Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 151: Can’T You Change The Way?


Tayuya suddenly looked in the direction of Shiyu.

The four people surrounded Shiyu with a swoosh.

Sakon looked at Shiyu, who was not wearing a ninja forehead protector, with contempt on his face.

"It's your fault that there's a screen in this place that's too busy to shit in the middle of the night."

Jirōbō frowned and emphasized again:

"We're not here to fight."

Tayuya glared at him and cursed again:

"It's so noisy, you weakling! Just kill this kind of miscellaneous fish."

Kidomaru waved his hand impatiently:

"Hurry up, it's a waste of time, kill him and go find Sasuke."

Jirōbō stood up and shook his head: "I'm obviously not here to fight. I'm sorry."

He rushed towards Shiyu suddenly, waved his fist and hit Shiyu hard.

The rest of the people raised their heads and looked around 003 on alert.

They still need to be cautious until they find Sasuke.

There was a muffled bang,

Kidomaru turned around and greeted:

"Okay, let's continue... Jirōbō?!"

At this time, Shiyu stepped on Jirōbō's head with an innocent look and said to Kidomaru and the others:

"Can't you find another way? It's hard for me to do this."

Jirōbō struggled desperately, but that foot was pressing on his head like a mountain, unable to move.

"Woo! Woo~!!"

Black curse marks began to appear on his body,

Shiyu felt that the strength on his feet was much stronger, but trying to break free was undoubtedly a fantasy.

Curse Seal is a kind of pseudo-Sage Mode, which can multiply the user's strength like a reverse spell.

But this does not mean invincibility. Jirōbō's strength is 100, and after a 10-fold increase, it is 1,000. However, Shiyu's basic strength is only one hundred thousand or one million. No matter how much he increases, it is impossible to catch up.

Although the fight in the anime was very exciting, in fact when these four people opened the second stage of the curse seal, they only fought two special Jōnin and one Shizune, and they beat themselves until they were out of breath.

"Who are you!?"

Kidomaru looked at Shiyu in shock, knowing that Jirōbō was the strongest among them.

But at this time, Jirōbō couldn’t even struggle to open the curse seal?!

Shiyu chuckled and said:

"Uchiha Shiyu, he is a businessman, please don't move."

Shiyu pressed his feet hard, and Jirōbō was instantly embedded into the ground.

Go tell Orochimaru and send Kabuto over to understand the situation and do some business with him. "

The most irritable Tayuya showed an angry look on his face:

"How dare you talk to Orochimaru-sama like that!"

The curse mark also appeared on her body, and the curse mark was even expanding and approaching the second stage!

However, she just blinked, and Shiyu on the ground had disappeared.

The next second, she felt a sharp pain in her butt, and then her whole body flew to the ground like a cannonball to be with Jirōbō.

The power of the curse seal that was finally gathered disappeared.

Sakon and Kidomaru looked at Shiyu in horror,

Their intuition told them that the strength of the man in front of them was probably more terrifying than Orochimaru-sama!

Shiyu clapped his hands and shook his head:

"It comes from a girl's house. She talks dirty words and no one wants her."

Kidomaru twitched the corner of his mouth, not daring to make any rebuttal.

p.s. Because I am on a double day, I am going to take my son to watch a movie in the evening. I may not be able to finish writing, so I will go to watch Porco Rosso.

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