like a slap to death on a mosquito lying on a white wall in summer.

He Cheng's body shrank rapidly and became the height of an ordinary person.

As soon as he opened his mouth and sucked in, the blood of the great lama and Ahua automatically floated up and fell into his mouth.

The effect is a bit weaker than the eternal spring water, but it is better than nothing.

He turned around and slowly inserted an arrow into his chest, and walked towards the vixen who was being held by his broken arm.

The zombie's arm had been drained of corpse energy and was already shriveled. The vixen's face became even paler and his orifices were bleeding.

"You are so cruel. You just joined forces with them to kill me, and now you are fighting among us. You are the winner in the end!"

The vixen who was hit by the arrow laughed angrily, his eyes spitting out anger, and he was already taking in less air and outgoing more.

"You deserve to die." He Cheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

When Ahua and the Great Lama discovered that he was a zombie, they instantly changed from white and greenish friendly to eye-catching blood red.

Do you need a reason to kill zombies?

In decades, He Cheng has never seen anyone give a reason to kill zombies. When they meet, it is "red name", and when they meet, they will fight to the death.


The vixen suddenly threw her head back and laughed, breathed her last and closed her eyes before dying. It was a pity that she died under Ah Hua's arrow.

A spiritual light burst out from above her head, like a dragon flicking its tail, crashing through the glass door and flying high into the sky!

"Level 65-Millennium Vixen (Yuanshen)"

Just listen to the vixen Yuanshen laughing and saying: "In another six hundred years, I will definitely kill you and throw you into the sun's fire to burn!"

The laughter was filled with spite.

"Want to escape?"

He Cheng stamped his feet and flew after him.

Jump like flying, jump over the building in one leap!


Although he lost his body and his strength was greatly reduced, the thousand-year-old vixen who turned into a giant snow-silver fox turned around and swept He Cheng with his tail, whipping him to the ground at a faster speed.


The zombie bodies that were about to fall suddenly dispersed and turned into crows as dense as black clouds. Headed by crow ghosts, they still continued to chase the vixen!

The two sides were fighting one after another, and the fight was inextricable.

The snow-silver giant fox landed on the roof of the building, looking at He Cheng formed by the huge black cloud of crows, and his tone softened.

"You said before that we are not sworn enemies, so why don't we fight to the death? I will give you all my flesh, body and essence! You may not get much benefit from swallowing my soul. Aren't you afraid that we will lose in a fight with you?"

The thousand-year-old vixen spirit explodes, and its body may not be able to withstand it.

But she didn't know what she was thinking. She just saw Tiaozhuang grow an arm in the blink of an eye. If she couldn't destroy the opponent to pieces, it would only be a dead end.

He Cheng didn't reply at all. He rushed forward and grabbed the fox's head with both hands, but was knocked away by a tail again.


"what sound?"

In a Japanese restaurant, a man wearing a silver-gray Chinese tunic suit and a Chinese character heard the noise.

"What's wrong?" A woman's delicate voice came from the cubicle.

"Miss, there seems to be a sound on the roof of the building opposite!"


The Japanese sliding door opened, and a woman wearing a black kimono and holding a white cat raised her head gently and walked out slowly in small steps.

But the moment she raised her head, her expression changed drastically.

"Miss?" The man with the Chinese character lowered his head and couldn't help but feel confused. He had worked with the lady for so many years and he had never seen her look like this!

With ordinary eyesight, she could only see a black shadow dancing around, but in her eyes, it was a ghost fairy exuding powerful ghostly aura fighting against a huge white fox exuding evil aura!

" this day and age, there are actually land gods!"

Her soft face suddenly turned ferocious, and she threw her head back and laughed like a witch.

After a while, she covered her lips with her sleeves and returned to her typical Yamato Nadeshiko image.

The Chinese-character face looked up at the roof of the building opposite. With his eyesight beyond ordinary people, he could only see a black shadow jumping back and forth.

Although the sound of earth-shaking explosions could be heard in the air, the opponent's fight didn't even damage the air conditioner upstairs. He was more like a madman throwing random punches in the air.

"Continue to look for that divine general!"

"Yes!" The Chinese-character face bent down and lowered his head.

The opponent's battle was far beyond her ability to participate in. The woman rubbed the white cat's ears and returned to the restaurant.

When the Chinese-character face raised his head again, he found that the figure on the building opposite had disappeared...


The fox flew away in the sky, turned around to see the zombie landing on the roof of a building, his legs shook and flew towards him like a cannonball!

When he almost touched her, she dodged him.

The zombie fell quickly, landed on the roof of another building, and jumped again, high into the air!

"Too sticky!"

The fox's head was baring its teeth and its saliva was overflowing, but it couldn't do anything to deal with the zombies.

She couldn't figure out why the ghost fairy would follow Tiao Zheng and obey his orders. She didn't even know where Tiao Zheng came from. After becoming bigger, his strength could seriously injure the golden elixir!

"Dumb——" The ghost fairy's clone blocked the road in front.

Zombies missing their right hands are in hot pursuit.

"Finally I've trapped you!"

Seeing the vixen hovering in the air, He Cheng's body swayed and turned into a black cloud of crows, confronting her.

"Then let's fight to the death!"

The vixen turned to He Cheng. She had a greater chance of winning if she jumped to the deadlock. She never thought that the other party would also rush towards her!

The two sides collided instantly!

[Corpse Armor] Bronze Armor (Promotion: Millennium Soul 1/1; Silver Armor Corpse Blood/Flying Zombie Blood: 0/1)

"It's a pity. After eating this vixen spirit, you can at least level up two levels!"

He Cheng smacked his lips, saying it was a pity, but his face was happy.

The bronze-armored corpse's defense is comparable to jumping zombies. Isn't this silver-armored corpse comparable to the flying Yaksha?

Turn around and go back to the building.

Zhang Dayu, Zhang Xiaoyi and the building manager were all staying in the lobby. At this time, they saw that He Chengru had found the backbone.

"General! What happened? Why, Ahua, the great lama and the others are missing? There is also a big fox!"

He Cheng followed the direction of his fingers and saw the body of the thousand-year-old vixen that had returned to its original shape.

They were all knocked unconscious by the momentum for the first time and had no idea what was happening.

"I was fighting with the vixen spirit just now, but I don't know where they went."

The two of them, Ah Hua, were beaten into bloody foam and swallowed in their stomachs.

"This is Ah Hua's crossbow!" Zhang Dayu picked up the crossbow and handed it to He Cheng.

The material was neither gold nor wood, and when he pressed it lightly, no fingerprints were left. Although the bow and arrow were used to destroy the vixen's body, the crossbow was still usable.

He Cheng walked to the corpse of the big fox and twitched his nose slightly.

The vixen flesh and body still retains a lot of essence, but unfortunately the arrow has been destroyed.

"Master, master! Have the problems been solved?" the building manager came over and asked.

He Cheng glanced at the wall that he had broken open and nodded lightly, "Please hire someone to repair it and we can open it again."

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