Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 366 Mountain Lady

In the afternoon of the third day,

Shi'er went to the restaurant to drink. When he arrived at the door of the restaurant, he stamped his feet to shake off the mud on his feet.

"Zhiyou" opened the door and entered.

The business in the restaurant was bleak and there were not many customers.

The man near the pillar in the back room suddenly stood up and waved to Shi'er, "Young Master Shi, it's me!"

The scholar named Li got up from his stool and trotted to Shi'er.

Shi'er said nothing and looked at him calmly.

"We have zombies over there, please help us!"


Shi'er suddenly lowered his head and sniffed Li Shusheng, shook his head and said, "I won't go."

"Brother Li, is this kid really as awesome as you say? I think he's just a kid with no hair, and he can kill zombies?"

The man sitting with Li Shusheng patted the table.

"Why don't we gather three hundred taels and ask the master to do something?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Li Shusheng glared at his deskmate.

"Young Master Shi, brother Shi, don't be like this common man. They don't understand how powerful you are. How can an ant understand an eagle? You are very skilled in martial arts. You are doing a good deed by helping us catch the zombies." Li Shusheng said something nice.

Shi'er shook his head, turned to the boss and asked, "Where's the wine?"


The boss handed over the wine jar, but still couldn't help but said, "Aren't you going to help? They have been sitting here all day, and they just want to ask you to help. I think you can help, and you can also help your master earn some wine money."

"..." Shi'er suddenly began to think.

When Li Shusheng saw that there was something going on, he quickly said, "I am willing to pay ten taels of silver. Although it is not much, it can also allow you, Young Master Shi, to buy some things as you like, and your hands will be looser."

The girl who set up a stall on the roadside flashed in Shi'er's mind. If he had money...

He asked, "Is it far? I will go home when I am a child."

"The carriage is ready! I will send you back when you don't need it!"

"Then let's go"

Shi'er turned around.

Li Shusheng was overjoyed. After paying the bill, he quickly led the way.

"Don't you just think that the price of the master is high? The master of Xianfeng Daogu costs three hundred taels, which is more reliable than a little boy." The people at the same table stood up and reluctantly followed him into the carriage.

The carriage bumped all the way towards Shimen County.

In less than an hour, the carriage arrived at Shimen County.

The yellow satin curtains of the carriage were lifted. Li Shusheng pointed to the fields outside the carriage and said, "Recently, it seems that wild beasts have been running around in the fields, trampling and destroying dozens of acres of wheat. The hunters released the beasts at night." When I checked again in the morning, I found that the clamp was gone, but no beast was injured.”

Shi'er nodded.

"Master is right. In recent years, demons have appeared all over the world, and the imperial court will be destroyed."

The carriage stopped and Li Shusheng got out of the car, "My second uncle has been dead for three days. When I went home yesterday and asked a painter to paint his portrait, he suddenly stood up. When the painter moved, he followed suit. We didn't dare to get close for fear of zombies eating us. , so I remembered your good skills, young hero, and wanted to ask you to save my life!"

Shi'er grabbed the short ax from his waist and said "Let's go"

His nose shrank slightly, as if he smelled something, and he headed upstairs.

Li Shusheng and the man accompanying him stood at the door of the house and did not dare to enter.

"Brother Li, can he really do it? Let me see if an expert who asks for three hundred taels can help us."

"You are really blind and ignorant." Li Shusheng pointed to the stairs. "I only said that the zombies are here, but I didn't say that the zombies are upstairs. Does that Taoist priest have this ability?"

The man nodded, "That's really what happened."

Shi'er walked up the stairs steadily step by step.

But I heard someone jumping upstairs.

Before he could open the door, a pair of hands like old tree bark pierced the door paper and stabbed him in the face.


The hatchet in Shi'er's hand was nimble. He bumped it upwards and turned Old Bark's hand to the side. He had already raised his right leg and turned somersaults like a monkey.

Wow! !

He pulled out a zombie with black hair and smashed it down on the first floor like a big iron block, crashing into the floor tiles.

"This, this is the painter!"

Li Shusheng looked at the clothes on the zombie and recognized his identity.

The hatchet spun in a circle and hit Heizheng's head, making a small gash.

The zombie lay on the ground with his head raised, and his back was shaking, but a pair of cloth boots stuck with wet soil came over his head and stamped on the zombie's chest. Shi'er was really like a monkey, squatting on the zombie's chest, raising his hand to grab the short ax stuck on the zombie's head.

The zombie locked his arms, but Shi'er had already nimbly dodged it.


The ax hit the zombie's head with only one finger. Fortunately, the zombie was bulky, otherwise it would be hard to say who would win and who would lose.

Shi'er fought the zombies in circles, holding the ax with one hand instead of holding it with both hands, cutting the ax head horizontally.

The zombie's neck had been slashed around with the axe, and the hard skin was broken. At this time, his head was hit and fell to the ground with a "pop".

"Bring in the firewood and burn the body!" Shi'er raised his ax and looked seriously at the roof of the building. There should be a zombie inside.

Li Shusheng and the others did not dare to delay, so they quickly sent people to bring firewood and burned the painter's body.

After a while, Shi'er dragged another zombie out and said, "Burn this one too."

Seeing Shi'er's bravery, they did not dare to disobey, and they burned the second uncle's body with quick hands and feet.

At this moment, a string of soul-calling bells rang, and an old Taoist priest with a fairy-like style was walking over carrying a small flag that read "All Heaven and Earth".

"You, you burned the zombies?" He was shocked.

"Aren't they just two little zombies? You dare to ask for three hundred taels, so hurry up and leave!" Li Shusheng waved his sleeves to chase him away.

"You have got into a big trouble! Now unless you pay three thousand taels of silver, no one can save you!"

Hearing the threat in his words, Li Shusheng raised his eyes and shouted, "The zombies must be caused by this old man. If he thinks of cheating money from us, everyone catch him!"

The villagers were so frightened by the zombies that they didn't hesitate to find someone to vent their anger on, and immediately tied up the old man.

The old Taoist is not afraid of them.

"Now tie you up and see how you do harm to others!"

"Me? How can I have that ability?" The old Taoist laughed at them. "Zombies are the subordinates of the Mountain Lady. Every time I see a zombie scourge, I must give three hundred taels to the Mountain Lady and ask her to be more generous."

The old Taoist yelled at Li Shusheng, "I didn't expect that you dared to kill Shan Niangniang's men. You are really not afraid of death! Now the gods can't save you even if they come down to earth!"

"Which fairy is Shan Niang?" Shi'er wiped the ax blade and walked over and asked.

"Shan Niang is a local deity. Legend has it that the Green Snake has attained enlightenment and can call wind and rain as well as a dragon. If you offend her, I'm afraid the entire county will become her food."

"Since she is a monster, what's the point of asking for silver?"

"Is it strange that the gods want incense and the Mountain Lady wants tributes?" The old Taoist looked Shi'er up and down and said, "Although you have good skills, you are not worth mentioning in front of the Mountain Lady. You'd better let me go quickly and collect three thousand taels." Give it to me, I’ll go find Lady Shan to intercede!”


Shi'er put the hatchet on his waist belt and said, "I'll go talk to the Lady of the Mountain myself."

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