Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 142: Stop Pretending, I Show My Cards, I Am Your Father.

"Tsunade-sama! This guy..."


Tsunade squinted and snorted coldly,

The two roots looked at each other and retreated.

Naruto excitedly rushed up and grabbed Boruto and shouted:

"What do you mean by what you just said? Do you know who my father is?!"

Uzumaki Boruto looked stunned,

He looked at the middle-aged Sasuke, then at Tsunade who seemed a little ashamed and murmured:

"Who is your father? Of course it's Fourth Hokage~ Namikaze Minato..."

Naruto let go of Boruto in confusion, turned his head stiffly to Tsunade and asked:

"Grandma Tsunade, is what he said true?"

Tsunade lowered his head in embarrassment,

If Sasuke doesn't appear in this future, she won't be able to expose Naruto's identity. After all, she is now quite shackled by Konoha.

The middle-aged Sasuke on the side said:

"Yes, Naruto, you are indeed the son of the Fourth Hokage and the son of a hero. You will also become a hero in the ninja world in the future."

Naruto looked up at Sasuke blankly: "Really?"

Boruto on the side patted Naruto on the shoulder with a speechless expression:

"Of course it's true, Dad, you will be Konoha's heartthrob in the future."

Naruto: "???"


Tsunade looked at Boruto speechlessly and realized that the two of them looked very similar.

Tsunade glanced at Shiyu again with a look of disgust on his face and said:

"When did you come from?"

Compared to Sasuke who asked himself to explain the situation thoroughly,

Shiyu, a guy who was so angry that he didn't pay for his life, made her even more angry.

Shiyu clicked his tongue: "It seems that you two have figured it out and are ready to completely change the world?"

Middle-aged Uchiha Sasuke nodded and said:

"Indeed, since it is certain that we cannot go back to the original world, then we should change this world to be more beautiful. There is no need to let the same people suffer the same pain."

Shiyu clicked his tongue and extended his thumb: "As expected of someone who has been tricked by others, his consciousness is high.

Middle-aged Sasuke: "???"

Middle-aged Sasuke stared at Shiyu and said:

"The only variable now is you. We have confessed our identity to Fifth Generation and plan to stay from this world."

0...Please give me flowers.

"But you are different. I hope you can tell us your purpose. I don't want to leave an unstable bomb in Konoha.

Uchiha Shiyu looked at Sasuke with a strange expression,

"Are you sure you want to know my identity?"

Sasuke lifted his hair to reveal the Rinnegan and threatened:

"I know you are very strong, but I am Uchiha Sasuke, one of the strongest ninjas in the future!"

Naruto on the side looked over in shock:

"What!? You're Sasuke?!"

Tsunade pouted at Boruto with a smirk on his face and said:

"More than that, he is your son, dear."

Naruto: "???"

Shiyu spread his hands helplessly, shook his head and sighed:

"Well, I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but I didn't expect that I would get you in exchange for being wary.

"In this case, I won't pretend anymore, I will show my cards."

Shiyu held up a photo with Uchiha Mikoto and Sasuke from his arms and handed it over and said:

"I'm your father."



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