Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 136 Hey~ You Two Can’T Go Back~

Boruto picked up the turtle and asked with a speechless expression:

"By the way, who are you? Are you Urashiki's accomplice?"

Oogway Mechanical opened his mouth and said:

"I am a time-traveling Noble Phantasm, a plow. I do not have the concept of an accomplice as you call it, so I have no interest in Urashiki-sama. My mission is to perform time movement and convey the precautions after the movement."

Boruto was speechless: "This turtle is really old-fashioned in his speech."

Middle-aged Sasuke waved his hand: "Anything to note?"

Li Li said: "First of all, the fact that you are from the future cannot be revealed to people in the past. Especially you cannot interfere with anyone who has a close relationship with you."

Boruto asked: "What will happen if the identity is exposed or interference is made?"

Li: "It will have a huge impact on the future. The most serious thing is that one action you made in the past 733 era will change the future, so please act with caution.

Boruto: "Hey~"

Plow: “Please be fully prepared for the possibility that people or things in the future will disappear before you act.

Middle-aged Sasuke's expression changed and his expression became serious.

"Eh? This is the Ōtsutsuki family's setting for time travel?"

Suddenly a sudden voice sounded in front of the two people,

Boruto and middle-aged Sasuke subconsciously turned their heads in the direction of the sound.

But they saw Uchiha Shiyu grinning and raising his hands to greet them: "Yo~!"

What a head!

Their hairs stood on end as they jumped towards the roofs on both sides.

Sasuke looked at the visitor with a shocked expression.

I didn't even notice when the other party appeared!


Sasuke looked at Shiyu with a solemn expression and asked:

"Are you the time traveler Oogway talked about?"

Plow: "My name is Plow."

Shiyu smiled and nodded:

"Yes, I am the traveling butcher that Wugui mentioned.

Pineapple Head asked loudly:

"Do you also know about the Ōtsutsuki clan? Did they come from a future further forward than us?"

Shiyu touched his chin and smiled:

"No, no, no, I am not a time traveler, I am a space traveler, but time has dilated because of the distance.

Middle-aged Sasuke and Boruto were stunned: "Space travelers?"

Shiyu smiled evilly (aifi), pointed at the turtle, shook his head at middle-aged Sasuke and Boruto and said:

"Also, let me tell you a pitiful truth, that is, from the moment you return to the past, you will never be able to go back to your original world. If I am not wrong, this thing can only go back, but it can only go back. Not going to the future.”

Boruto and Sasuke's pupils shrank and they looked at the bastard in their hands in astonishment.

Plow opened his mouth and explained mechanically and without emotion:

"As long as I have enough Chakra, I can return to their original point in time!"

Sasuke and Boruto let out a sigh of relief at the same time. Wouldn't they be crazy if they were stuck in the past forever?

However, Shiyu's words directly poured cold water on them:

"Time has gone back, but what about space?"

Plow: "I don't understand what you mean."

Middle-aged Sasuke and Boruto also looked at Shiyu at the same time,

Shiyu clicked his tongue twice and slowly said to them:

"Have you ever heard of the grandfather paradox?"

"The time traveler went back in time and killed his grandfather who was not yet married at the time. Then, this would result in the time traveler himself never being born; but if the time traveler was never born, it would be impossible to go back in time and kill him. Kill your own grandfather."

"To put it simply, if Boruto kills Naruto now, then Boruto will not appear in the future. If Boruto will not appear, then how could he go back to the past and kill Naruto?"

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