Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 145: First, Stop Me From Rebelling

Shiyu ignored Tsunade who was full of sadness,

It's not like he's his little brother, and he still wants to take care of so many things.

Sasuke was shocked inside and out by Shiyu's words, and we were desperately struggling to survive.

Why does this B eat, drink and have fun all day long, and even flirt with his own mother?

"Don't be careless. How old was I in that world? Many enemies haven't come out yet. Let's talk about this Ōtsutsuki Ura-shiki. He can catch other people's chakra with a fishhook ninja. Once he catches the chakra, There is no choice but to be captured without hesitation.

"I advise you to go back to the original time quickly. Didn't you say you can't go back?"

Shiyu sipped the sake in his mouth and shook his head:

"Son, don't worry about your father and me. Our trump card is not something that a mere Ōtsutsuki can shake. Not to mention a small Ura-style, even the first one has to kneel and lick itself."

Sasuke's face turned dark:

"I'm not your son! And who is that one?"

Sasuke suddenly found that he, the person from the future, did not know as much as Shiyu, the person from the past.

Shiyu chuckled and said: "Sorry, I'm used to it. You should talk about your next plan. Since you want to change the future, are you ready to do it?"

Sasuke looked at Naruto, then sighed with a complicated expression and said:

"Then we need to stop Uchiha Sasuke's rebellion first."

Naruto was stunned when he heard this:

"Huh? You want to rebel?"

Middle-aged Sasuke sighed and said:

"Yes, according to the current time, 'I' should be rebelling soon."

Naruto frowned: "What do you mean?"

Tsunade's pretty face was slightly drunk and her face was red. She came closer and said loudly:

"Ha?! Who dares to rebel? Does he disobey my rule?!"

Sasuke looked at Tsunade who had already started to look up and frowned.

He explained to several people:

"I should be in the hospital now, right?"

Naruto nodded:

"Yes, because of the mission to the Country of Tea, I was injured by the Thunder God's Sword. I am still lying in the hospital. He is almost recovered. Originally, I planned to watch him come and go today, but Konohamaru pulled me over."

Having said this, Naruto looked at Boruto complicatedly,

Is this my own son?!

At this time, he was so nervous that he finally realized the reason why Boruto called him daddy.

Damn it, your son was bullied by Konohamaru?

Naruto suddenly felt unhappy in his heart,

This guy has been too ignorant recently. He used to block the door of Hokage's office, but now he is becoming more and more arrogant and domineering, just to let others call him Konohamaru-sama. Now in the village, people are disgusted with him.

Sasuke continued:

"`]Yes, it stands to reason that Naruto should visit me today, but I proposed to compete with Naruto."

Naruto was stunned: "What does this have to do with defection?"

Sasuke looked at Naruto deeply and said:

"Naruto, you are a genius. Do you still remember what that wandering ninja from the Land of Tea said?"

Naruto shook his head in surprise.

There was a trace of emotion on Sasuke's face:

"He said the rumors were true. The last survivor of the famous Uchiha clan in the Ninja Village was the most incompetent guy.

Shiyu nodded aside:

"Indeed, it's far worse than your sister."


"you shut up!".

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