Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 585: Heavenly Master!

Guimian stood on the ground, with the knife in his hand slashing and stopped in mid-air. Although his sword did not receive any obstacles, he and the evil spirit were one body. The evil spirit's sword was blocked, and his sword could not fall. Up.

However, it's only for a while...

Guimian raised his eyes and glanced at Li Xiao who was facing the sword against the evil spirit in the air, sneered slightly, and added another force in his hand. In an instant, the evil spirit gained the upper hand and directly suppressed Li Xiao!


A blue blade of light fell from the sky and the ground, and Li Xiao’s body hit the ground like a cannonball. On the ground, a cobweb-like crack appeared again, but it was more serious than that, that one was longer. The huge gully caused by the long knife light!

Ling Li’s sword aura directly cut the ground through a crack. Only the inch of Li Xiao’s feet was not left open, but this small place was also affected by the impact of Li Xiao’s landing. It shattered instantly, split into fine stones and fell.


The ghost smiled, stepped forward with a foot, turned his wrist, the blade deflected instantly, and straightly picked it over!

Li Xiao just caught him with a knife, and his hands are a little soft at this time. To be honest, he can't hold it!

Killing that little boy before has already consumed some strength, but even though he is proud Li Xiao, he must admit that even if he is in his heyday, he can't please this guy!

After the knife was gone, Li Xiao could only stand the knife in front of him to resist, but this was only to ensure that he would not be cut in half. The next moment, he was lifted off by the huge force and only hit. After breaking the outer wall of a house behind him and two large pillars inside, he stopped.


The outer wall shattered and the two big pillars were broken. The house suddenly lost its support and collapsed! Just buried Li Xiao inside!

For a moment, the dust flew, the ghost face waved the knife, the knife gas scattered all the flying dust, and then another knife was picked up, lifting the collapsed roof, revealing Li Xiao himself underneath.

At this time, Li Xiao, with blood hanging on the corners of his mouth, and blood mixed in the dust in front of him, apparently he had just vomited and had suffered internal injuries. The knife fell on the side, and it seemed that he had no strength.

"Huh! But that's it." The ghost raised an eyebrow, and grabbed it with his empty left hand. "You people on the End of the World rankings, all the Zhengtian League and all the elders, I will kill them one by one, let you see who is the strongest, so that you don't dare to resist our devil again!"

The ghost face stretched out his hand, and the evil spirit also stretched out his hand. The huge left hand grabbed Li Xiao from the ruins, and there were a lot of broken bricks, broken tiles, and broken wood.

Although that big hand is not a physical body and does not have physical squeezing force, it is still very uncomfortable for such a big thing to wrap up his entire body.

However, at this time, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't get rid of it.

"Everyone in Bashu? Fifth on the End of the World Ranking? Ridiculous!"

Guimian raised his right hand, and the evil spirit immediately followed, and the big knife was aimed at Li Xiao in his left hand, and he slashed directly!

This evil spirit's body was not a physical entity, but a mana structure. Li Xiao didn't expect to escape when the blade came and he was afraid of hurting his left hand and letting go. Obviously, it can strike the self whose whole person is in the big hand without letting go.

In this situation, I... obviously can't run.

Li Xiao thought this way and sighed for a long time. No matter how unwilling it is, there is nothing I can do...

But at this moment, it was as if a divine soldier descended from the sky, and in the distance, a white sword aura from far to near came in an instant, directly hitting the big sword of the evil spirit.

At almost the same moment, a loud voice sounded: "Stop!"


As soon as the ghost face turned his head, in the distance, a young man slowly fell from the air and stood on the roof of a house next to him that was still intact.

Gong Mojiao aggressively attacked, and there were a lot of people on the horizon. The four guardians plus Li Xiao fought with the captains, and the movement was not small!

It is not easy to find a complete house now!

And this young man who came suddenly was not someone else, he was the master of the End of the World Club, Tian Operator! Bai Xiao Weng!

"Who are you?!" Guimian looked at the young man and asked with a frown.

Under the world, there are no more than twenty people who know what the sky operator looks like, and among them, these people gathered by the elders before, these people are more than ten...

Li Xiao couldn't move his body, so he could only squint to look at it, but he could hear the voice of Tianshuan, knowing that he was coming, but did not speak.

And after the sword in the evil ghost's hand was hit by that sword aura, it was shaken to a halt, and even moved backwards a little bit. And the next moment, the white line flashed on this broad knife, and with a click, it broke in half.


With a flick of his hand on the counter, he threw Li Xiao out with his left hand, and smashed it heavily against a collapsed wall, smashing this fairly complete wall to pieces, which also attracted Li Xiao himself. Another big mouthful of blood was vomited.

"You just couldn't have emitted the sword energy." Guimian said, shaking his hand the black knife and disappearing, the knife in the evil ghost's hand disappeared, and he turned around and looked at the sky counter. "Who are you? What about your helper?"

The sky operator is condescending, although there is no evil spirit, but there must be a ghost face, staring at him, and said lightly: "I don't have a name, but I am just a small and insignificant person in the Zhengtian League. Compared to the elders, I am not enough. Mention it."

"I know this!" Guimian said. "From the aura of your body, huh! Not much to say, you can be pinched to death with a single finger."

"So, I won't fight you, I'm not so arrogant, but you harm the world and the people, and the law of heaven is intolerable! You must be punishable!"

"I can't bear it, and the tone is not small, I see how you criticize!"

Guimian raised his right hand, and the evil spirit also raised his right hand. The huge body was already higher than the roof. This is even more so when a big hand was raised, aiming at the position of the counter that day, and taking a ruthless photo!

The sky operator raised his head and looked at the big hand, without any fear: "Belonging to the Zhengtian League, take the order of the Zhengtian League to advocate the heavenly master, and punish the evil thief!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tian Fu retreated straight back, a stride flashed back, and another figure rushed forward, as fast as a gust of wind!

At this moment, the big hand as big as the roof smashed down!


A white light radiated directly from the roof, the big hand of the evil spirit hit the white light, and it was knocked out instantly! That speed, that posture, is definitely not the force of rebound, but it is as if a person was hit by a full-powered car! Throw it out with just one click!

The next moment, Wow-that evil ghost's entire arm disappeared with the wind and turned into nothingness.


The right arm of the ghost face trembled. Although the evil spirit would not suffer from the injury, he would be affected more or less if he was so broken. His heart shook and he raised his eyes and looked at it carefully.

On the roof, the sky operator was no longer there, and replaced by an old man.

Wearing a white robe, combed with a ox-heart hair, and a sword on his back, with white hair fluttering, he is like a fairy tale!

Seeing this man, Guimian was shocked!

famous! Longhushan is looking at the old heavenly master-Zhang Shouyi!

Zhang Tianshi!

Similarly, he is also the acting leader of Zhengtian League!

"Zhang Shouyi?!" The ghost face frowned and took a step back unconsciously. "You guy is here too..."

The Tianya Club established the Tianya List, which is said to assess the world's masters, but in fact, many masters of this legendary level are not on the list. Among them, he is Zhang Tianshi.

These characters, even if they are not on the list, will not make people forget their strength!

The ghost face shook his arm, and the right arm of the evil spirit grew out again, and scales suddenly appeared on the whole body, like armor, which looked very hard and spread all over the body in two seconds.


The ghost face yelled, controlling the evil spirit, two big hands, one left and the other right, sandwiched the old master, and suddenly joined!

In the palms of the two palms, a strange ball of light appeared in each, which looked extremely dangerous, and quickly pressed toward the old heavenly master!

"Come on."

The old celestial master did not show any fear, and with a flick of his robe sleeves, he pinched a decision in his hand, and a layer of white air flame immediately ignited beside him.


Two big hands hit the airflow flames, and they couldn't move forward an inch, as if holding a solid iron ball, no matter how hard you exerted it, it was impossible to squeeze the iron ball.

Li Xiao lying on the ground saw this scene and sighed.

Myself, the gap with the heavenly master is still too much. When I fought with him before, a pair of hands without armor, I actually had to share some strength to break free, I didn't think that the heavenly master would not give him a chance to get together.

And Guimian himself was also shocked.

Heavenly Master Zhang Shouyi’s power has long been heard, but until today, I didn’t really see it!

But at the next moment, the old heavenly master smiled slightly, waved his hand, and the air current flame expanded in an instant, directly shaking the evil ghost's two hands out! For a moment, the evil spirit's chest widened, and the heavenly master jumped down and went straight to the evil spirit's chest and abdomen.

There was an inexplicable burst of fear in Guimian's heart, and he did not dare to have a fluke. He stood sideways in front of his left foot and behind his right foot, and opened his posture. With both hands together, another part was connected by a purple air current between his palms. , And with the action he took in the next moment, it turned into a purple ball of light and smashed into the heavenly master.

The celestial master didn't take it seriously at all. He stretched out his right hand, not a palm or a fist, but... a snap.

That's right, just snap your fingers! The belly of the thumb touched the **** and aimed at the ball of light. As soon as the thumb was lifted, one finger flicked over.


The purple ball that was two laps bigger than basketball was shot by him, and it was scattered...


The ghost face shrank and abdomen, as if it had received a heavy blow, immediately retreated three steps, and couldn't hold back a gulp of blood.

And the old heavenly master, probably did not expect that the ball of light could spread so much power after it exploded, and quickly stopped the forward momentum, flicked the sleeves of the robe, and then resisted the raging force with his palm strength, steady Standing firmly on the ground.

"Damn it! Go!"

Guimian saw that the old heavenly master broke his own attack so easily, and he was a little frightened and angry, and he was also pinching the magic formula, and suddenly four black angers appeared on his body.

"this is……"

As soon as the old heavenly master saw this posture, he finally frowned, and he didn't wait to say anything. The four black qi seemed to be pulling something in the air, and an invisible force merged into the black qi.

In the next moment, the black energy suddenly expanded and turned into a human form!

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