Rebuilding The Kingdom Of Whirlpool And Exploding Troops At The Start Gotei 13

Chapter 100 Invite The Kingdom Of Whirlpool To Join The Ninja Alliance!

"Seal it down, Black Winged Demon!"

Ulquiorra finished speaking.

Black raindrops suddenly fell from the sky of the Kingdom of Thunder.

The Cloud Shinobi raised their heads inexplicably, and when raindrops fell on them, they suddenly felt their bodies sink~.

With a bang, he fell to his knees on the ground, and his eyes suddenly became frightened.

No matter how hard they try, they can't lift their ears!

The whole person seemed to be locked to the ground.

My whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

The pressure on their bodies seemed to crush their bodies!

Even the movement of Chakra is much slower!

Eight Tails Gyūki's eyes widened.

When these raindrops fell on it, it also gave him a heavy feeling.

Fortunately, it easily broke away from the pressure.

"This guy......"

Eight Tails Gyūki was secretly shocked.

Just one transformation can trigger such a change that is like a celestial phenomenon?!

It couldn't help but look at Ulquiorra.

A pair of big black wings that could cover the sky grew out of Ulquiorra's back.

Wearing a white jumpsuit, a two-horned helmet, and his black nails turned into long claws.

The tear stains on his face seemed to become deeper and thicker.

A terrifying aura came from Ulquiorra.

Eight Tails Gyūki's eyes became serious.

This amazing momentum...


The time ahead is not going to be easy.

Just as it seems.

Ulquiorra's eyes were calm and her hands buzzed.

A green light gun was caught in his hand.

Eight Tails Gyūki was heartbroken and launched an attack without waiting for Ulquiorra to take the first step!

With ink wrapped around its tail, it attacks Ulquiorra again!


Green light flashed by.

Eight Tails Gyūki's expression was stunned for a moment, and then he felt pain in his tail!

The octopus tail fell from the sky with a bang!

A green light gun nailed its tail to the ground!

Before Eight Tails Gyūki could react.

Six more green light guns arrived in an instant, pinning the rest of the octopus tail waving in the air to the ground.

Eight Tails Gyūki's expression changed and he twitched his tail hard.

I found that every time I exerted force, the place where the light gun was inserted would feel a burning and tearing pain.

Eight Tails Gyūki's face darkened.

Can't move!

Ulquiorra's eyes were cold, now looking down at it from above.

Stretch out your index finger, and a touch of green condenses from your fingertips!

It’s broken! It’s a target!

Eight Tails Gyūki's heart tightened.

Seeing Ulquiorra raise her hand, it knew that Ulquiorra was going to do it again.

However, this time the energy at his fingertips is obviously more powerful than last time!

Eight Tails Gyūki opened his mouth, and a highly concentrated black energy ball gathered.

Eight Tails Gyūki stretched his neck forward and swallowed the Tailed Beast Bomb into his mouth!


The next second, the black and green columns collided!

A huge explosion exploded from between them!!

The earth was wiped out instantly!!

Cloud Shinobi, who was pressed to the ground by the black Reiatsu raindrops, had horror in his eyes, and his body tried his best to get up and stay away from this terrifying battlefield!

But no matter how hard they try, the pressure is still pressing on them!

In the end, they could only watch helplessly as the light of the explosion engulfed them!!

Wait for the afterglow of the explosion to dissipate.

On the entire battlefield, except for Ulquiorra and Eight Tails Gyūki.

Apart from Yammy who was watching from the wall and Adjuchas at his feet, there was no other living person.

The power of Tailed Beast Bomb and Cero turns everything nearby into nothingness.

Eight Tails Gyūki couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the green beam was counteracted.

Just as he was about to make a move, he found that the light gun inserted into his tail still hadn't dissipated.

His pupils shrank and he was shocked!

This thing was not destroyed by the explosion caused by the Tailed Beast Bomb!

At this moment, Ulquiorra said: "It seems that you are very excited to just offset Cero to this extent!"

Eight Tails Gyūki suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Suddenly he raised his head and looked upward at Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra did not lower his index finger, but continued to gather energy.

Eight Tails Gyūki immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

What did you think it was?

It turns out to be this energy beam again!

With its infinite Chakra, even countless kinds of energy beams can come back.

It can all be counteracted by Tailed Beast Bomb.

Eight Tails Gyūki didn't hesitate either.

Open your mouth again and reunite the Tailed Beast Bomb.

The black energy ball was still swallowed by it.

Launch towards Ulquiorra!

At the same time, Ulquiorra’s Cero was also launched.

What makes Eight Tails Gyūki wonder is, why is the energy beam black this time?

But there was no time for him to think.

Ulquiorra's expression was calm and he said: "Cero!"


The next moment, two equally black energy beams collided again.

There was still no accident, and the ground between them was blown away again.

The pit beneath your feet has become even deeper after repeated abuses!

The Eight Tails Gyūki King was still deadlocked with the energy beam, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought there was something special about changing the name and color?

It turns out it's still the same as before...

Eight Tails Gyūki was unconcerned.

But soon.

His eyes suddenly widened.

The black Cero suddenly expanded.

Submerge all his Tailed Beast Bombs!

He even shot towards it without losing any strength.

How can it be?!

Eight Tails Gyūki subconsciously exclaimed.

It was obvious that there was a stalemate before, but why did it suddenly gain the upper hand?

Even swallowed its Tailed Beast Bomb?

But Black Cero didn't give him time to think.

In the next second, his entire upper body was penetrated!

Not even the earth behind it was spared!!


A violent earthquake breaks out in the Land of Thunder!

Black Cero's explosions spread for thousands of miles, and the land was turbulent!

Like an earth dragon surging under the ground!!

There was dust everywhere in Li Zhiguo.

Only the lower half of Eight Tails Gyūki's body is left.

The upper body is also a giant circular cavity, as well as some wreckage.

Ulquiorra's eyes flashed, staring at the ruined Kingdom of Thunder.

The king's mission should be considered completed now, right?

His eyes flickered slightly, and occasionally he could see a few surviving figures running around for honey.

Ulquiorra did not pursue them and kill them all.

He is not a Hollow who kills indiscriminately.

"Let the remaining survivors be dealt with by other virtual beings."

A black void suddenly opened behind Ulquiorra.

"Let's go, Kizo."

The words fell.

The figures of Ulquiorra and Yammy disappeared over the Kingdom of Thunder.

As for the Adjuchas at their feet, they stayed behind and continued to destroy the destroyed Kingdom of Thunder and the survivors.


Under ruins.

A pair of hands stretched out from the ground.

And then quickly.

Scoop up nearby gravel.

Climbed out from under the rubble.

After he came out, he pulled another person out from underneath.

This is Burubi who has come to the battlefield.

Blubi's bandage was dyed red.

He was already seriously injured, but his injuries became even more serious due to the impact of Black Cero.

After seeing the scene of the Kingdom of Thunder, his eyes couldn't stop trembling.

Holding his hands on the gravel.

He lay on the ground and said in disbelief: "This, this is the Kingdom of Thunder?!"

"How, how could it be! He was obviously fine just now! He was still fine just now..."

It's just a blink of an eye.

How could the Kingdom of Thunder be like this?!

He opened his mouth and became dizzy.

I just find it difficult to breathe.

"The Kingdom of Thunder is completely destroyed..."

He was in a low mood and couldn't stop feeling sad.

The Kingdom of Thunder, which was one of the five major countries half a month ago, was destroyed just by saying so...

He recalled the scene before the collapse.

There is a man with wings fighting Eight Tails.

After the Tailed Beast Bomb collided with the black energy pillar, the Kingdom of Thunder suddenly became like this.

What exactly happened at that time?

Eight Tails…

"Yes! Eight Tails!!"

Burubi stood up staggeringly.

Look for any trace of Eight Tails.

When he saw a figure that looked like a giant octopus, his face lit up with joy.

As long as Eight Tails is still alive, as long as Eight Tails is still alive!

As long as he can become Eight Tails Jinchūriki!

There is still a chance for everything!

The Kingdom of Thunder will surely be rebuilt!

Just like the country of whirlpool!

His face immediately froze in place.

Because he could see clearly how miserable Eight Tails was at this moment.

Eight octopus tails on the lower body were nailed to the ground by green light guns.

The upper body is missing a cylindrical opening!


Is this really Eight Tails?

Eight Tails…

He was beaten like this?


Burubi swallowed, feeling that his throat was very dry.

That man with wings is not even a match for Eight Tails?!

How terrible is the power to turn Eight Tails into a team like this?!

Bu Rubi was extremely desperate, and a deep sense of powerlessness enveloped him.

What to do? What should he do?

Who will tell him how to save the Kingdom of Thunder!!!


Burubi could no longer hold on and knelt on the ground again.

Drop by drop, tears fell from the eyes.

Wet the gravel beneath you.


The ninja who brought him here seemed to have seen something incredible.

Burubi looked up and saw Eight Tails' body suddenly turned into a puff of smoke.

A doubled-sized Eight Tails appeared in front of them.

The difference is that only four of the eight tails behind him are left.

Survive by docking your tail!!

Eight Tails' special abilities!

Each tail can withstand a critical critical damage.

But what makes it frightening is.

The blow just now consumed all four of its tails!

To put it simply, that black Cero has already killed it four times!!

If it gets hit again, it will die completely and will only see you again in fifty years.

…Please give me flowers…

It touched the non-existent cold sweat on its head.

Heartfelt feeling.

Damn it, this ninja world is too dangerous!

Senju Hashirama with a dozen nine-tailed beasts in front.

Now there is a Hollow who can beat tailed beasts!

Six Paths Don’t touch it, old man


Take it back quickly, it doesn't want to stay in this ninja world anymore!

Being a tailed beast is too dangerous!

At this moment, a low shout suddenly came from behind it.

"Now, the amber bottle!!"

A strong suction force immediately twisted Eight Tails, and then sucked it straight into the amber bottle.

Holy shit! Six Paths old man, you’ve done all the bad things!!

Even if they were thrown into the ninja world, there were still so many artifacts against tailed beasts left behind!!


Successfully sealed Eight Tails into the amber bottle.

Burubi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This is already the only good news for the Kingdom of Thunder...

Burubi said with firm eyes: "Go back to Cloud Shinobi Village! Conduct the Eight Tails Jinchūriki experiment immediately!"

The ninja next to him opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

When they go back, will Cloud Shinobi Village still be there?

He looked at the ruined Kingdom of Thunder and felt a deep chill.

How could such a monster defeat them?

Soon, the news that the Kingdom of Thunder was destroyed by Xu spread throughout the ninja world!

Everyone was stunned!

A huge country!

Cloud Shinobi Village, the only one that could compete with Konoha, is gone?!

Of course, they also know that the high-end combat power of Cloud Shinobi Village has been taken over by the Country of Whirlpool.

But, after all, it is a huge country!

How could he be destroyed so quickly?!

Didn’t Xu just declare war?!

Only now do people in the ninja world understand that these so-called declarations of war are not just words!

They are serious!!

At this moment, they truly felt the cold fear!

Especially the destruction of the Kingdom of Thunder seemed to let them see their future ending.

No one ridiculed the destruction of the Kingdom of Thunder, but instead felt the sadness of sharing the same fate.

Ninja Alliance!

Yes, they also have a ninja alliance!!

"Humanity must win!"

At this moment, everyone began to pray.

I hope humanity can win!

They don't want to be like the Kingdom of Thunder, nor do they want to become food in Xu's mouth!

The other small ninja villages also realized the seriousness of the matter and began to respond to the alliance agreement of the three major ninja villages!

Facing a common crisis, the ninja world unanimously put aside their hatred and interests temporarily and jointly fought against their enemies.


At the same time, Two Scales Ohnoki and others also received news from the Kingdom of Thunder.

He couldn't help but frown.

too fast!

The Kingdom of Thunder was destroyed too quickly!!

It's impossible for their ninja coalition to support them so quickly!

There are obviously some Eight Tails, but it still fails to delay time?!

That Ulquiorra! Is she really that strong?!

The news from the Kingdom of Thunder made them understand that the real reason for the destruction of the Kingdom of Thunder was Ulquiorra who appeared at the meeting place of the Three Shadows!

They already knew how powerful Ulquiorra was!

But they didn't expect that Ulquiorra was more powerful than they imagined!!

Fortunately, Ulquiorra didn't know that Eight Tails also had the special ability to survive by cutting off its tails.

On the contrary, Eight Tails managed to survive.

Although its strength has been weakened by half, it is still a tailed beast after all.

Yes, it’s better than nothing!

At the same time, the Ninja Alliance, under the leadership of the three major ninja villages, once again sent an invitation to the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

Even if they are secretly planning how to bring about the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

But at least they didn't seem to be at odds.

What's more, facing the common crisis of the ninja world, as a member of the ninja world, the country of whirlpool is powerful.

It’s time to contribute to the ninja world!

Moreover, the Kingdom of Whirlpool is also an expert in dealing with the virtual.

With their strong strength and professional methods, if the Kingdom of Whirlpool can join the Ninja Alliance, they will be more confident.

The Kingdom of Whirlpool has vaguely stood at the top of the ninja world!

This powerful fighting force cannot be used in vain!

What's more, there is no matter about the Kingdom of Thunder this time. You can't let the Kingdom of Whirlpool continue to refuse, right?


They also have some small thoughts in mind.

Through this war, some behind-the-scenes operations may be a good opportunity to weaken the power of the Kingdom of Whirlpool!

Unlike Sarutobi Hiruzen, who only wanted to completely defeat the country of Uzumaki.

Third Kazekage and Two-Day Scale Onoki simply think that the Country of Whirlpool is too strong.

It broke the existing balance in the ninja world. They did not want to be swallowed up by the powerful Kingdom of Whirlpool, so they could only cooperate to weaken the strength of the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

But he didn't think about killing the country of whirlpool with one stroke.

Of course, if given the chance, they would never be merciful.

After all, the technologies of the Country of Whirlpool are indeed eye-catching.

Soon, the letter was delivered to the Country of Whirlpool.

Two Scales Onoki and others are looking forward to the response from the Country of Whirlpool.

If the Kingdom of Whirlpool can agree, it will definitely be good news for the Ninja Alliance.


The country of whirlpool only replied with one sentence.

"Go away, don't get involved!"

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