Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 322: Old friends don’t know each other, and they fight with the “two immortals”

"What a yin and yang world like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den!"

Zhong Kui untied the blood gourd from his waist, pulled out the stopper, and the aroma of wine came out.

"Master Zhong, that's not right."

The white-faced kid following behind swallowed and whispered.

"What's wrong?"

"It is said that there is a lot of resentment in the Yin and Yang world. Ordinary ghosts that come in and are contaminated by these resentments will never be reincarnated. They have to be washed clean in the Santu River before they can have a chance to reincarnate! Look here... it is as bright as the underworld."

Zhong Kui raised his sleeves to wipe the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, "No wonder I have to deal with the Yin Yang Dharma King quickly! Lord Yan is really troublesome. I have been waiting for my sister for many years to finally get married, and he still gives me such a troublesome task of being sent abroad. !”

"This Yin-Yang Dharma King is extremely capable, and you can only do it~" The white-faced kid is a good at flattering, and neither the King of Hell nor Zhong Kui can evaluate him.


Zhong Kui suddenly raised his head and looked at the Vajra King floating in the sky.

"Which heavenly king from the immortal world descended to earth?" Zhong Kui was puzzled.

"It shouldn't be"

The kid scratched his rotten head and pulled out two sparse ghost hairs. "Yan Jun said that the Queen Mother once ordered that when the world is changing dynasties, no one is allowed to interfere no matter what happens... I heard that the man in Yaochi A golden turtle was knocked down from the fairy world because it poured three handfuls of Yaochi water to alleviate the drought in the human world!"

"You ugly guy, you don't have much ability but your brain is very useful!" Zhong Kui scolded him with a smile.

Tie on the blood gourd and raise the horse's reins.

Who is that person? Can you tell if you go over and take a look?

The maroon horse's hooves were like stepping on fire clouds. They took a few steps and arrived at the city of Yin Yang Dharma King.

The city was violently broken open, but there were still a dense number of ghosts kneeling outside the city, numbering in the millions. These were the ghosts that the Yin and Yang Realm had blocked for several years.

There is a shortage of ghosts in the underworld, and fewer and fewer children are born in the world. For the order of the three realms, it is necessary to conquer the Yin and Yang realms.

"Damn it!" Zhong Kui spat, rubbed his hands, and pulled out the sword.

The divine sword shines brilliantly, and its magic illuminates the dim world of Yin and Yang.

"I am Zhong Kui, the judge of the underworld who punishes evildoers! I have been ordered to attack the Yin and Yang Dharma King. Do you know what happened?"

"It's the Great Master Zhong Kui!"

A man knelt down and kowtowed, "Before you came, there was a man who broke into the city earlier, killed the bastards of the Yin Yang Dharma King, and helped us get rid of our resentment! Now I just ask you to take us to the underworld for reincarnation."

It is really shocking that millions of people kowtow. When they kneel down, their heads touch the heels of the people in front of them, and they cover the ground shoulder to shoulder for more than 40 miles!

"Well, I'm here just for you. Follow my subordinates and reincarnate."

Zhong Kui put away his sword, looked at the figure of the Heavenly King in the sky who had put away his Dharma and turned towards the outside world. He said loudly: "Heavenly King, wait a minute... I am Zhong Kui. Have you and I ever met before?"

"you do not know me?"

He Cheng stopped and looked at the level 87 Zhong Kui. He didn't know whether the Zhong Kui in this world was stronger or weaker than the Zhong Kui in the previous world. After all, he was still a jumping zombie at the beginning, but now he is a flying zombie. If the conditions are met, he may even go one step further. .

"Do we know each other?" It was Zhong Kui's turn to be confused.

"One flower, one world, we have seen it in other flowers."

We were old friends, but we didn't expect to know each other when we met again.

He Cheng didn't doubt Zhong Kui's pretense, because Zhong Kui's attitude was very obvious: he was a stranger, neither an enemy nor a friend.

"Really?" Zhong Kui was confused, shook his head and said politely: "However, Zhong Kui thanked the King of Heaven for his help, and will definitely visit him on the mountain in the future!"

This is Zhong Kui in Liaozhai. He puts chivalry first, which is different from the selfish Zhong Kui in the previous world.

"Has the Heavenly King ever met the Yin-Yang Dharma King?"

He Cheng raised his head, looked at the opening above his head, and shook his head, "When I came, there was no Dharma King of Yin and Yang here."

"I see, it seems that Yin Yang Dharma King has escaped disaster."

Seeing Zhong Kui shaking his head regretfully, He Cheng nodded and said, "Goodbye!"

Soon Zhong Kui's shout came from below, "You ghost soldiers, following the Yin Yang Dharma King everywhere, come and take a walk in my blood gourd, haha!"

Zhong Kui took off the blood gourd in his hand and sucked it in. The ghost soldiers turned into a gust of wind and were sucked into the gourd. Tens of thousands of ghost soldiers were sucked clean in the blink of an eye, and no ordinary ghost was harmed!

"Magic weapon, what a good thing."

Sun Wukong doesn't have the golden cudgel to lose half of it. When fighting Taishang Laojun's Lao Niu, those gods absorbed the magic weapons and all lost their fighting power.

It's even more serious in the list of gods. As long as there is a magic weapon, the apprentice will become the master.

He relied on his fists and zombie teeth along the way, but he was really at a disadvantage without a magic weapon.

It's time to plan to get two magic weapons.

He Cheng stared at the light and rushed out.

It's still on that mountain, but the temple is gone, and there is only a mountain of mud that has been washed away and eaten by corpse gas.

"why you?"

Yin Yang Dharma King stared at He Cheng, "My million ghost soldiers are here!"

"have eaten"

He Cheng glanced around and saw that both Yin Yang Dharma King and Taiyi Master were already in harm's way. It was a good time for him!

"Just because you're so stunned?"

The eyes of Yin Yang Dharma King are getting redder and redder, and Fei Zombie jumps into his city. If millions of resentful ghosts attack, even Arhat may not be able to withstand it if he descends to earth; but if the ghosts are not united, Fei Zombie will be like The volcano that burned during the snowy day, the ghosts are like the snow on the mountain, which melts in the blink of an eye.

"Just me!"

At this time, the gap between He Cheng and Yin Yang Dharma King has shortened rapidly. In addition, with the golden body of the Vajra Protector Heavenly King, it is no longer the situation where gods were fighting just now, and he can only watch.

There are twenty heavens in Indian Buddhism. Many myths and novels have mixed up the concepts, and added the concepts from works such as Journey to the West and The List of Gods. They turned the four heavenly kings into the four generals of the demon family. His golden body of Vajra Heavenly King is similar to Vajra in level. The King of Heaven is the same, but his strength is a bit worse.

He Cheng suddenly swelled to a size of four to five feet, covered in corpse hair, with curved claws and hooked teeth, cinnabar blood eyes, and a pungent smell of blood heading towards the Yin-Yang Dharma King.

Behind him stands the three-headed and six-armed Vajra King, all with zombie faces. One hand holds a Dharma mirror, the other holds a yellow flag, and the other four hands make fists and twist seals.

The Dharma and the zombies pounced on the Yin-Yang Dharma King together!

"Zombies stop!"

Master Taiyi, who was at a disadvantage, swung the spear in his hand. The spear was like a steel dragon, and he shot straight towards He Cheng's left face!

Dingcang shocked!

He Cheng raised his hand to grab the gun, but he held his strength but failed to block the exploding mana, and was pushed back.

"Hahaha!" Yin Yang Dharma King laughed and raised his hand to grab He Cheng.

", what are you doing?"

Zhang Daoling held the already cold body of his senior brother and looked at Master Taiyi who took action against his helper with puzzled eyes.

"Huh...hey, this zombie is full of resentment, and its nose is bloody. Not only Yin Yang Dharma King, but also him must die! I came out of the mountain just to subjugate demons!"

"You're afraid of ruining your chance of becoming an immortal!"

"It's full of nonsense!"

Master Taiyi lightly stomped his feet, and Zhang Daoling grunted, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and lay down on the ground.

"I am determined to conquer demons, how can I allow you to talk nonsense here?"

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