Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 644 The powerful snake demon


Zhenguo Shiling Exhibition Area.

The Nitto Group spent a lot of money to borrow a super national treasure from the mainland. Although it has promoted interests and friendly relations, the mainland cannot be unprepared.

Four masters of special abilities, each with the ability to control objects, be indestructible, teleport, and have mental control.

They guard it 24 hours a day and night to prevent the loss of the super national treasure.

And while there are two people guarding it, the other two people are resting in a room thirty steps away. If there is any movement, the four people will attack!

Four people took action at the same time, and even a small army could not easily explode and invade, causing damage to the super national treasure.

The two people left tonight are people with special powers who are indestructible and have the ability to control objects. One has a 37-inch head and the other has an inch-head.

Da da,

Flat cloth shoes make a clear sound as they walk on the marble floor.

A woman wearing a long cyan dress and her hair was braided very complicatedly came over.

The man in a plaid suit and Panax notoginseng hair shouted in a low voice: "Who is this!"

It was already the closing time of the museum, and any approach by anyone would arouse the alertness of these people with special powers.

Seeing that it was a woman, the two of them became even more serious. They felt a strong sense of oppression from this woman in blue clothes.

"Giggle~" Green Snake covered her mouth and chuckled: "Fahai, Fahai, it seems that we have to continue our relationship."

She remembered the handsome monk in white clothes who chanted "The Mighty Heavenly Dragon, the World Honored Ksitigarbha".

It has profound magic power and can kill monsters without hesitation, making it even more ferocious than zombies.

"Protect the treasure country!" The people with special abilities responsible for protecting the Zhenguo Stone Spirit could not understand the Green Snake's words, but it did not prevent them from seeing the Green Snake's eyes focused on the Zhenguo Stone Spirit.

The short-cut man's leather shoes "duh", "duh", "duh" made three shallow footprints on the marble floor, and his body suddenly became golden, as if it had been painted with a layer of gold paint.

In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of the green snake. His fist was like a hammer, without mercy, and a strong wind hit the green snake's beautiful face.


She raised her fingers in front of her face.

There was only a "ding" sound, and the fist stopped in front of the green snake.

The short-haired man gritted his teeth, veins jumped from his neck and collapsed on his face, but his fist could not move forward half an inch!

"Get away!"

Green Snake stared, and with a slight twist of his finger, the short-haired man flew out, knocking over three counters before stopping fifteen meters away.

His special function of being indestructible has been destroyed by broken glass!

"Hey! Ha!"

The man with his hair parted raised his hands upward, causing all the surrounding furnishings to float.

Under the long green skirt, her flat shoes poked out, and she took a slight step forward.


When Green Snake reappeared, he had already slapped Sanqi Fentou on the chest.

Sanqi split up and screamed, then flew out like a cloud and mist, crashing through one wall, then the second, the third, the fourth... until it flew out of the museum, fell three miles away, and disappeared completely. in sight.

"So strong!"

Kazuo Yamamoto and the others who followed him in secretly watched in amazement as Green Snake knocked away the two masters of special abilities with his backhand.

"Boss, it seems that this woman can help us eliminate the stone spirit of Zhenguo!" Hermen breathed a sigh of relief.

Being able to kill Yamamoto Kazuo proves that he can also kill them. They don't want to risk their lives for this. The scene when Biga died can be clearly remembered by them if they close their eyes.

As expected, Green Snake slapped his palm onto the Zhenguo Stone Spirit, and the stone cracked into pieces.

There was actually a spiritual energy emerging from it.

Then an old monk with a white beard wearing a cassock and holding an alms bowl jumped out.

"What kind of monster dares to cause trouble here!"

Fahai frowned when he saw the green snake's unabashed demonic aura, raised his left hand high, and the bracelet flashed with golden light, shining on the green snake and smashing it down.

Green Snake took half a step back and dodged the palm.

With a shake of his body, his legs turned into cyan snake tails.

"Snake demon!"

"Snake demon!"

The former sentence comes from Fa Hai, and the latter sentence comes from Yamamoto Kazuo.

They still knew that White Snake and Green Snake had opened a bar called Waiting Bar near Jiajia Building, but there was no way those two snake monsters were that strong.

The thick snake's tail flicked lightly, whipping the wind and headed straight to the door facing Fahai.

"What a snake demon! I will definitely accept you today!"

Fa Hai raised his hand to grab it, and the beads started spinning as if they were alive.


Fahai was whipped away by a tail, but the Buddhist beads in his hand were also successfully caught on the green snake's tail.

"Conquer the demon!"

The old monk rolled over and got up from the ground. Before he had a chance to remove the blood from his sleeves, he clasped his hands together and started chanting.

"Om mani padme hum..."

The Buddhist beads actually strangled the green snake's tail like a tight curse.

As soon as the Buddha's light rose, the green snake swung its tail but was unable to break free.

"Hiss!!" The green snake spat out red seeds in its mouth, and the long green dress on her body tore open, and she turned into a giant snake that was forty to fifty feet long!

The green snake spit out fishy wind, raised its tail, and swung it down violently!


Fa Hai was like a wooden stake, which was whipped by the snake's tail and smashed through the marble floor, drilling half a meter deep.


He picked up the snake's tail and then slammed it down.

Fahai only had one head exposed.

With the help of Buddha's Dharma and Buddha treasures, he still had a slight upper hand in front of the green snake that turned into a human form, but after the green snake returned to its original form, he had no power to resist at all.

Tail twitch again!

Fahai's head exploded like a watermelon falling from a tall building.

Fahai only left one sentence: "What a strong snake demon" and then lost his life.


The giant python, which was 40 to 50 feet tall, spit out a message and turned to look at Yamamoto Kazuo and others hiding in the dark.

Now that he was discovered, Yamamoto Kazuo simply didn't hide. He walked out and said: "Girl, I am the chairman of Nitto Group. I think there may be something we can discuss between us. I have to deal with a few more difficult guys. , maybe you can help me."

Huge snake eyes stared at Yamamoto Kazuo, and he didn't take the next step until he was stunned by the sight.

The green snake returned to its human form, still wearing a long blue skirt, but the style was different, it looked like scales.

"Girl..." Kazuo Yamamoto raised his hand to grab the green snake, but he was afraid of the green snake's power, so he honestly put his hand back, and could only watch the green snake leave.

"Boss, I didn't expect that there was an old monk in the stone spirit of Zhenguo. From what I mean, it seems to be Fa Hai!" Hermen said.

"We already know the existence of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing. It is normal for Fahai to appear." Yamamoto Kazuo said nonchalantly.

"However, that woman seems completely different from the Green Snake and White Snake we know."

Hermen thought of the huge green snake just now. Compared with what he knew, it was a completely different snake monster. If the white and green snake monsters really had this ability, they would have dominated the world long ago.

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